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Hi Bioware-- Feedback from a player taking a *break*


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Hello Bioware & community,


First, congratulations on the success of SWTOR- it's pretty nifty & ambitious.


Some things i like:


1. The questing & voice acting. Some of this is -really- awesome. Particularly on the Empire's side IMO. *One comment on voice acting* -- a lot of times between two NPC's talking or even between a different set of lines, it seems responses have too long of an unnatural pause making it feel less like a conversation and more like an odd scripted event. I think immersion would be greater if say two NPC's are speaking, they slightly speak over each other/cut each other off in a way that just sounds more... natural/real.


2. The animations-- Mostly all really really cool for spells. *might* consider making the turning animations better for when you hold down right mouse and pan your camera, your character kinda just.. pivots around in a silly way.


3. Story lines-- pretty epic, though sometimes odd if you go down the an evil or light alignment.




Then there is the bad.


1. The lack of Server Specific Forums -- This feature is a *key* community builder-- Without this function, after reaching level 50 and getting very geared, i still do NOT feel like i have gotten to know my community, the guilds on my server, or many of the other players. -- The only exception here is that i DO know the other PVPers as i play against them regularly and do enjoy that community. I applaud that rather than open cross realm (community killing) BGs, you have gone a different route.


2. Daily Quests-- This is a TIRED system in my opinion. It feels monotonous and every time you log on to do a "daily" quest it feels as though you're punching in your time card for work. There is a lot of room for innovative and creative ways to keep players logging in day to day, please don't accept the status quo other games use.


3. Optimization- This game should be running MUCH better than it is on my system and on many others like it. My computer is up to date and very very fast. --- I still get -decent- performance, but when i get spikes it just feels wrong and annoying.


4. Bioware- you're being too tolerant to cheaters. I have spoken to people who have allegedly duplicated credits only to receive a short time week ban and KEEP the duplicated cash.

I have spoken to players who KNOWINGLY exploited Ilum to gain ranks 30-60 in a day with no repercussions. This spits on legit players achievements either ranking up in pvp or otherwise.


In general, it feels as though there is room for so much creativity and innovation in the MMORPG market, particularly with a StarWars franchise, yet a lot of decisions instead went a "safe" boring tried & tested route found in many other MMO's already in the market, limiting this games niche appeal to the storylines/voice acting & delivery of quests, while putting other gameplay related aspects on the backburner.


Anyways-- i'm still suggesting this game to most of my friends with a disclaimer that they will enjoy it most by playing it as an *enhanced* single player game with the options to group for flashpoints/ops and pvp.


Ill come back in a month or two when i'm ready to see another classes story-line - but some of the things that bugged me above will keep me from ever becoming a -long- term customer. -- Hopefully the game will evolve/mature in the years to come, i will check back from time to time;)


This thread is composed entirely of my own opinion- hence it being marked as personal feedback.

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Taking a Break - Cancelled Sub, won't pay to play anymore.


will follow online chatter about "pro's" and "con's" in the MMO community - waiting to see if SWTOR is revamped sufficiently to merit any reconsideration.


the game is BORING at 50, and BORING with alt's ... very limited and absolutely messed up PVP sytem.


it was a fun single-player storyline, but that is the extent of it.


flamers can have their say...but, that doesn't change the truth of the NON-MMO reality of SWTOR.


good luck to you all :)

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Hello Bioware & community,


First, congratulations on the success of SWTOR- it's pretty nifty & ambitious.


Some things i like:


1. The questing & voice acting. Some of this is -really- awesome. Particularly on the Empire's side IMO. *One comment on voice acting* -- a lot of times between two NPC's talking or even between a different set of lines, it seems responses have too long of an unnatural pause making it feel less like a conversation and more like an odd scripted event. I think immersion would be greater if say two NPC's are speaking, they slightly speak over each other/cut each other off in a way that just sounds more... natural/real.


2. The animations-- Mostly all really really cool for spells. *might* consider making the turning animations better for when you hold down right mouse and pan your camera, your character kinda just.. pivots around in a silly way.


3. Story lines-- pretty epic, though sometimes odd if you go down the an evil or light alignment.




Then there is the bad.


1. The lack of Server Specific Forums -- This feature is a *key* community builder-- Without this function, after reaching level 50 and getting very geared, i still do NOT feel like i have gotten to know my community, the guilds on my server, or many of the other players. -- The only exception here is that i DO know the other PVPers as i play against them regularly and do enjoy that community. I applaud that rather than open cross realm (community killing) BGs, you have gone a different route.


2. Daily Quests-- This is a TIRED system in my opinion. It feels monotonous and every time you log on to do a "daily" quest it feels as though you're punching in your time card for work. There is a lot of room for innovative and creative ways to keep players logging in day to day, please don't accept the status quo other games use.


3. Optimization- This game should be running MUCH better than it is on my system and on many others like it. My computer is up to date and very very fast. --- I still get -decent- performance, but when i get spikes it just feels wrong and annoying.


4. Bioware- you're being too tolerant to cheaters. I have spoken to people who have allegedly duplicated credits only to receive a short time week ban and KEEP the duplicated cash.

I have spoken to players who KNOWINGLY exploited Ilum to gain ranks 30-60 in a day with no repercussions. This spits on legit players achievements either ranking up in pvp or otherwise.


In general, it feels as though there is room for so much creativity and innovation in the MMORPG market, particularly with a StarWars franchise, yet a lot of decisions instead went a "safe" boring tried & tested route found in many other MMO's already in the market, limiting this games niche appeal to the storylines/voice acting & delivery of quests, while putting other gameplay related aspects on the backburner.


Anyways-- i'm still suggesting this game to most of my friends with a disclaimer that they will enjoy it most by playing it as an *enhanced* single player game with the options to group for flashpoints/ops and pvp.


Ill come back in a month or two when i'm ready to see another classes story-line - but some of the things that bugged me above will keep me from ever becoming a -long- term customer. -- Hopefully the game will evolve/mature in the years to come, i will check back from time to time;)


This thread is composed entirely of my own opinion- hence it being marked as personal feedback.



Agree overall with the OP first good review as I dont have the game as some reviews say, but its not all it should be either.

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Taking a Break - Cancelled Sub, won't pay to play anymore.


will follow online chatter about "pro's" and "con's" in the MMO community - waiting to see if SWTOR is revamped sufficiently to merit any reconsideration.


the game is BORING at 50, and BORING with alt's ... very limited and absolutely messed up PVP sytem.


it was a fun single-player storyline, but that is the extent of it.


flamers can have their say...but, that doesn't change the truth of the NON-MMO reality of SWTOR.


good luck to you all :)


your post log is a really interesting one. you went from ZOMG I LUVZT DIS GAME. to


yeah this game pretty much sucks PEACE!


you MMO folk are a pretty quick crowd. lol a game must have an end.. there's no such thing as infinite entertainment. Even a randomized system like that in GW2 will eventually repeat itself.


Because its the same system they have in Skyrim and their infinite game play is just you fetching the same flower every 45 quest later for the same person.

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your post log is a really interesting one. you went from ZOMG I LUVZT DIS GAME. to


yeah this game pretty much sucks PEACE!


you MMO folk are a pretty quick crowd. lol a game must have an end.. there's no such thing as infinite entertainment. Even a randomized system like that in GW2 will eventually repeat itself.


Because its the same system they have in Skyrim and their infinite game play is just you fetching the same flower every 45 quest later for the same person.


Um...The whole idea of an MMO is it doesn't end. While it may not be 'infinite', MMOs need progression to stay relevant. I think the issue some have here is progression stops pretty quickly.

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I canceled my sub because PVE is boring end game.


Hard Mode flashpoints are just normal mode with rage timers. The daily quests are not interesting enough to do.


I was spending too much time in the game world experiencing the same content. PVP was fun though. I liked that a lot.


More of a single player rpg person myself and I just can't get excited about sinking in hundreds of hours to beat rage timers. There aren't many games ever that have kept me interested for an entire 2 months. :D

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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Um...The whole idea of an MMO is it doesn't end. While it may not be 'infinite', MMOs need progression to stay relevant. I think the issue some have here is progression stops pretty quickly.


then there's that unrealistic foundation that all content must be added to a game currently in development?


using that analogy a game can never actually leave the development stage because every year its in development is another year the competition releases more content.


thus the perpetual cycle that development never ends because all new content must be added to compensate for the content added to the competitors game.


I say this. Like this. Because People compare wow Circa 2012 to SWTOR Circa 2012

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then there's that unrealistic foundation that all content must be added to a game currently in development?


using that analogy a game can never actually leave the development stage because every year its in development is another year the competition releases more content.


thus the perpetual cycle that development never ends because all new content must be added to compensate for the content added to the competitors game.


You just described MMOs.

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You just described MMOs.


which means you agree with me. its impossible for an MMO to ever launch with 96 minor instances and 100 major instances.


the money would dry up faster than a worm in the desert. before any game was released. simply because it never left the development stage to see the light of day.


people gotta wait for the content to be added. it'll never all just be there. unless you play a single player game. meant for single player.

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your post log is a really interesting one. you went from ZOMG I LUVZT DIS GAME. to


yeah this game pretty much sucks PEACE!


you MMO folk are a pretty quick crowd. lol a game must have an end.. there's no such thing as infinite entertainment. Even a randomized system like that in GW2 will eventually repeat itself.


Because its the same system they have in Skyrim and their infinite game play is just you fetching the same flower every 45 quest later for the same person.



Sorry mate..but this can't happen after nearly 3 months of a game. Sorry, everyone got opinions but sometimes opinions are strange to understand.

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Solid post. Good luck on it being accepted and/or not flammed..


Thanks ;p-


Seems to be okay-- most the people posting are having their own side conversation anyways ;p


Edit: Spelling -- damn keyboard misses keystrokes far too often.

Edited by Diabloplayer
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Solid post. Agree with you on every point and will add a couple:


Replayability isn't as good as I thought it might be because the only truly new content is the class quest, and that's, what, 10% of the content or less? So play 1 Empire and 1 Republic and then replayability way too grindy to be fun.


I'm the sort of person that doesn't mind (actually, enjoys) running instances. WoW's dungeon finder was the second best MMO invention ever, IMO (moddable UI being the first). It sucks that I have to sit around Fleet using General chat to find a group in this game. So much wasted time.

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Um...The whole idea of an MMO is it doesn't end. While it may not be 'infinite', MMOs need progression to stay relevant. I think the issue some have here is progression stops pretty quickly.


Not only does it stop quickly - it has no variety so alts are even more boring. Linear planet progression during the leveling process was a TERRIBLE idea.

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My wife and I will also both be canceling our subs shortly, oh well, looks like i will go back and hack on deathwing for a bit until GW2 comes out...


SWTOR will stay on my radar however, I want to see if they will make the several key changes that will make the game tolerable, also i will be watching for when it goes F2P.

Edited by Grashopa
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Solid post. Agree with you on every point and will add a couple:


Replayability isn't as good as I thought it might be because the only truly new content is the class quest, and that's, what, 10% of the content or less? So play 1 Empire and 1 Republic and then replayability way too grindy to be fun.


I'm the sort of person that doesn't mind (actually, enjoys) running instances. WoW's dungeon finder was the second best MMO invention ever, IMO (moddable UI being the first). It sucks that I have to sit around Fleet using General chat to find a group in this game. So much wasted time.


Ah good point-- i have not run the flashpoints due to the fact that i just can't be bothered to find groups for them. *Though* at least to me- having sever specific forums would have helped with this.

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