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Illum is a joke


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No, I like world pvp... in fact I LOVE world pvp.


What SWTOR attempts to do, isn't world pvp.


Yes it is.

What part of big groups of players, with no population caps, in one area, killing each other, isn't world PvP?

The real issue is that incentivized world PvP simply doesn't work anymore because of population issues

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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Yes it is.

What part of big groups of players, with no population caps, in one area, killing each other, isn't world PvP?

The real issue is that incentivized world PvP simply doesn't work anymore because of population issues


If I have to explain what is wrong with Illum and how it really isn't world pvp, then the point is lost on you.


I understand you may like it in it's current state but I am fairly sure it will take more than 15 dollars a month to keep SWTOR running and the majority of the people have spoken out about the issues with World pvp, Illum and well pvp in general.

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I can deal with all the complaints brought up in this topic about Ilum/world pvp if only they JUST OPTIMIZE IT BETTER!!! I hate watching powerpoint presentations every time there are more than 10 people around fighting. Cant even upgrade my computer because apparently even high spec ones struggle running it and would just be wasting money. :mad:
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On Jung Ma we've had some excellent moments with our republic turrets when out numbered. I let myself get pulled, used my AOE stun ran up while I was getting heals pulled most of their group forward to try nad kill me, while a Shadow came behind them and got on the turret and killed them all ( about a full raid of them when we were at about 10ish ).


It's been genuinely fun most of the time.

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Oh I enjoyed Wintergrasp and Tol Barad, because it was balanced. Ilum isn't.


Wait what?! Wintergrasp was pure garbage tenacity helped exactly zero/nada since the players would just get CCed into oblivion.

Also most of the time you were fighting siege machines instead of players.


Tol Barad balanced? 2 months bridge exploit and 1800 honor for that so people could fully gear up in mere hours while otherwise you needed at least 3-4 weeks?


Please get real.

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Wait what?! Wintergrasp was pure garbage tenacity helped exactly zero/nada since the players would just get CCed into oblivion.

Also most of the time you were fighting siege machines instead of players.


Tol Barad balanced? 2 months bridge exploit and 1800 honor for that so people could fully gear up in mere hours while otherwise you needed at least 3-4 weeks?


Please get real.


Still, those were better than Illum because pvp actually happened.

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Yeah dude I totally understand, although I'm an imperial.

Looting arnaments with 40 other people in one area sucks, and trying to kill some republics 40v1 is soo lame and boring.

I just don't understand why the empire is so popular....

They need to rethink ilum entirely, cos looting arnaments can only be done at early hours in the morning, and the pvp combat in ilum.....

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If you remember Wintergrasp at first didn't have the 1 to 1 ration and it wasn't all that fun when the other side dominated the zone all the time.


So unlike Bioware, Blizzard actually learned from that mistake and corrected it making it much more fair and fun.


And Wintergrasp PVP was no where near the slide show this crap is, with superior numbers, on much lesser spec'd machines.


Really, Bioware, please fix this mess.

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And Wintergrasp PVP was no where near the slide show this crap is, with superior numbers, on much lesser spec'd machines.


Really, Bioware, please fix this mess.


I agree the performance is in need of helping big time.


Just never seen such a fail by such a reputable well funded company...I mean it's staggering.

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This game is broken, they failled and its going down.

Too late Bioware, its already too late...


This isn't someone who wants a game to be fixed or someone who even wanted the game to do well. This is clearly someone who wanted the game to fail from the start. Let me guess, WoW fan? GW2? No, its never too late especially when the game has been out a month. lulz


Sorry kid but the game will be fine so go rage about it on whatever game you came from. Mark my words, this game will be around a year from now and the subscriber base will be larger. Cry about it, kid.

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i'm seeing the "this is OW PvP" response...it's garbage.


the community ruins OW PvP. therefore, it is BW's responsibility to cull the mess that is OW PvP.


gone are the days of 3v3, 4v4 OW PvP. OW objectives that are a requirement for gear/lewtz is the DOOM of OW PvP.


OW PvP should be simply: an OW enviornment that gives PvP'rs a large, strategic place to engage in fun and SLIGHTLY rewarding PvP.


when it becomes gear based, it loses it's meaning. basketball is 5v5. let's say the NBA says you can allow an unlimited amount of players on the court to compete for the championship. gone will be 5v5...


REMOVE OW PvP counting towards anything except Valor. if you want to continue with OW PvP counting towards weekly/daily rewards, you MUST impliment a level playfield...ie.e wintergrasp scenario.


Warzones are intended for balance, and should be the only way (minus the leveled OW PvP scenario) that should count towards gear/rewards. (or arenas)


you will NEVER achieve OW PvP fun/balance as long as gear/rewards are the focus...it almost encourages ganking, cowardice, uneven #'s.


which, btw, i am BOYCOTTING until it is fixed. (VR67 Assassin, 1st BM on server, 3rd VR65 on server)


it's lost all its fun and meaning :(

Edited by T-Assassin
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Are you boycotting it, or are you simply not being rewarded for your time? To me, someone who's already reaped all the rewards of something and then starts "boycotting it" (you're VR67) is making a fairly empty gesture.


If there was some sort of reward for VR 70, would your boycott suddenly end? I ask because one of the posters brought up a valid point:


Most failed part of Ilum is that once you ding v60 you only go there to farm daily/weekly (unless you wanna more PvP titles at 70/80/90/100). You get nothing there except valor, not even legacy exp or some credits.
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There are some really good ideas out there on how to essentially fix/spread out Ilum. Once Ilum is fixed and they throw in a couple more WZ's + ranking system (that has some cool benefits) the PVP in this game will be fun.


It really isnt THAT broken.


Yeah I also really hope they address the CC in the game too.

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