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The reason I love being able to leave WZs with no penalty


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I'm would like to make a case for Bioware NOT implementing a deserter debuff. Usually if I leave a WZ I'm doing it for one reason...


I am not enjoying myself and having a 'fun' time.


At first it may not seem like a very good reason, but let me assure you it makes a lot of sense. This is a game after all, and enjoying it is why we all play. Adding debuff to leaving WZs is a bad idea. Its a hack fix at best and accomplishes nothing. At best deserters will just AFK; and I'm sure for every counter measure you can come up with people will find a way around it.


Lets consider the reasons most people are in WZs to begin with...


1. Complete dailies

2. Gain Valor


Instead of punishing lets think about rewarding instead; it will be 10x as effective.


1. Add a valor/credit/exp boost for finishing out WZs, the buff would grow as you stuck around through more WZs and reset back to zero if you abandoned them.

2. Group players who don't drop WZs in the same instances.

3. Add an option for people who don't drop WZs to not queue for WZs in progress.

4. Change the way the daily works, instead of requiring 3 wins require 30 medals to complete.


These things are simple and don't make the game any less enjoyable for anybody.


IMHO the better fix here is to solve the problem of why people are dropping WZs to begin with.

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I have never left a wz due to the fact that theres no point, if you lose you lose. So what if youre teamates suck, you probably do too but are far too amazing a player to realise.

I suck at it as im lv 50 and didnt (my fault) realise I needed to really play before 50 to get all the armour etc id need when going in. So now im pretty much getting spanked all over but hey ho its part of the fun

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I want those leavers that often make me loose to suffer a penalty, period.


If that's the case your no better of a person than they are. Why should it matter to you what other people do? If your enjoying the game less because of how other people are playing I'm sorry, but "your doing it wrong".

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I'm would like to make a case for Bioware NOT implementing a deserter debuff. Usually if I leave a WZ I'm doing it for one reason...


I am not enjoying myself and having a 'fun' time.


At first it may not seem like a very good reason, but let me assure you it makes a lot of sense. This is a game after all, and enjoying it is why we all play. Adding debuff to leaving WZs is a bad idea. Its a hack fix at best and accomplishes nothing. At best deserters will just AFK; and I'm sure for every counter measure you can come up with people will find a way around it.


Lets consider the reasons most people are in WZs to begin with...


1. Complete dailies

2. Gain Valor


Instead of punishing lets think about rewarding instead; it will be 10x as effective.


1. Add a valor/credit/exp boost for finishing out WZs, the buff would grow as you stuck around through more WZs and reset back to zero if you abandoned them.

2. Group players who don't drop WZs in the same instances.

3. Add an option for people who don't drop WZs to not queue for WZs in progress.

4. Change the way the daily works, instead of requiring 3 wins require 30 medals to complete.


These things are simple and don't make the game any less enjoyable for anybody.


IMHO the better fix here is to solve the problem of why people are dropping WZs to begin with.



I agree with this. The people that quit now because they aren't being put into a fair position will just AFK.


The dailies mean winning is way more important than participation. If you're trying to gear up (if you're behind, or you're competitive) the best option is to leave a losing game right now.


Combine that will all of the bugs and exploits, 12vs8, 8vs5, voidstar door, speedhacking in Huttball, joining a game where you're already down 3-0, or 5-0 and getting farmed, and adding a deserter debuff is a complete joke.

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lol I'm not leaving because I think people care, I'm leaving because this game isn't worth $15 a month to keep playing. You can wave off what I say all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm right.


lol...you're not right...your pathetic.


Plenty of us have issues with the state of PvP atm however the vast majority do not resort to childish behaviour like yours.


Dont think the game is worth a tenner a month? Fine, dont play...but dont try and dess up your emo childish behaviour as anything other than what it is...


It is not a response to a lack of development focus or bug fixing, its a direct result of the sheer level of self entitlement you have and an indication of your personal level of maturity. Nothing more.


Have fun, bads with attitudes like yours are not conducive to good gaming, be that in video games or any sport for that matter...you'll understand that when you grow up...



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I want those leavers that often make me loose to suffer a penalty, period.




There's no penalty in simply going AFK instead of leaving. Except to the rest of the team. They'll suffer a penalty.

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Originally Posted by Sarnum

I want those leavers that often make me loose to suffer a penalty, period.


Really can't believe that Bioware would implement a change just to please ignorant, *****y children like this.


Way to prove that you're going to cater to the lowest common denominator at every turn.

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What I love is these posts where quitters justify leaving games like it's anything beyond being a selfish, entitled baby. It's like looking into the mind of someone with a mental illness.


You leave because everyone else on the team is "bad", yet contribute absolutely nothing yourself. Even if someone is running around fighting enemies nowhere near the objective someone on the other team has to be fighting them, so they're doing more than you are leaving an empty slot on your side.


Nine times out of ten, the people who habitually quit are by far the worst geared, least skilled players anyway (I've checked) who need to ride the coattails of an overpowered team to have a chance at winning. So I'm glad you're getting penalized.


You might as well just stop PvPing now altogether anyway. I can say with no doubt whatsoever noone will miss you. Win or lose, good player or bad, I've never heard after a match, "You know what would have made that so much better? That guy who quits all the time. He's great."

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The reason most people don't like deserters:


1) We know the deserter thought they were to good to be here with us.


2) The deserter is to good to be bothered to even attempt to share knowledge or information.


3) The deserter can't be bothered to help build up a structure of team work that would develop over time due to same server pvp.


4) The deserter only cares about the deserter.


5) They are deserters.


The good players who see this will mark it down and remember your name, not that you care, but just remember we do. And when you are in that hard fought near win situation, what we call a good fight, we may just remember and leave you to die.


When I say good player I don't only mean skill I mean integrity; ever heard of it? What about honor? Not the crap you get in WoW, but real old fashioned honor.

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I am disappointed they are putting a penalty because It is not fun being stuck with bads over and over, but of course I see the logic behind it. I will enjoy the last 2 months of not being forced to waste my time losing because my team is full of low levels and bads.


I heavily disagree with the penalty as well. However, it comes with WZ ratings, therefore, after a few matches, you should be matched with people of your skill level, in theory, so you shouldn't have any incentive to leave to begin with anymore.


Leaving a rated WZ must be punished as this time you don't just piss off team mates, you also make the whole team lose points.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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The dailies mean winning is way more important than participation. If you're trying to gear up (if you're behind, or you're competitive) the best option is to leave a losing game right now.



This really is simply not true. You get a pretty fair amount of commendations and valor even for losing. Unless you can immediately get into another game, you are actually slowing your progression and rate of gear acquisition by quitting.

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What I love is these posts where quitters justify leaving games like it's anything beyond being a selfish, entitled baby. It's like looking into the mind of someone with a mental illness.


You leave because everyone else on the team is "bad", yet contribute absolutely nothing yourself. Even if someone is running around fighting enemies nowhere near the objective someone on the other team has to be fighting them, so they're doing more than you are leaving an empty slot on your side.


Nine times out of ten, the people who habitually quit are by far the worst geared, least skilled players anyway (I've checked) who need to ride the coattails of an overpowered team to have a chance at winning. So I'm glad you're getting penalized.


You might as well just stop PvPing now altogether anyway. I can say with no doubt whatsoever noone will miss you. Win or lose, good player or bad, I've never heard after a match, "You know what would have made that so much better? That guy who quits all the time. He's great."

This describes every pretentious, spineless WZ quitter.


+1 For the truth.

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When I say good player I don't only mean skill I mean integrity; ever heard of it? What about honor? Not the crap you get in WoW, but real old fashioned honor.


Take it to your damn pillow at night instead of bringing it here.


1. This is a video game, it's a luxury item that we all pay for, if we want the right to leave a game that we view as either a loss (that we may not have even contributed to if we joined after SOMEONE ELSE LEFT) or possibly even with people that insult/harass us or others. We shouldn't be punished for that just because you're whiny and entitled to *FORCING* someone to play in a game that could be frustrating or upsetting to them. How is that fair?


2. This isn't your college football team, I should not be punished just because someone with a false sense of what "Honor" means wants to win one for the gipper and give it the good old college try! Thats pathetic, and if I am being forced to satisfy your warped sense of honor, then thats just as selfish in every way as me leaving because I don't want to waste my time on you. Thats ********.


3. What all of this "leavers made me lose" ******** amounts to, is that you, and other people, lost a game, it's funny that you point out the misguided notion that "leavers think everyone else on the team is a bad" but then you point the finger at leavers for every loss you've ever accumulated. Pot, meet kettle, you are hypocritical, whiny, and entitled, every bit as selfish as any leaver I've ever seen.


In conclusion. People that complain about leavers and blame them for their FAIL, you're every bit as bad, if not worse. I'm sure most of your future games will be losses regardless of game attendance. :) Enjoy them.

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Take it to your damn pillow at night instead of bringing it here.


1. This is a video game, it's a luxury item that we all pay for, if we want the right to leave a game that we view as either a loss (that we may not have even contributed to if we joined after SOMEONE ELSE LEFT) or possibly even with people that insult/harass us or others. We shouldn't be punished for that just because you're whiny and entitled to *FORCING* someone to play in a game that could be frustrating or upsetting to them. How is that fair?


2. This isn't your college football team, I should not be punished just because someone with a false sense of what "Honor" means wants to win one for the gipper and give it the good old college try! Thats pathetic, and if I am being forced to satisfy your warped sense of honor, then thats just as selfish in every way as me leaving because I don't want to waste my time on you. Thats ********.


3. What all of this "leavers made me quit" ******** amounts to, is that you, and other people, lost a game, it's funny that you point out the misguided notion that "leavers think everyone else on the team is a bad" but then you point the finger at leavers for every loss you've ever accumulated. Pot, meet kettle, you are hypocritical, whiny, and entitled, every bit as selfish as any leaver I've ever seen.


In conclusion. People that complain about leavers and blame them for their FAIL, you're every bit as bad, if not worse. I'm sure most of your future games will be losses regardless of game attendance. :) Enjoy them.


Attitudes like this reinforces my belief that the current generation is the most worthless, spoilt, entitled, and ignorant to ever walk the earth.

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The reason most people don't like deserters:


1) We know the deserter thought they were to good to be here with us.


2) The deserter is to good to be bothered to even attempt to share knowledge or information.


3) The deserter can't be bothered to help build up a structure of team work that would develop over time due to same server pvp.


4) The deserter only cares about the deserter.


5) They are deserters.


The good players who see this will mark it down and remember your name, not that you care, but just remember we do. And when you are in that hard fought near win situation, what we call a good fight, we may just remember and leave you to die.


When I say good player I don't only mean skill I mean integrity; ever heard of it? What about honor? Not the crap you get in WoW, but real old fashioned honor.


The reasons deserters desert:


1. The team is playing with no purpose, and no will to win the match

2. RL aggro

3. Someone or multiple people on the team are so poorly geared or skilled that they are a burden on the team. These players are selfish

4. Multiple AFKers

5. The other team has more players (12v8 or 8v5) because of the bug

6. The deserter has no option of which wz he's placed in. And he hates the wz he's being placed in because he's already played the wz 20 times that day.

7. The deserter expects YOU to be responsible for yourself, and YOU are not being responsible for yourself.


You act as if another player OWES IT TO YOU as if it is their DUTY AS A PAYING PLAYER to prop you up, teach you how to play the game, your class, and let you leach from them. This is your responsibility. If you would mind your business and focus on bettering yourself, you probably wouldn't be here crying about how nobody is teaching you how to play the game.


Do something for yourself. Stop expecting the world to hold your hand.

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1. The team is playing with no purpose, and no will to win the match

2. RL aggro

3. Someone or multiple people on the team are so poorly geared or skilled that they are a burden on the team. These players are selfish

4. Multiple AFKers

5. The other team has more players (12v8 or 8v5) because of the bug

6. The deserter has no option of which wz he's placed in. And he hates the wz he's being placed in because he's already played the wz 20 times that day.

7. The deserter expects YOU to be responsible for yourself, and YOU are not being responsible for yourself.


You act as if another player OWES IT TO YOU as if it is their DUTY AS A PAYING PLAYER to prop you up, teach you how to play the game, your class, and let you leach from them. This is your responsibility. If you would mind your business and focus on bettering yourself, you probably wouldn't be here crying about how nobody is teaching you how to play the game.


Do something for yourself. Stop expecting the world to hold your hand.


Absolutely perfectly said.

Edited by Celebrus
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For me, it's quite simple: the only WZ I have EVER left is Huttball. If I never have to see that POS again, it will be too soon. And suffering through that crap for more than 3 minutes is painful to me - so I will leave if I feel like it.


Give me the option to NEVER queue for that piece of crap and I'll do as I do in all the other WZ - play my arse off. Just put Huttball into the "random" rotation and watch me leave.


And I don't give a **** about penalties - I'll leave with or without one.

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I heavily disagree with the penalty as well. However, it comes with WZ ratings, therefore, after a few matches, you should be matched with people of your skill level, in theory, so you shouldn't have any incentive to leave to begin with anymore.


Leaving a rated WZ must be punished as this time you don't just piss off team mates, you also make the whole team lose points.


Rated WZs will go a long way to stopping quitting, imo.


It's easy to compare quitters to the lowest of the low, or call them sore losers, but when there is no sense of competition (skill gulf or premades vs pugs), it just isn't fun to hang around to get stomped on and farmed for 15 mins.


I'll gladly admit that I'm not the best PvP'er. Barely pub league quality, in fact. I'll also admit that I've quit one (just the one, for what it's worth on these forums) WZ. However, fun is fun. Give me a competitive, back and forth game on any WZ over some of the completely lop sided rounds of HB or CW, and this problem will go away.

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Attitudes like this reinforces my belief that the current generation is the most worthless, spoilt, entitled, and ignorant to ever walk the earth.


Entitled? Not quite, guy. The guy you quoted is simply stating that he expects everyone to put in the work that he puts in. He expects everyone to put in equal effort. He doesn't want to carry leeches.


The entitled generation is the generation whining about how hard it is to get BM gear, how it's unfair that they suck and someone leaves when the majority of the team refuses to work toward the objective or put effort into building their character to make them at least partially useful in pvp, and how they want a 30 minute/2 hour/LIFETIME BAN/BW sends a hitman to take out their whole family for leavers. That's the entitled worthless, spoiled, ignorant generation at work.


And you're backing them up. GJ

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This really is simply not true. You get a pretty fair amount of commendations and valor even for losing. Unless you can immediately get into another game, you are actually slowing your progression and rate of gear acquisition by quitting.


Assuming you got 100 commendations from a win, and 80 from a loss:


Winning 3 games in a row quickly takes 45 minutes, and you'd get 300~ commendations. The bag is worth 800 commendations so that's 1100 commendations in 45 minutes.

That's 1500 commendations in an hour of warzone play.



Winning 3 and losing 3, you'd get 1340 in 90 minutes.

That's 893 commendations an hour of warzone play.


Not to mention that for Battlemasters commendations are worthless, and the only thing they need is wins.



In general the dailies just take too long, expecting everybody to play 6 games on average, 3 wins and 3 losses, is too much. I can't think of another game where a PvP daily took nearly 2 hours on average to complete.

Edited by savionen
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