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The reason I love being able to leave WZs with no penalty


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Perhaps Warzone leavers should have all their armour temporarily removed. So for 24hrs they are forced to quest, or pvp, or run around the fleet wearing only their underpants.


Humiliate the buggers!


Brilliant idea.


We can forget about designing new WZ medals to encourage and reward objective play


We can forget about valour brackets to try and sort out player experience


We can forget about PvP gear Vs PvE gear brackets


We can forget about making proper WZ tutorials to educate people


We can forget about making tutorials period


oh wait....

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LoL @ you, its so cute that you think you're important. Blood Tithe currently has over 200 members, and guess what...we love Huttball! So no, we don't "need" you solo queueing because A) you're not on our server, and B) you don't matter, as much as you'd like to convince yourself otherwise. Honestly, the only time we get any competition is when the match is BT vs. BT, or when we face our buddies in Jamming the Radar in the 50 bracket. And guess what...we all...group...queue.


So, go find something else to be self important about.


Isn't there a guild forum somewhere you should be posting on as you're completely uninterested in the peasants round 'ere guvnar

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Absolutely nothing for being a poor sport and quitting early, or valor and comms even if you lose.


Still not understanding why people leave early.


Said it in like three other threads, I'll say it again here. I just hate feeding a meat grinder. It's like a pet peeve. If we can't win, my team has given up trying and they're just running back into the fray over and over trying to get a medal or two before they die, I usually quit.


I don't think it's all that fun to be the meat grinder, either, although I'd be lying if I said it wasn't better than being the meat.

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some of the folk in this thread should play UT2004 or QuakeIII arena. Their QQing will quickly be put in perspective.


PvP = skill/clan based. If you are getting owned, get better, enjoy the game for what it is or quit. Simple

Edited by nitaant
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Isn't there a guild forum somewhere you should be posting on as you're completely uninterested in the peasants round 'ere guvnar


The QQers brighten my day, knowing that there is (even if its a small one) a chance I'll go home tonight, log in, queue up, and roflstomp one of them.

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some of the folk in this thread should play UT2004 or QuakeIII arena. Their QQing will quickly be put in perspective.


PvP = skill/clan based. If you are getting owned, get better, enjoy the game for what it is or quit. Simple


Can i mention i despise the term `QQ` ?


And people who seem to use it don't get the point.


We leave because our team is terrible, not because we are. And we try to find a team where we can have fun and play properly.


Can you go tell the derpers that?

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Can i mention i despise the term `QQ` ?


And people who seem to use it don't get the point.


We leave because our team is terrible, not because we are. And we try to find a team where we can have fun and play properly.


Can you go tell the derpers that?


Or....... the alternative is that the current MMO generation only cares about instant gratification. Meaning, you enter WZ you die a couple of times your team goes down slightly and you say, this team sucks I am out of here. then you que hop until you find a team that is stacked with high levels and proceed to steamroll the other side. So in essence, you choose to find a stacked team to steamroll the other side and have them gift you a win then actually put in the effort to come out on top of a close game, or even for that matter come from behind to win. For the most part when people say they want a team to have fun/play properly they are refering to a team in which they know they will be guaranteed a win. Otherwise most dont even want to bother with an effort if they feel its not a guaranteed win. Hence the que hopping.


Just another side to the story, which I personally think is the more "realistic" explanation. Since its always easier to blame your team, then to blame yourself for bad decisions.

Edited by Darthbarbarous
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Make all the excuses you want, it doesn't change the fact that you're being a selfish *****.


Farming a team that is hopelessly outmatched rather than just getting your win and moving on is selfish, too, but no one ever mentions that.


Face it, if you're playing a video game and not out helping the homeless and the hungry, you're a selfish *****, too.

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Huh?, hes leaving because his team is terrible and cant be bothered with the trouble, if his team is winning, aka its players are doing well, why would he abandon them, because the enemy is bad? Hey i can use stupid logic too, lets start asking the other faction to 1v1 in WZ. Or how about, ill let them cap alderaan turrets because thier 180 points behind us


hurr durr...


Exactly, he is not leaving because he likes competitive matches, he is leaving because he doesn't like losing. My difficult to comprehend point was, if he just wanted competitive matches he would leave when up 5-0 as well. No one leaves when up 5-0. Babies can't deal with losing so they say my team sux and leave. It is 4,5 year old behavior.

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Exactly, he is not leaving because he likes competitive matches, he is leaving because he doesn't like losing. My difficult to comprehend point was, if he just wanted competitive matches he would leave when up 5-0 as well. No one leaves when up 5-0. Babies can't deal with losing so they say my team sux and leave. It is 4,5 year old behavior.


Childish behavior is your post.


There are so many reasons why a person could want to quit a match some of which are reasonable. Lumping in ridiculous generalizations is not one of them.


If I want to bail on a match I will, 15 minute debuff or not. Just know the debuff will slow down your queues so everyone loses.

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I like the Instanced PVP. For those that jump ship because you think it makes good sence to find a better group. A group is only as good as its Weakest link, and you myfriend showing that you're the Quitter. Then that makes You the weakest link.

No matter how bad the team sucks, I tough it out. I know I need the practice.:D


This game has an insanely low skill-cap. Gear is the single most important factor in deciding PvP.


My point? I don't really see how you could need practise. It's easy.

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For you to state that you are quitting because your team is not "skilled" must mean that you are assuming you are extremely skilled at the game. If you are such a masterful MMO player why not take the time to teach others "how to play" the wz. Help these so called lesser skilled players out, this would only benefit you as it would begin to decrease the amount of "unskilled" players you end up getting paired with. To be honest all I am seeing when I read your posts are " I'm not winning and it's ALL my teams fault, I have nothing to do with losing bc I am so talented that I couldn't possibly be in any way linked to my teams losing.". Ever stop to think that your team is losing cause people with your mentality keep joining and quitting? If you're quitting cause your team is losing and you find them not on par with your epic skill level of ultimate epicness, why don't you just roll with a premade??


People who quite to find a better team are both selfish and whiners. I do hope you unsub as I get tired of you quitting when the wz isn't going exactly as planned. The less people like you in the game the better in my opinion.


Ok done ranting

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The fact that queue hoppers are a problem for warzones/battlegrounds is one of the many flags that instanced pvp is one of the worst ideas in MMO gaming.




Eh, but killtrading in open pvp is equally proof open pvp is bad.


god, why do people play games if they are this bad?

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Exactly, he is not leaving because he likes competitive matches, he is leaving because he doesn't like losing. My difficult to comprehend point was, if he just wanted competitive matches he would leave when up 5-0 as well. No one leaves when up 5-0. Babies can't deal with losing so they say my team sux and leave. It is 4,5 year old behavior.


I don't leave because i don't like losing. i leave because to get a daily done in less than 20 hours i have to re-que up as fast as possible for A CHANCE to finish it in 10 hours or less.

Edited by arteous
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