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I'm a healer, and i want to do dailys


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Try to read the first page, you'll surprisingly find 4/5 people speaking about heroics.

Really, what kind of fun people you find on the web. :o


A: Not the OP, the person who started the discussion.

B: The people who ARE, are saying that not only can they solo just fine as a healer, but they can also solo heroics. Nothing about dual spec.


So again, what is your point?

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Actually it is CC classes that can do that... :)

Tanks in this game are not what they are in other games...


I know, they are a lot higher damage which makes soloing even easier. I have noticed that CC classes tend to have an advantage on tougher groups (making it easier, not faster) but that isnt anything that cannot be overcome by using other abilities.

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I haven't gotten to the end yet, but are these 'dailies' that I keep hearing about 2+ quests that everyone just solos, or are they truly just solo-able dailies?


They're awful, IMHO by far the worst aspect of the game.


1) Go to x,y spot on the map

2) Kill x number of creatures

3) Return, make 15k gold and 1 daily commendation


Repeat 20 times, and 4 hours later you've done your dailies. The daily commendations get you about 3 useful pieces of minor gear after you've done this 30 hour/week job for about 3 weeks.


The game would have been better if these never existed.

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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I have a 50 sorc heals and a 50 sniper. The sorcerer's DPS companions, even tionese geared like my cunning ranged companion, do not do a third of the damage that my orange modded sniper does. Sure I can solo the heroic 2's as a healer (at 1-2 mins per pull), but the other stuff takes way too long and isn't remotely enjoyable after the initial success.
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I leveled 10-50 as a pure healer (sorcerer). I have done all the dailies multiple times, as a full healer, and had no trouble. Your problem is you seem to be expecting to be able to do them as fast as a DPS class can do them, which is not the case, nor should it be.


You can do them, they just take a little bit longer, but not much. I can do all the ilum dailies (minus the heroic 2+), and all the belsavis dailies (yes, including all of the heroics) as a pure healer with a tank companion.


If you as a pure healer can't do the Ilum 2+ then you are doing something wrong.

Two friends plays pure Sorc healers and they are doing all dailies with companions on their own....just like you say...it takes a bit longer time.


And for those that complain that companions do to low dmg.........ffs just gear them up......

Althou there are different solutions depending on your way to use the char....

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That takes ages and ages and ages.


I had to re-spec to DPS on my Sage because it takes way to long to do dailies as a healer.


Because YOU don't mind that it takes 4 times as long as a DPS does not mean the rest of us like it.


It does take ages. At least as an operative.


I have full rakata and my companion is very well geared (I switch between Kalyio and Vector) and it still is slow as hell.


I´m not complaining, I´m just stating it as I am against Dual speccing but thats not the point.


Plus some dailies on Ilum (specially with the 2 jedis where one heals the other) tend to be a pain. Quite simply It takes too long.


If you as a pure healer can't do the Ilum 2+ then you are doing something wrong.


Not every healer class can output the same dmg, so watch the generalization.

Edited by Agenteusa
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My pure healspec sage solos everything fine.


I took a sage healer to 47 in beta and was fine with everything ive come accross

Inq to 40, fine

Sawbones smuggler right now 20, fine still

Trooper healing to 37 and fine

Imp Agent to 20 and fine

Bounter Hunter to 34 and SO MUCH FUN, I mow everything 2 levels higher then me and below down like mowing the lawn with a freshly sharpened mower!


so what healer is the OP having problems with cause all the healers Ive played.


Healers are probably one of the easiest play stayles to solo with as you can just cc and heal if need be

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If you say that soloing as healer is faster than with another class you're simply saying something untrue.

And now I'm asking myself if you're at least playing the game ^^.


As a healer i go make the hc4 dailys myself at 5 min each. As a dd spec i need to find groups.


So yes i say i solo faster as healspec, exact opposite of the OP claiming healers have a harder time.


Still see dualspec as a good thing though.

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It does take ages. At least as an operative.


I have full rakata and my companion is very well geared (I switch between Kalyio and Vector) and it still is slow as hell.


I´m not complaining, I´m just stating it as I am against Dual speccing but thats not the point.


Plus some dailies on Ilum (specially with the 2 jedis where one heals the other) tend to be a pain. Quite simply It takes too long.


Not every healer class can output the same dmg, so watch the generalization.


I have both sorc and op healers, and in my experience it's true that the op does less damage than the sorc. But I prefer to use Temple who has always seemed to me to be the highest dps by a long shot (apologies). It's possible that the Op's style of healing leaves them less overall time to dps as well. Maybe that was deliberate though to balance them being able to skip entire fights by stealthing past them.


I think they should have baked a talent into the Medicine tree of Ops that seriously reduced the energy cost of one shot, or increased rifle shot dps. Ops can't do decent dps without risking dropping into an energy hole. The sorc doesn't have to worry about resources nearly so much in this context. I still wouldn't call them slow, but they are definitely slower. I can't compare to the other healers as those are the only two I have. But of those two, I'd much rather be dpsing on my sorc.

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It is, but some people just dont like the idea that it might take them a little bit longer to kill something as a healer, they want to be as powerful as a DPS but still be a healer that can fully heal someone during every stage of the game.


Step down from that high horse seriously...

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Nice :D I approve of this post, honestly the game has its fair share of problems, but the community is almost just as bad sometimes, defending and rationalizing everything. IMO they are part of what will hold this game back and kill it, its already slowly dieing


Best post in these forsaken forums.

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I have both sorc and op healers, and in my experience it's true that the op does less damage than the sorc


Well the Operative does less everyting quite actually. To me BW´s idea of an OP was something in between a sorc and a merc but our system is kinda weak overall as what supposedly BW designed for our class (seems its stacking alacrity) actually sucks.


We have crap aoe´s (to a point where many folks don´t even take the skill) and we aren´t really superior in single target healing as well. Plus we were the first class to get nerfed but Troopers/BH´s and Consulars/Sorcs (even healers) continue their extravaganza of ridiculous dps performances (just comparing it in pvp) unscathed.


Anyway this was to tell that the Operative DoT system needs some reworking imo.


Back to topic.


To me, having your companion soaking up the dmg isn´t quite the same as you doing it. Even a tank companion can´t take loads of dmg from 1 elite and 1 silver without you having to be constantly healing him as dots won´t keep him up. This is not my oppinion its my experience (again I´m talking from an operative POV).


OP get a group to do it, I know how you feel but it´s really the only way to make it go faste i´m afraid.

Edited by Agenteusa
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Why anyone would be against a dual-specialization feature is beyond me.


Also quoting for truth:


Nice :D I approve of this post, honestly the game has its fair share of problems, but the community is almost just as bad sometimes, defending and rationalizing everything. IMO they are part of what will hold this game back and kill it, its already slowly dieing
Edited by Heretiq
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Give me dual spec so i can do my dailys and still perpetuate my servers progression by healing.


because if you didnt know, doing dailys as a healer sucks.


this in itself is enough reason to allow dual spec


1) companions dont do enough damage


2) healers (although some are capable of burst dmg) are horrible inefficient questers.


3) i shouldnt be forced to find someone to group with for dailys, i mean thats ok sometimes, but it shouldnt be my only option.


Please pump out dual spec faster, and make sure that it saves your keybinds :)


If you are merc i can let this pass because I have no idea what merc healing is like. But as a Sith Inquis my dailies are a breeze. Granted that yes, they are much easier in DPS spec, heal spec maybe takes just a little bit longer. Dual spec is coming and after two-three weeks of constantly respeccing I am ready for this as well. Make sure your companion is geared well too! Don't forget they can wear those extra columi/tionese drops you can't use! My Xalek has three columi and two tionese mixed with some greens and blues and he holds his own just fine.

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If your companion doesn't do enough damage, you might want to ensure you don't have another companion that would be better suited to you.


As well, make sure your companion is well geared with lots of stat increases (to increase their DPS) and has good armor (especially if they tank for you).


Presence gear and stims can improve their damage significantly too. If you rely on them for damage, +presence might help more than improving your own stats.

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