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C2-N2 malfunction


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Dear Bio-ware


I regret to inform you about a rather unfortunate problem i have with your C2-N2 protocol droid , at the moment he is unable to hold anything in either hand witch means he is incapable of washing my ship ,holding a hydro-spanner ,or running the vacuum unit in my cabin .

Also it seems that his vocabulator is stuck in a never ending loop ,and constantly feels the need to interrupt me during important holo calls . At this time i would like to request a firmware update or replacement of my hardware as it is very inconvenient for me to have to do all of the cleanup and maintenance to my ship with my busy schedule.




Master Jamews of the Jedi council

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I concur with Master Jamews as I also own a model C2-N2 droid, and he also appears to have malfunctioned. I have noticed that he clearly states that he has no combat protocols, yet when I entered combat he decided to try punching my enemies. I respectfully request a replacement for C2-N2.



Jedi Knight Benjaminmin, The Hero of Tython.

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I too have received one of these defective protocol droids.


These units are known to ship out of Republic droid facilities with faulty vocabulators and OCD simulators. It is unacceptable for a Jedi Master to be saddled with such faulty equipment whilst trying to save the galaxy from the evil of the darkside. I have attempted to broker a deal with some Jawa's for his purchase or trade however the crazy droid keeps getting back aboard my ship.

Please address this issue before I am forced to stick my lightsaber through his primary motivator unit.



Jedi Master Hanover

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