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PVP Relics


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It is preference, the 48 expertise is a marginal gain. The real bonus of having a second usable relic is the amount of burst that it would afford you whereas the matrix cube would give you an overall stat boost.


Really what you should be doing is using an adrenal or getting a warzone red buff when you use that relic.


Greater overall stats or more frequent burst are the tradeoffs.

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I personally use a champ relic and a matrix cube... no sense in having 2 as they share cool downs, if you are missing some expertise it might make sense. A lot of people equip the rakata/columi ones if you have full PvP gear. Right now I am over 600 expertise so I'll be swapping out PvP gear for better stated PvE gear.
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I personally use a champ relic and a matrix cube... no sense in having 2 as they share cool downs, if you are missing some expertise it might make sense. A lot of people equip the rakata/columi ones if you have full PvP gear. Right now I am over 600 expertise so I'll be swapping out PvP gear for better stated PvE gear.


If you have over 600 expertise then you should know that they only share a 20 second cooldown. Not a full duration one.

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With 1 champ relic(Power) and the matrix cube I am sitting at 602 expertise. I also have the adrenals rakata power/crit/surge. So I should stick with this setup instead of another champ relic?


You can actually afford to dump even more expertise. The soft cap starts kicking in somewhere around ~500 (the per point value of expertise gets HAMMERED at about 525) so I'd consider subbing out your Champion Power Relic for the Columi equivalent because it'll give you a heap of extra endurance, which is great in PvP

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