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Hovering Mouse over ability trays interfers with abilities bound to Mouse Buttons.


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Ok so the freezing UI is fixed and so is the nasty mouse 5 button but an issue that seems to still be a problem is this.


If your like me who combines mouse binds and keyboard functions to get the job done you may notice that if you hover your mouse over the ability trays you cannot use abilities bound to the mouse button. Give it a try.


It usually messes up my rotation because I click on the abilities with the mouse but don't move the mouse from the tray then try to use the ability bound to the mouse buttons and it does'nt work at all.


One possible reason for the problem is because since clicking and dragging items and abilities work on all 5 mouse buttons it disables the abilities bound to the mouse clicker when it's on the tray so the mouse ignores one job and does another. This could be fixed by allowing you to click bound abilities to the mouse while the tray is locked even if you hover over it.


Hopefully the devs fix this because im not always looking where the mouse and it's mostly for clicking abilities and moving the camera.

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I use MB5 for push to talk on my voice program and if I'm holding it down talking I cant left click a skill on my bar and have it work everytime. Sometimes they work sometimes they don't. I sware love the Star Wars stuff but all these little bugs in the gaming system are pissing me off. If this was just another fantasy type MMORPG game I would have quit already.
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It's most likely due to mouse focus issues and where the events are handled. The main window "window" handles mouse events by passing them through the keybinder mapping. The quickslot window handles mouse events by pressing the button you're hovering over (if it's LMB).


Presumably just need to handle mouse keybind mapping in the "base" window, and pass any mouse events in the quickslot (or other windows) that aren't explicitely being handled up the chain until a window (presumably the "base" window) eventually actually does something with it.


But yeah, I have force leap on RM4, and force push on 5. Took me a while to realize why they weren't always working.

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Ah, that explains why the game seemed so unresponsive whenever my mouse was near the edges of my screen (where abilitiy trays are, Left, Bottom, and Right). I couldnt put my finger on why until now.


I don't tend to fire abilties by left-clicking on abilities in the tray - but my mouse will occasionally roll over the trays, as I try to target something by left mouse clicking on it.


Very irritating.

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Not sure if this is my keyboard or the game and may not even be related to this issue.


I'm finding that my self target and focus target buttons need to be released after most casts, being an Op healer, I'm spamming heals on the tank via focus target, only to see numbers flying up above my own head, or the over zealous DPS who is already at full health.


Anyone else seen this at all?


The comment about releasing the key, was because if I let go of focus and press it again, it works every time.

Edited by PurpsUK
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As much as I've defended BW over the time, this is getting ridiculous.

Do they have any patch-QA at all? I honestly don't think so...


This has nothing to do with Patch QA.

It's been this way since beta.

I had to rebind my Default attack (QUickbar 1) to be bound to Ctrl-MB 4 back in beta because I was constantly looting items in the middle of battle with the deafault Right Click binding.

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Happens in WoW too... any time your mouse is over a taskbar item, it always defaults to what you are hovered over instead of what you have keybound. It thinks you are attempting to click on the mouse-overed button. Only way to defeat that is to not mouse-over any UI buttons while clicking.


The UI customization coming in the future will make it so that you can move/scale your UI elements so that they are where you want them and not in your way.

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This has nothing to do with Patch QA.

It's been this way since beta.

I had to rebind my Default attack (QUickbar 1) to be bound to Ctrl-MB 4 back in beta because I was constantly looting items in the middle of battle with the deafault Right Click binding.


I'm not sure whether I haven't noticed it until now or if you are thinking of something else, but right now if you have your mouse hovering over any of the quickslot-bars the skills you have on a mouse-button won't cast anymore.

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another thing is that you cant strafe, use mouse 2 to control your turning and then place a template spell. like a grenade or stealth scan.


cause mouse1+mouse2=move forward. so even that a spell is active or at least 'loaded up' you are unable to use it on the move like that. you have to stop 'looking around' and use it. and that is annoying as well.

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I'm not sure whether I haven't noticed it until now or if you are thinking of something else, but right now if you have your mouse hovering over any of the quickslot-bars the skills you have on a mouse-button won't cast anymore.


You must have not noticed it. As I said, it's always been this way.

My keyboard configuration is such that it was obvious to me back in beta.

I was wondering why my default attack wasn't working after rebinding it toControl MB-4, some of the time, and then figured out it was only when it was over the quickbars.


My setup is such that I use keyboard binding sfor Quickslot 1-7 and = but for quickslots 8-0, -, and + I use my mouse button to click.

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