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Companion Columi Gear


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Ok, I need some guidance.


I run OPS and HMs, I pick up Columi commendations, Columi Gear and Tionese gear. Unfortunately, the unassembled gear that I win, is only for a Bounty Hunter. My healer (mako) which i use a lot to solo dailies is left in the cold.

How do I get Columi or Rataki Cunning Medium armor gear to drop???? It seems that gear automatically assigns AIM to me which is useless for 2 of my companions.

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hardmode flashpoints: loot not assigned. everyone can roll, though you might want to avoid taking agents or make sure they are ok with you rolling on cunning drops


hardmode/nightmare mode operations: loot not assigned. everyone can roll. same issue, either do not take agents with you (i have several rakata on gault and mako from operations where we had no agents and it dropped) or make sure you take agents that are well geared (i have an agent friend who was full rakata in ONE NIGHT of operations because no other agents came and every boss in karraga and ev dropped a piece or two for him)


the only place you will have an issue is:


normal mode operations, loot is assigned to you based on class. really, do a week or two of this and you personally will be full columi or better, at which point you shouldnt be wasting your time in normal mode ops anyway


beyond that, columi and tionese coms are pretty easy to get to buy any other slots you dont get as drops.


the only thing they will get a bit gimped on is weapons since you cant buy columi weapons with coms and rakata weapons are rare enough that it might be a while for extras to be up for your companions. for weapons you can customize your own to a degree by ripping out mods/enhancements from armor with cunning, and than getting the 41 power crystal from the weapon drops in kaon (hardmode drops weapons with tionese mods/enhance but rakata quality crystal), leaving only the barrels somewhat weak, the best you can do there will probably be the daily com barrels (8 coms each from vendor)

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