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In ONE WORD, Sum Up How You Feel About SWTOR Presently


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it's same old story go kill 20 of those things because i the quest giver dosen't like em, or destroy 6 lasers because of some reason.


i had hope sw:tor would have change the questing part from same kind of missions to new exiting stuff but no :(


just my oppion....

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In a single word:




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In even more words:


Voice Acting is not even a feature, not even something new, its just a moeny and time sink that prevents developers from putting that time and money on really useful features, and keeps players buying new keyboards because broken space bars.

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MMORPG.........Where ?


100 players on fleet and fps down.

2 or 3 minutes just to travel from a planet to another if not crash game and go windows desktop.

MMORPG game tools for groups,guilds,operations unavailable.

Too much instncement world

Too much load screens.

Open PvP impossible to play,fps go down to 5-6

Graphic engine cant move this game.

Massive people...where ? I didnt see more than 15 on a Warzone,just on fleet and transform my computer in Ferrari.

Aion=all high and fps over 100

Conan=all high and fps over 80

WoW=all high and fps over 100

Cod=all high and fps over 80

Swtor=all medium,low and fps just 80-100 when solo-map,go to group HM fp and down 20-30,go to fleet and down 1-6 fps.Load screen go down 1-5 fps and 30-50 seconds every screen charge.Can explain me that ?


Main problem is engine.

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