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The Harbinger queue time: 35 mins


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Source? If so, than they should've announced it.


Source: http://www.nemesis-guild.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=657&sid=9f9ddb4ea2df100408575d41bf336522


Look at the daisy chained guild list, you'll see the majority were on Harbinger. The announcement/meeting was done by the Oceanic guilds involved and they did announce it on every forum they could find after the meeting, but due to Bioware not telling people until Monday it was only a couple of hours before early access began that the announcement was made.

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You do realise that all the servers are located in one place, and 'US West Coast' simply refers to the timezone on the server clock?


There is more than one physical data center, Harbinger is on the West Coast (somewhere close to LAX based on traceroutes) and I doubt -all- servers are there, especially as their main office is in Texas where i'd wager the East Coast datacenter is.

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Source: http://www.nemesis-guild.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=657&sid=9f9ddb4ea2df100408575d41bf336522


Look at the daisy chained guild list, you'll see the majority were on Harbinger. The announcement/meeting was done by the Oceanic guilds involved and they did announce it on every forum they could find after the meeting, but due to Bioware not telling people until Monday it was only a couple of hours before early access began that the announcement was made.


Exactly, quick maths says it's about 7,000 players. Not really huge numbers, but significant enough if you are spread out over multiple servers LFG at quiet times in the US.

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There is more than one physical data center, Harbinger is on the West Coast (somewhere close to LAX based on traceroutes) and I doubt -all- servers are there, especially as their main office is in Texas where i'd wager the East Coast datacenter is.


US West servers = Santa Clara, California

US East servers = Ashburn, Virginia

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atleast you can complain about having to wait in the que. I pre ordered collector's edition back in the day and still have yet for an invite.


LOL why it's not llike if you had your access you would be able to play anyway. Bioware really screwed this one up. :(

Edited by Sammoth
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there is something very wrong with having to wait for something you've already paid for..


this will not sit well with all the kids who got this game at Christmas only to find they can't even play it!


kind of like, when we were young and got a toy that needed batteries.. but all the stores were closed!


OMG bioware you are in for some bad press.. HOW COULD YOU HAVE NOT ANTICIPATED !



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Are players really blaming the queue on Australian players?


In the Australian evening prime time, it's in the early AM on the US west coast. Likewise, in the west coast prime playing time, it's about 12 noon in Australia. Christmas holidays have not started yet, meaning that most people are still at work during the day, thus not contributing to each country's queue experience.


Seems people on both sides of the globe don't understand the concept of time zones. This makes this thread the silliest general forum argument all week, which is saying something.

Edited by StealthNerf
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This **** needs attention ASAP. The fact you launched the Early Access with half as many West coast servers is a blatant slap to those that don't live on the east coast. Its like every media outlet and business thinks nobody lives out here or something.


1 Hour queue is NOT going to fly. I picked this server because a guild of friends was force placed on here, now I have to choose whether I'm going to play with friends or play at all. Seriously?


Also if this isn't fixed I'm going to find ways to force my character to stay logged in, cause I'm not PAYING to wait in line to play a game. This **** was brought up when you did your beta stress testing, you need a higher server pop cap!!

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Are players really blaming the queue on Australian players?


In the Australian evening prime time, it's in the early AM on the US west coast. Likewise, in the west coast prime playing time, it's about 12 noon in Australia. Christmas holidays have not started yet, meaning that most people are still at work during the day.


The prime bulk of each country's playing population will miss each other.


Seems people on both sides of the globe don't understand the concept of time zones. This makes this thread the silliest general forum argument all week, which is saying something.


Nobody is blaming Ausssies. We are blaming Bioware for not listing this as an Oceanic server. Bottom line is after we already spent some time on toons we are now locked in very long ques just to play. I will gladdly move my toons but, I really don;t want to start agian since I would be just running through everthing for the 5th or 6th time since I did long Beta tests.

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Nobody is blaming Ausssies. We are blaming Bioware for not listing this as an Oceanic server. Bottom line is after we already spent some time on toons we are now locked in very long ques just to play. I will gladdly move my toons but, I really don;t want to start agian since I would be just running through everthing for the 5th or 6th time since I did long Beta tests.


Re-read what he said. We're all at work (and hence surfing the forum.....). Any 'oceanic' influence on the server is due mostly to other North Americans. There's no queue's (at least not yet) on Harbinger during the oceanic peak playing times.

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So, I have a character up to level 12 there. I just read that this is the unofficial "Oceanic" server. I assume that's bad for everyone on the West Coast, like me.


Do I need to start a new char on a different server or will the queue times go away as the launch continues...



Um no... it's not bad at all.


Oceanic peak times are nearly opposite of American peak times. So they DO NOT effect American queues.


You could effectively have twice the population of any other server and not notice a difference.


Also, the "Unoffical" oceanic servers are ALWAYS the best, because PvP is active 24/7 and if you're playing in off-peak hours for your area, you will always have people available for groups for PvE.



Disclaimer: There are some temporary queue problems caused by Early Game Access. Because people are released in time-sensitive waves, there are many players from Oceania, and many players from America that are playing at times they will normally never play, causing temporary, artificial queues.

Edited by Kashaan
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Yeah... I got in on day one... Been enjoying playing the game without problem or interruption until tonight. I played most of the day, got off for dinner, came back to a 25 minute queue of over 300 people.




Some of the servers have lower populations, why is MINE, the one I have a level 30 character on already, one of the handful with a queue? This is ridiculous.

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This **** needs attention ASAP. The fact you launched the Early Access with half as many West coast servers is a blatant slap to those that don't live on the east coast. Its like every media outlet and business thinks nobody lives out here or something.


1 Hour queue is NOT going to fly. I picked this server because a guild of friends was force placed on here, now I have to choose whether I'm going to play with friends or play at all. Seriously?


Also if this isn't fixed I'm going to find ways to force my character to stay logged in, cause I'm not PAYING to wait in line to play a game. This **** was brought up when you did your beta stress testing, you need a higher server pop cap!!




This is completely unacceptable. There is no way I will pay to play ANY game, no matter how great it is, if I have to wait 1+ hours just to log on.

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You picked a server with a cool-sounding name. It will always be more populated. Just look at the list and compare the load versus the coolness of the name.


Which is exactly why, as a first waver, I picked Space Slug over the Harbinger.

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This. If you are West Coast US, and don't want to wait around for queues, there are plenty of "Standard" population servers to pick. Thank you


Actually until they opened up a couple of new PVE servers.. There were no standard level servers. All of the PVE were at full with 5 to 50 minute queue times.

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This **** needs attention ASAP. The fact you launched the Early Access with half as many West coast servers is a blatant slap to those that don't live on the east coast. Its like every media outlet and business thinks nobody lives out here or something.


1 Hour queue is NOT going to fly. I picked this server because a guild of friends was force placed on here, now I have to choose whether I'm going to play with friends or play at all. Seriously?


Also if this isn't fixed I'm going to find ways to force my character to stay logged in, cause I'm not PAYING to wait in line to play a game. This **** was brought up when you did your beta stress testing, you need a higher server pop cap!!


How was the guild forced to play there btw?


Our guild decided it doesn’t want to play on the server we were transferred to. Can we transfer to a different server?


The Pre-Launch Guild Program server assignments cannot be transferred to other servers. However, players are free to create a new guild on a different server once they are in the game. Please note that guilds outside of the Pre-Launch Guild Program cannot be created until a player reaches their Capital Planet (Dromund Kaas for the Empire, Coruscant for the Republic). Guild invites from the Pre-Launch Guild Program can be accepted immediately upon character creation.

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