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Making the game more "logical" and personal


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I think the game has i good base. But all is fighting, running and talking.

Here are some suggestion (certainly already suggested somewhere in the boards) that I believe would increase the "reality" of the game.



Social modes

Some quick modes that change the way your character moves (could be bound to some of the F-keys is all is not used already)


Walk: normal speed (if this already is an option, please tell me how to do it, I don't seem to be able to stop running)


Run: The basic speed in the game


Sneak: Moving slower and not aggravating enemies as easily (is a lighter version of force stealth), but not cloaked.


Crawl: Same effect as sneak, but different animations.



I also read somewhere that people asked for the option to select "sit" in chairs (like in your ship). Please add this.




There are multiple ways to communicate with other players in the game and I understand it's meant to be "outside" the game. But if it's possible to merge it into the game, like mail, it would be nice.


General: This mode can be heard by all players on the planet (or server?) How do the character do that? I suggest addition of either a device the character have to use and fiddle with for a little while to transmit to every being on the planet. Alternatively have to use a terminal.


Yell: can be head by a lot of people around you character. Add "Shout" animation with hand close to mouth and maybe even some icon/color above the character that shouts.


Say: as now, just talk


Whisper: Private message. Should be a animation that show the character whispering, but since you can whisper to people far away, maybe speaking into a headset animation is more logical. Or split the whisper into a "tell" option too, the later one, using headset, or better yet, the cool animation of the character talking to a small handheld holo of the other character.


Guild: Speaking in headset animation.




More vendors to allow customization of the character and his/her equipment.

Maybe some existing vendors could be merged, like the armor-vendors, to keep down the number of different vendors.


Tailor/tattoo: change hair and tattoos. New additions that can’t be selected at start


Paint/dye: Change color of clothes and armors


Cyber-Tech: Change/add cybernetics on cyborgs, others too?


Ship customization: change color, add logos etc.



More than just armors and weapons

Alot of stuff can be found in the game, but most is junk. Mainly it's just weapons, armors and stims that are useful. Add more functional items. Some can require a free hand, some be used from backpack.


Macrobinoculars/Electrobinoculars. When used, zoom in on distant places.


Probe droid: When used, control the droid to look around. Destroyed if attacked and have to buy a new one.


Locator: two-handed. Show all living creatures or droids on minimap. (version of the one Solo uses to find Luke on Hoth)

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\signed, however I'd like to add on the chair part. Instead of clickable chairs just create a chairsitting emote so you just type like \sitchair or something (like EQ2,AOC), this would allow us to sit pretty much on any ledge we want aswell as chairs! Also while on it, throw in an animation for the \sleep command! Edited by Sknn
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Walk: normal speed (if this already is an option, please tell me how to do it, I don't seem to be able to stop running)


To walk, use the slash "/" that is on the top of the keypad.


I admit, binoculars would be nice. Would make some sense too. Simply running into an enemy intensive area with no reconnaissance is asking for trouble in the real world, why should it be different? And I like to have the enemy names turned off. When on, it interferes with my "suspend disbelief". No one has a name plate floating over their heads in real life.

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I agree, especially the use of chairs. We have the sit animation now (X key), but we can't use the furniture. Those of us into RP enjoy hanging out in Cantinas, sitting at the bar or in a booth and chatting with friends. I have tried climbing up on the chair then using sit, but the position is more of a recline you would do on the ground. It really doesn't work on furniture. There is lots of furniture in the game. Let us use it.
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