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This game is losing me faster than any other MMO ever has. I love Star Wars, and it's always been my dream to play a game where I can run around slashing a lightsaber. But the simple fact is there is very little to do at lvl 50. PvP gets old fast. And HMs only seem to happen at very rare hours. I really hope BW has something new and captivating coming up in a not-too-distant patch, but if not it may lose me completely.
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Sounds like a faction population problem on your server.


You should be able to get into a flashpoint run anytime of the day.


Do the level 50 dailies on Belsavis and Ilum too for fast cash (over 200k a day).



Sad part is i wrote this same post a week ago 7 yrs in warcraft among other mmos to many to list really.


As stated in the quote its probly a server population or maybe even a location make sure if your east coast join a east coast server same with west coast.


This way its on your time, if you still have issues after that try a fuller server as i am doing now. i still run my BH hes my first toon always have love for the first.


My paladin is my baby in wow xpacs come out no matter what that pally hits cap before all others. then druid and so on lol

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There's PLENTY of crap to do at end-game, and it doesn't even mean only pvp or rolling alts.


There was no 'endgame' in WoW either, when it launched.




IF you were serious about this game you could finish all the content within a month easy.


I wouldnt' say its "Plenty". Dailys don't count as doing something either they are both boring and repetive to say the least.

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honestly bro i agree with u 100%, there aint **** to do at lvl 50 so i unsubscribed a couple days ago because it is honestly not giving me the thrill i usually get when playing an MMO. The content is way to easy, the loot system and even the gear system is *********** whack. I dont like how u can craft rakata gear? u shud only be able to aquire that gear from 8m/16m operations. Also, why isnt there different gear in a 16m operation? makes it completely pointless to even do 16m. Ya i get it some people dont like 16m because its to hard..suck it up, i shud be getting a better reward for downing a boss in 16m then in 8m and when im doing nightmare mode i shud be getting better gear then in HM. Its *********** stupid, and to add onto this, pvp is a joke. It requires no skill, only time spent pvping.. Ilum is a bigger joke then the warzones itself, anyways i am just extremely upset about how this game has turned out so far. A 2011 game feels like a game made in 2005.
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I understand OP completely!

The game's been advertised as different from other MMORPGs. They said you can play it as a single-playing game or coop, without any MMO elements. OK, i bought it! I'm not an mmo player at all. I'm playing TOR as a new KOTOR in a way. I can see TOR as 8 single games, yep. But! I don't want to have alts, i'm roleplaying my char, so my char exclusively represents me in the Star Wars universe, it's my avatar in the Old Republic. So, i want more single-playing content after level cap. More companion quests, more story. Damn, I want to see the development and the end of the conflict!!! There're lots of things that can be made as single-oriented content. I read notes for upcoming content patch and what do i see? PvP, PvP, PvP...

Edited by Swylt
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i agree sorttt offf. when it first came out i was sooo addicted, even taking a week off of work and life to just play, now i log in and sometimes get bored very quickly, am not even 50 yet

lack of community ... im on a server thats heavy, and a lot of the time im the only person on a planet questing..... the game is very very linear and very anti social for an mmo, almost as if grouping is not wanted




also, one planet, one dungeon crawl(flashpoint) per level bracket is ludicrous even for a new game.. dragon age origins currently ahs more content

Edited by Rife
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Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Though I already knew I wasn't because over half of my guild has already quit playing. I remember playing my first week, and at the end I realized if I had to sum the game up in one word, it would be "disappointing". I love the story lines, I have 2 50s, a 31, and some 20s. I'm really finding it hard to keep leveling them because while the class story is great, the 20+ quests per planet that you have to do with them are all the same. The planets are extremely linear, with the class line re-enforcing it. Normally I'd do instances or PvP to break the monotony, but both of those give TERRIBLE experience in this game.


I think my biggest complaint with this game is that it feels very much like it was made to be a single player experience, and they threw in some multiplayer content to be able to slap an MMO title on it. It wouldn't bother me so much if it had been marketed as a single player game with online content, but most of the multiplayer in here is awkwardly implemented at best. Heroics are scattered throughout the planet and take more time to organize than to complete. The only time past Tatoine that I've found groups for them is when I catch people about to leave who are willing to go through all of them at once, because most people gave decided they aren't worth the effort otherwise. The fact that most require a full group (Or mostly full, depending on classes and CC) is simply ridiculous.


End game crafting is a joke. Most professions only have 1 one 2 worthwhile patterns (though some have more) and require days of recrafting the same thing in an attempt to RE a useful pattern. The random aspect of it only makes it infuriating. Class stories have no real reward for their ending (unless you just really like titles) and are a completely single player experience. The in game economy is a joke since there is nothing to spend credits on (unless you just really like overpriced speeders that barely go faster than the lvl 25 version). Dailies aren't the worst I've seen, and I guess having all the worthwhile stuff cost 200 marks is incentive to do them for a week per item, I just don't know why more things (like lvl 50 reg FPs) don't give the comms.


You can call this ************ or trolling or whatever you want, but it's legitimate concerns for a game with this much hype behind it.

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SWtOR isn't for everyone. It's O.K. if you don't get into it. I hope you find something entertaining to fill your spare time with. I have never had this much fun in an MMORPG before. I have been playing since D2EA and still play every chance I get. Good luck.


What he/she said :)

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The sad thing is I was reinstalling Rift while typing out my original post. Say what you will about it, they had a fully functional LFG tool within a month of release, and have continued adding some of the most innovative dungeons and raid designs I've ever seen (plus 90% of their bosses don't amount to "stuns a lot and summons adds).
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