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why are all class's health almost same.


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jedi knight /jedi sage have the same health.


what are you doing bioware. you develop so many nice RPG, you should know warrior's health need more than mage's health.


50 jedi knight only 2500 basic health, and 13000 pvp set condition bouns, what a joke.


warrior should 12D* health and mage should 4d* mage . fotgot D&d RULE



if all the same health


how can you balance the DEF class and damage class.


give me an answer.



basic health should 60% , set bouns 40%

Edited by yangclover
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Originally Posted by psysention

it's just gear fight in this game.. whoever has the gear hits 4k 5k crits with 18-24k hp.. whoever dun have gear has 12k-15k hp with 1.5k-3k crits.. there is no balance not to mention CC fest. resolve is a joke, you don't need a system like resolve, just add debuff to character and that character can't be CC'ed for certain amount of time..

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i have 16000 health jedi knight


why jedi sage have 15000



Buy the Biochem Stamina packs from the vendor and your health will break 18K if you are talented to get bonus endurance. Or go biochem and get health and defense bonus that is better yet and reusable.

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this is the truth


nerf the set and increase the basic


so what youd like is that a tank should be rewarded by getting to 50,and has no gear.moreso than a sage longtime 50 and geared well?


i have an idea,how about everybody that gets to 50 first,throw away all thier champ,battlemaster etc so well all wear orange like a fresh 50?


personally i had to juggle and renove mods etc just to get the 15k hp.if my tank has 15k same as me...somethings wrong and i look for someone else to toss my heals to.


get to 50,your green as dirt with no gear.as it should be.you should feel an imbalance facing people with better gear.its the way it works.what you nubs suggest is that at 50 your ready to go against people playing longer or more than you.thats wrong thinking,and game breaking.think about what you ask for,this screams of omg im a nub and have no gear,omg what will i do????the answer is GRIND more.

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I've seen pvp tanks on a regulary basis in every WZ having 22k+ HP, while sages\sorcs an extraordinary ones breaking 17k.


This is exactly what you ask in your QQ topic - HP difference between tanks and dps - it's already in the game, check it out :)

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With some notable exceptions (Mercs for +HP, Sorcerer for -HP), the design philosophy seems to be that characters wearing the same designation of armor should have comparable HP. A tank wearing DPS armor has about the same HP as a DPS wearing DPS armor. Conversely if a DPS for some reason decided to wear tank armor, he has comparable HP as a tank wearing tank armor. I see nothing particularly wrong with that, since a tank wearing DPS armor in DPS spec is usually a pretty good DPS too, so no reason he should get extra HPs just because he's a tank.
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