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Super Trooper,s beams are gonna kill me-


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What's with the influx of troopers (Healing troopers) cant move without tripping over one, all they do is spam healing to each other, makeing them very hard to kill, then shoot you from a distance -


this the new thing ? apart from the get as many as you can into a match (cheeting)


:p nerf them i say :p :p nerf them:p ;)

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Try fighting 6-8 bounty hunters every match. Welcome to my world. Add some salt with an IA or two who stuns you every time he shows up and then his buddies beat you to death. Add to that no one on my team ever heals. Finally, add to the mix that you must be on a server just like mine where people just plain SUCK.
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Try fighting 6-8 bounty hunters every match. Welcome to my world. Add some salt with an IA or two who stuns you every time he shows up and then his buddies beat you to death. Add to that no one on my team ever heals. Finally, add to the mix that you must be on a server just like mine where people just plain SUCK.


Aye Dont know what happened tonight, Almost Everyone on my side, was Running around like headless chickens, Only a few Seemed to know what to do, ( Think all the best PvP,ers,) where off Tonight.

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