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Confused about courting gifts...


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Obviously you can give these only to companions you can romance, but at what point? After you do the nasty(i.e fade to black)? The first kiss? Marriage? I'm confused because I gave some to vector with no effect, do I have to have a certain amount of affection with him or be deep enough in the romance storyline for it to work?
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I'm able to give them to companions I don't romance, it's just another category of gifts from what I can tell. Some companions like them more than others. Torhead has a very nice listing under each companion for how much they like each gift. Edited by Cormey
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Weird, vector is listed as having courting gifts under his favorites, but when i gave him some, i got 0 affection as a result, i'll try it again, maybe somethings changed.


Tried it, it worked on vector, but i have been putting the moves on ol buggy.

Edited by muhidin
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Its just the category of the gift - doesnt mean anything. Some companions like them more, some dont. Vette for example gets more affection from "underworld goods" than "courting" gifts. Its just that simple... stop overthinking things :p


It can't be that simple because on most companion charts that I've read, a companion can "like OR dislike" a courting gift, not just "like" or "dislike". There must be something that determines this and, to me, the logical answer is to enter a relationship with the character.

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Weird, vector is listed as having courting gifts under his favorites, but when i gave him some, i got 0 affection as a result, i'll try it again, maybe somethings changed.


Tried it, it worked on vector, but i have been putting the moves on ol buggy.


You have to be above a certain affection point, and possibly past certain parts of your storyline for courting gifts to be accepted. I couldn't give Jorgan a courting gift that was accepted until Chapter 1 was finished. With my Sage, with Lt. Iresso, I just had to get him over a certain amount of affection before he would accept them, I guess since I got him after Chapter 2.


Some companions have courting gifts listed as favorite or love - and some just have them as like. Heck, on my trooper, 4x, the republic's robot, takes courting gifts as a like. But no, he's not a romanceable option....at least I hope not. He's started to scare me lately.

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