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Your first impressions of SWTOR


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This thread is dedicated to you writing 1 paragraph telling about your first impressions.



My first time I played this game was from closed beta. I rolled an IA and I started to play this game on a real crappy build. This game was betterly optimized then it is now but here is what I think-

When I started the game it felt shallow, the story felt great, I loved reading the chat, but Hutta was to far from where I felt. I didn't get good first impressions, however I did in open beta when I played it with my friend. I loved the game, I rolled a bounty hunter, this time was different, I felt like I had to get everything done super fast. The first impressions of my game when I started the game as a JK were different and much better. I fell in love. The only thing this game is still missing is a feeling.

Edited by BOLTgamer
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