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im kill on site for stoping kill trade


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Wow, sad really.....


You log on to a PvP server to get some action, get to Ilum, and are greeted with this? Can you tell me what server you're on so I never bother trying to roll a toon on there?


"Kill on site" on a PvP server is just being overly redundant. RED IS DEAD PEOPLE!!! Yes, let's give this guy a hard time because he wants to PvP on a PvP server, brilliant!!!


Question for all you kill-trading care-bears out there: Why the F did you bother rolling on a PvP server? My guess is that these are the same people that got pissed when the lvl 50 warzone bracket was introduced because they could no longer log into a warzone and be god-mode-1-shot-lowbies and make themselves feel special and allmighty.


That screenshot is..... disgusting..... I'd be p is s'ed off if I was in your shoes too. Perfect case for character server transfers.

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Jesus christ someone kill that bar layout with fire. also seems like you were joining in the KT aswell?


Didnt you get BM the same day 1.1 hit?


no i have been bm for weeks , i was not joining in I lead a assualt to kill it and died there




after your full bm whats the point of even going to ilum other then to troll

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I have 100 people on my ignore list, that I refuse to help do flashpoints/ops/craft/trade/guild etc, you name it. All kill traders. I'm pretty much a legendary a-hole on my server for raging at killtraders everytime they do it. If more people do what I did, and made it socially unacceptable, there would be less kill trading.


Also, bioware needs to increase the ignore list cap. It's client side, I'm sure. so why is there a cap?

Edited by Ahhmyface
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It was pretty fun to screw with their kill trading all afternoon. Constantly forcing them out to re-cap bases/assaults so their Valor gain wouldn't be complete garbage, attack them while it was their turn to AOE, get stealthers in there to tag during Imp's turn to AOE. I've never seen General chat fill up with more hate from Virb and his KT buddies. Definitely a lot of fun, i'm looking forward to it again next Tuesday. Got my daily done and had a blast at the same time.
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The real sad thing is that people resort to this, and it's mainly because Ilum is so unbelievably not fun and unoptimized, that there's really point in doing it the "right" way. I mean, ya, I guess they could have a real fight, but what's the point when 90% of the players are going to have 5 FPS? Edited by vindianajones
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The real sad thing is that people resort to this, and it's mainly because Ilum is so unbelievably not fun and unoptimized, that there's really point in doing it the "right" way. I mean, ya, I guess they could have a real fight, but what's the point when 90% of the players are going to have 5 FPS?


I don't think "unfun" has much to do with it (though Ilum is unfun) this crappy behavior happens in every game that doesn't have an actual consequence for losing. Basically valor is just another grind and valor trading is thus a way some people see to be ubaleet.


GG to OP though, I approve... though I'm not sure what KoS even means in an RvR game... isn't everyone KoS?

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Well played OP.


Seeing a screenshot like that just makes me sad. To think, all of those peeps could have had a really good fight and some fun. Instead, they just chose to killtrade. What a waste of potential fun and good times... /facepalm


Fun and goodtimes? Are we playing the same game? On my server today, we had both factions skirmishing with each other. There were about 25 repubs and 40 imps. The FPS was like a slide show. Melee were frantically using the few ranged attacks they had or buffing the group while the imps slowly wrecked the repubs. The system is way too broken to be "fun." As a melee, the system just sucks. The slide show isn't all that great either.

Edited by Dosvidaniya
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