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Anyone else disappointed bu IA story? (major spoilers)


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Wait, what am I reading?? Can you please comment further on the whole

'they're taking kaliyo away' thing

? Put it in spoilers or send it per PM.



She's the only character I have gearred up as a tank because I'm a healer Operative...


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I think I would have enjoyed the storyline more if the only thing I played was the storyline quests. All the other trivial quests made me feel less of a Cypher Agent and more of a government goon.



Plus the number of twists started to make it expected


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I thought the story was terrific. Operatives are screwed from a class-balance perspective, but I suspect we may have gotten the best of the writing.


If you were surprised by all the bad things that happened to your character, just remember that you're a non-Sith in an empire run by galactic jerkwads, ubermensch who consider the midiclorian-challenged to be lesser beings, more tools and chattel than colleagues. Of course they screw with you. You're not Sith.


As the story continues, you have opportunities to put up with it for the greater good of the Empire, or to take some quite significant steps in the other direction.

Edited by Oghier
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Wait, what am I reading?? Can you please comment further on the whole

'they're taking kaliyo away' thing

? Put it in spoilers or send it per PM.



She's the only character I have gearred up as a tank because I'm a healer Operative...




Gear up at least one other companion. It needn't be a tank - Vector or Temple will serve just fine if you're heal-spec (if you're DPS, it's all about Lokin). You'll be fine. The story won't throw anything at you that you can't handle, unless you've completely neglected all but the one companion.

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It is heavily scripted and no matter how you choose the outcome will be the same


The outcome is the same? There are some pretty stark choices with regard to your character's future and loyalties. They're hardly the same, though we'll have to see how BW continues things based on your decisions.


If you mean, the gameworld does not change, then that's clearly correct. The phasing tech WoW introduced with Cata simply does not exist in TOR. No storyline changes the environment beyond the story zones themselves. Given the number of choices some classes can make, I suspect that tailoring the open world to react to those would have been beyond even TOR's swollen production budget.

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The phasing tech WoW introduced with Cata simply does not exist in TOR. No storyline changes the environment beyond the story zones themselves.


Small nit pick here, Blizzard started using Phasing in Wrath, showcasing it heavily in the Death Knight starter area.

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Small nit pick here, Blizzard started using Phasing in Wrath, showcasing it heavily in the Death Knight starter area.


Phasing makes you feel more like you have an impact, weird to see Agents going into the Intelligence office after you finished the storyline (but phasing did introduce many problems with gathering and grouping) which i just did and I srsly don't get how you could be disappointed by the ending... seems like there are 3 or more possible outcomes that change your fate rather drastically.. for me at least it was;



Claimed the Black Codex for myself after the two Sith.. ehm... had an accident aboard the ship. Deleted all records that ever existed about me, took the codex on my ship with, quoting the former minister of intel. here, "enough secrets to blackmail the entire galaxy", staying in touch with Shara aka Keeper and the rest of the former Intel. crew for some "inside intel" and basically now I can do whatever i want without having to answer to anyone anymore. I found it rather epic like the whole story.


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From an RP perspective the story made it great as I

went from having to bow down to a terrifying sith lord and then be mind controlled by a jedi only to get to defeat both and brutally murder the other and his team, then finally defy the dark council's will, slay 2 more sith then keep the codex for myself and being able to operate with total autonomy I felt my character had broken free of both the sith and the jedi, I suppose this is slightly ironic considering the star cabal's goals.


Also I fell in love with Scorpio's voice so i began using her after belsalvis so I barely noticed when kaliyo was taken away although this was mostly dumb luck


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Gear up at least one other companion. It needn't be a tank - Vector or Temple will serve just fine if you're heal-spec (if you're DPS, it's all about Lokin). You'll be fine. The story won't throw anything at you that you can't handle, unless you've completely neglected all but the one companion.


Bah, my sniper uses Temple almost all of the time. No need for Lokin.

Edited by DJJAZZY
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Actually IA storyline is much more dependant on your choices than SI storyline. It might not be the whole new world but its nice to see that I had done something and it had an impact later.




I enjoyed the story but felt a bit empty at the end when I got all freedom I never asked for. Considering that my sniper isnt exactly patriotic and though rational, likes to shoot stuff and have fun, I dont really know what to do with all that freedom. I mean I'd like to shoot dark council members and maybe the emperor himself, because most sith are jerks and assassinating force-wielders is fun (they also screw up intelligence) but it doesnt seem that its what the outcome was about, at least for neutral-light side IA...


Edited by Vesperr
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The IA story is probably to most complex and well written of the lot that I have seen. True you are not some godlike force user character that makes others to bow before you but that's the point.


I played my Agent as a loyal imperial patriot that wanted more than anything to do what was best for the empire and the sith be damned. my mercy, diplomacy, and tactical decisions were almost always well rewarded as i turned vicious enemies into powerful allies.


The IA story is dynamic and really lets you get involved in the games overall story while still building this great drama hidden in the shadows that threatens to destroy / recreate the galaxy.

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Trolls will be trolls.



You are NOT alone, the Agent storyline is really bad and as someone mentioned in another thread they give you the "illusion of choice", which appearantly have fooled alot of Agent fanbois into believing this is some "über story with tha epixx twist liek James Bond".


It is heavily scripted and no matter how you choose the outcome will be the same, which is why I personally enjoyed a more simple story like the SW or BH that focused on characters instead.



However, I really enjoy the game mechanics of the class and now that I finally am level 50 and can just play the game instead I will be sticking to my Operative for a long time!


Wrong, completely wrong, dead wrong. The IA has 5 potential endings and all of the endings are based on how you dealt with choices at the end of each Act. All of the endings are possible no matter if you go light, dark, or neutral, it ends up depending on your choices in each Act.



Ending #1 - Defect to the Republic and Join SIS: had to leave Ardent Koathe alive and choose to get him the information involving the Star Cabal. If you left him alive at the end of Act 2, he shows up in the basement of the museum instead of the female SIS agent. At that time he will give you the opportunity to join SIS and be a double angent for the Republic against the Empire.


Ending #2 - Free Agent: Side with the Minister/Original Keeper and give him the Star Cabal information. He will pull strings, rebuilding Imperial Intelligence, but will wipe your record of service thus allowing you to assist the Empire as needed without drawing attention of the Dark Council


Ending #3 - Rebuild Imperial Intelligence: Again, side with the Minister/Original Keeper and give him the Star Cabal information. Instead of wiping your record, you go back to being a Cipher Agent, but Intelligence is restored.


Ending #4 - Become a part of Sith Intelligence: Give the information to the Sith, but don't side with Darth Jadus in Act 1. Imperial Intelligence is reformed as Sith Intelligence and you're just a cog in the machine.


Ending #5 - Lead Sith Intelligence: Side with Jadus during Act 1 and give the Star Cabal information to the Sith. By doing so you are elevated to the head of Sith Intelligence on it's formation.


My play through with my Sniper I took Free Agent



So, if you read through the spoiler, you now know the various endings, you know how to get them. And you can just as easily get ending 5 while playing mostly light side and just as easily get ending 1 playing dark side. It's all based on choices you make in each Act to which ending you finally get.


For the SI, the ending is based on your morallity, you get one title at the end based on being Light, one based on being Neutral, and one based on being Dark (although Light does have an added option with something they can do at the end, Neutral might as well), but it's effectively the same ending just a different title, IA, it's 5 potential endings based on your choices in the Acts, not your morality.

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I loved the IA storyline.


It had some choices I really had to think hard about. Especially at the end of Chapter 1 (Trying to be the good guy of the Empire).


As for the ending? I think it needed one thing.


I became a free agent, which knowing the 5 final endings now is exactly what I would have wanted, though I would enjoy Imperial Intelligence being back again.


A chance to use my newly found power and secrets from the Black Codex to tell some of the sith who to shut up and know their place.


I've had to win battles, make impossible choices and watch the Sith's infighting cost the lives of good Imperial soldiers while cow-towing to them, having to operate behind their backs or manipulate events in order to get the best outcome for the Empire.


Also Zhorrid shocked me with lighting just because I called her pathetic. Hey, it was the truth!


One scene of me telling a Sith Lord/Darth trying to order me to lead some pointless attack for his own game, letting him know exactly how little power he has over me and then ordering him to do something else for the good of the Empire.


That would have made my ending complete.



Edited by FixerFortyKay
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Wrong, completely wrong, dead wrong. The IA has 5 potential endings and all of the endings are based on how you dealt with choices at the end of each Act. All of the endings are possible no matter if you go light, dark, or neutral, it ends up depending on your choices in each Act.



Ending #1 - Defect to the Republic and Join SIS: had to leave Ardent Koathe alive and choose to get him the information involving the Star Cabal. If you left him alive at the end of Act 2, he shows up in the basement of the museum instead of the female SIS agent. At that time he will give you the opportunity to join SIS and be a double angent for the Republic against the Empire.


Ending #2 - Free Agent: Side with the Minister/Original Keeper and give him the Star Cabal information. He will pull strings, rebuilding Imperial Intelligence, but will wipe your record of service thus allowing you to assist the Empire as needed without drawing attention of the Dark Council


Ending #3 - Rebuild Imperial Intelligence: Again, side with the Minister/Original Keeper and give him the Star Cabal information. Instead of wiping your record, you go back to being a Cipher Agent, but Intelligence is restored.


Ending #4 - Become a part of Sith Intelligence: Give the information to the Sith, but don't side with Darth Jadus in Act 1. Imperial Intelligence is reformed as Sith Intelligence and you're just a cog in the machine.


Ending #5 - Lead Sith Intelligence: Side with Jadus during Act 1 and give the Star Cabal information to the Sith. By doing so you are elevated to the head of Sith Intelligence on it's formation.


My play through with my Sniper I took Free Agent



So, if you read through the spoiler, you now know the various endings, you know how to get them. And you can just as easily get ending 5 while playing mostly light side and just as easily get ending 1 playing dark side. It's all based on choices you make in each Act to which ending you finally get.


For the SI, the ending is based on your morallity, you get one title at the end based on being Light, one based on being Neutral, and one based on being Dark (although Light does have an added option with something they can do at the end, Neutral might as well), but it's effectively the same ending just a different title, IA, it's 5 potential endings based on your choices in the Acts, not your morality.


As to the endings, 4 and 5 might be subtle in their difference.



In act 1 I captured Jadus, launching the attack to distract him while I sabotaged the ship (and fought him 3 times, which was some of the most fun frustration I've had, as I think I was level 29 at the time). My ending I gave the codex to the Sith, and it was VERY strongly implied that I was at the top of the people to lead Sith intel when it got formed, but until then I'm going assassin on the galaxy. "You will see opponents of the Empire just...disappear."


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Compared to the Sage storyline, I found this one confusing and muddy in it's choices. I am glad I read the spoilers so I can make my final choices as I am close to the final end.


Compared to Sage storyline I found it unbelievably boring and predictable.

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I think most people are only looking at a small part of the experience. The IA story is great. But, that doesn't encompass the whole playing experience. We all know that in Act 2 you get brainwashed and you start working for the Republic. My problem is with the rest of the questing. If you stay on the character storyline the whole time you are okay. If you look at the planet quests in conjunction with the character story, it doesn't add up.


Here you are playing the double agent and doing quests for the Republic in the class quests. Then in the planet quests, you run the Empire quests. Do you really think that your new Republic handlers wouldn't know that you are running around doing missions for the empire?!? That is just stupid. I don't think it would be that difficult for you to have access to the Republic planet quests and run those while you are working as a double agent.


This disparity has moved me away from my IA, with the exception of PvP. I stopped doing the class quests due to the inconsistencies between the class quests and the planet quests.

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I think most people are only looking at a small part of the experience. The IA story is great. But, that doesn't encompass the whole playing experience. We all know that in Act 2 you get brainwashed and you start working for the Republic. My problem is with the rest of the questing. If you stay on the character storyline the whole time you are okay. If you look at the planet quests in conjunction with the character story, it doesn't add up.


Here you are playing the double agent and doing quests for the Republic in the class quests. Then in the planet quests, you run the Empire quests. Do you really think that your new Republic handlers wouldn't know that you are running around doing missions for the empire?!? That is just stupid. I don't think it would be that difficult for you to have access to the Republic planet quests and run those while you are working as a double agent.


This disparity has moved me away from my IA, with the exception of PvP. I stopped doing the class quests due to the inconsistencies between the class quests and the planet quests.


I always saw that as, the IA can't just simply abandon the Empire while trying to pull the wool over the Republic's eyes. Like, I was under the impression that, from the Republic's perspective on the situation, the IA is secretly helping out the SIS and thus still has to maintain a cover of being a loyal Imperial goon. Thus they would still have to do missions for the Empire, just to avoid having their treachery discovered.

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Trolls will be trolls.



You are NOT alone, the Agent storyline is really bad and as someone mentioned in another thread they give you the "illusion of choice", which appearantly have fooled alot of Agent fanbois into believing this is some "über story with tha epixx twist liek James Bond".


It is heavily scripted and no matter how you choose the outcome will be the same, which is why I personally enjoyed a more simple story like the SW or BH that focused on characters instead.



However, I really enjoy the game mechanics of the class and now that I finally am level 50 and can just play the game instead I will be sticking to my Operative for a long time!


all chapter have 2 outcome if you are perceptive enough to heave all options available

i joined jadus, let live watcher x (became my asset), let the jedi live because empire brainwash me and hunter abused the fact not him , and in the end he offered me to become a proper double agent for the republic... almost all opposites than most people are driven to choose

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Lightside Inquisitor often just makes you feel stupid.

Darkside Inquisitor reaches cartoon villain silliness. It just gave up and it stops trying to be serious.


Before going to Tattooine during the briefing: "Oh boy a real pirate" *squee*


After finishing act 1 on my sorc I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry because of the goofyness of what just happened happened.




And that is supposed to be better than the agent storyline ?

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Wrong, completely wrong, dead wrong. The IA has 5 potential endings and all of the endings are based on how you dealt with choices at the end of each Act. All of the endings are possible no matter if you go light, dark, or neutral, it ends up depending on your choices in each Act.



Ending #1 - Defect to the Republic and Join SIS: had to leave Ardent Koathe alive and choose to get him the information involving the Star Cabal. If you left him alive at the end of Act 2, he shows up in the basement of the museum instead of the female SIS agent. At that time he will give you the opportunity to join SIS and be a double angent for the Republic against the Empire.


Ending #2 - Free Agent: Side with the Minister/Original Keeper and give him the Star Cabal information. He will pull strings, rebuilding Imperial Intelligence, but will wipe your record of service thus allowing you to assist the Empire as needed without drawing attention of the Dark Council


Ending #3 - Rebuild Imperial Intelligence: Again, side with the Minister/Original Keeper and give him the Star Cabal information. Instead of wiping your record, you go back to being a Cipher Agent, but Intelligence is restored.


Ending #4 - Become a part of Sith Intelligence: Give the information to the Sith, but don't side with Darth Jadus in Act 1. Imperial Intelligence is reformed as Sith Intelligence and you're just a cog in the machine.


Ending #5 - Lead Sith Intelligence: Side with Jadus during Act 1 and give the Star Cabal information to the Sith. By doing so you are elevated to the head of Sith Intelligence on it's formation.


My play through with my Sniper I took Free Agent



So, if you read through the spoiler, you now know the various endings, you know how to get them. And you can just as easily get ending 5 while playing mostly light side and just as easily get ending 1 playing dark side. It's all based on choices you make in each Act to which ending you finally get.


For the SI, the ending is based on your morallity, you get one title at the end based on being Light, one based on being Neutral, and one based on being Dark (although Light does have an added option with something they can do at the end, Neutral might as well), but it's effectively the same ending just a different title, IA, it's 5 potential endings based on your choices in the Acts, not your morality.


Are you sure its possible to get a neutral agent ending? I've never heard of anyone getting that ending, everyone seems to get free agent, SI, or Republic.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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