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Boring Static World of SWTOR


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Only 10% or less of the game's "story" is unique to each class. Try again.


Are you high? I have never seen anything like this


Also, How is SWTOR lifeless? because atleast there are people moving around and not standing or sitting there, looking like statues doing nothing



And GW2 doesn't even look good

Edited by Sinaed
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  • 2 months later...

While I do agree with this generation wants instant gratification versus work (for example, battlemaster was hard to get then they boosted valor to 2k-3k per match and later removed valor as a requirement in 1.2), I cannot play swtor because I cannot justify what they spent making the game with what was delivered.


I have 3 fifties, did the ops, fp, repub and empire. The voice acting is brilliant and the class quests are phenomenal. 4 of my friends play this with me, so heroics were never a problem or grouping which hurt many peoples expirences. And yet, Im afraid I cannot continue. About 30 pages up, some guy said "using resources into ambience and npcs is a waste and should b put into gameplay ect".


This is true to an extent, as I would like a good game versus a pretty one. But swtors engine is pathetic and even on my high end machine ilum was terrible and load times so long. Sure there is also the same kill x go y pick up z quests, but they don't bother me but the way they are presented is terrible..... I accept a cool quest from a voiced quest giver I'm thrilled to start it and then I go on my way..... To the marked area.... But on the way there is nothing... No wild mobs, no npcs, no environment effects, no day and night or weather, the world is *********** dead.


It's almost like you have a unique, well acted quest giver, an interesting plot, but point a is pretty and on your way to point b is an endless void.... Imagine standin in the quest area and the area between the quest area and the quest giver is just white space and polygons... That's what it feels like because outside the quests there is no1 but players, it's empty.


By no means, no game is perfect. I love swtor and I've played wow, gw, Everquest lol, and now try Tera. In 2012, a triple a subscription MMO that spent somewhere between 250-350 million dollars (maybe 150-250 who knows) should feel MASSIVE and ALIVE because we are payin 180 a year to play, and MULTIPLAYER versus a solo game :/

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Ambient sound goes a LOONG way. The Guild Wars 2 beta felt much more alive, and I attribute the difference mostly to the sound of crickets, birds, wind, rustle of plants, and ambient music background that SWTOR generally lacks.


I think they avoid having questgivers patrol because of cutscene camera issues, but I definitely would like to see some more wildlife and NPC's too...

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The worlds are amazingly dead. One of my biggest disappointments with the game is the lack of imp/pub interaction and how static the worlds were. The very first part of the trooper/smuggler opening area was deceptively fun and exciting. Everything else was dull.
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i agree and i hope that they work their butts off to fix this issue, there is no reason to explore the maps unless you are looking for datacrons and that is just sad. the npc just stand there like cardbored cutouts. in wow when you click on an npc its says stuff. no weather effects or lack there of, contributes to the lifeless feel of the worlds,day and night cycles would be more than welcomed imo. make creature roam and fight one another. the list goes on and on :(

bottem line is that the devs took the path of least resistance with the production of this game and everything outside the character progression is just dead, uninteresting and dissapointing.

-no weather effects

-no open-ended environments that invite you to explore them

-no day and night cycle

- no swimming and underwater environments

- no dynamic npc activities and interactions

these are some points i would love to see scratched off the list bioware

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would love to hear from a dev on this, we pay to dwell in these worlds they created and as of now they just suck and all of us are on the fleet waiting to find a group for a raid or a flashpoint or wz everything else they created is uninviting ... Edited by river
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i agree and i hope that they work their butts off to fix this issue, there is no reason to explore the maps unless you are looking for datacrons and that is just sad. the npc just stand there like cardbored cutouts. in wow when you click on an npc its says stuff. no weather effects or lack there of, contributes to the lifeless feel of the worlds,day and night cycles would be more than welcomed imo. make creature roam and fight one another. the list goes on and on :(

bottem line is that the devs took the path of least resistance with the production of this game and everything outside the character progression is just dead, uninteresting and dissapointing.

-no weather effects

-no open-ended environments that invite you to explore them

-no day and night cycle

- no swimming and underwater environments

- no dynamic npc activities and interactions

these are some points i would love to see scratched off the list bioware



Certainly the

and better weather would add an dynamic illusion.
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i agree and i hope that they work their butts off to fix this issue, there is no reason to explore the maps unless you are looking for datacrons and that is just sad. the npc just stand there like cardbored cutouts. in wow when you click on an npc its says stuff. no weather effects or lack there of, contributes to the lifeless feel of the worlds,day and night cycles would be more than welcomed imo. make creature roam and fight one another. the list goes on and on :(

bottem line is that the devs took the path of least resistance with the production of this game and everything outside the character progression is just dead, uninteresting and dissapointing.

-no weather effects

-no open-ended environments that invite you to explore them

-no day and night cycle

- no swimming and underwater environments

- no dynamic npc activities and interactions

these are some points i would love to see scratched off the list bioware


Quoting this as he is listed vital points.


I hate underwater quests, but agree it's weird not having those areas.

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I think it could be beneficial to make a thread like this in the suggestion box, give it a more positive spin and add all the things people have said in this thread to decrease its static-ness.
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Quoting this as he is listed vital points.


I hate underwater quests, but agree it's weird not having those areas.


You wouldn't have to have underwater quests to have swimming.


LOTRO handles this quite well (although in fact SW has previous for underwater stuff, so it maybe no bad thing).

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Need some form of ecosystem approach for NPCs in some areas (even in FPs), or maybe in future worlds.


Mobs could interact with each other in some way.

Could repopulate in unexpected ways (different species, level range)

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  • 6 months later...
necro thread but this hero engine so so messed up that it barely supports what it got and sometimes even that is too much so be happy with what u got because it may never get any better


Yeah, I don't think it will, even with new planets. :(

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For the currently existing worlds, what's done is done.


But hopefully for new worlds, more is done to make it as lively as possible.


Some of the things needed are already there. Some mobs do patrol. On Tatooine, you see some officers arrest someone with his hand behind his head. And I think it was on... Balmorra, that you have a few squads of republic members surrounding a few sith lords and shooting heavily at them while the sith lords use the force to protect themselves. And fire fights have existed in a lot of planets.


These kind of things will do wonders in making the world feel more alive. They just need to do more of it.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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You cant emerse yourself on what you call dead worlds with voice acting and people speaking in the streets, but you can with day/night cycles, randomly walking buggy NPC's and text boxes? Please... tell me a new joke.


Its just QQ, sorry to say. If you're not imersed its because you didnt allow yourself to be.



As others have said, maybe they will try to please you a bit more in the future, but to me its just a waste of development time.


necro thread but this hero engine so so messed up that it barely supports what it got and sometimes even that is too much so be happy with what u got because it may never get any better


Its not the engine. Stop trying to act like you have a clue what development entails.

RIFT, a very different game, with things better and things worse and you dont hear any of this QQ about the engine. Guess what, they use the same engine as SWTOR. Yeah... design choices. If anything. i'd be more inclined to point and blame at the university students that "helped" in the development. I wouldnt be surprised if that was the source of the heavy code and bugs in this game that now they are having to re-optimise.

Edited by Nemmar
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Interesting to see the same criticisms and feedback that were put to Bioware during Beta and early launch re-emerging as new players try out the game.


These issues exist and need addressing for this to be a successful game. Will they listen THIS time?

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