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Boring Static World of SWTOR


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So, in your world, you cant criticize something- in hope of that something geting better? You have to love it or leave it.. what kind of world view do you got?

As a consumer, if something is bad, I stop buying it. I don't keep purchasing it in the hopes it will improve.

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that's what most people that dislike this game are saying and I QUOTE


"GW2 can't come soon enough"


The videos that have been posted for GW2 just do not do it for me. I thought the original GW was pretty bad and this one doesn't look any better.

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The videos that have been posted for GW2 just do not do it for me. I thought the original GW was pretty bad and this one doesn't look any better.


Arenanet doesn't even have official forums to even discuss the game on. YET. perhaps never..


i'm more in anticipation for the level of trolling unlike anything ever seen on TOR to be unleashed on GW2. it will be glorious.

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lol peer pressure from who?


other forum trolls?


although i admit its a lot more fun to troll than defend. i've been known to do it not only here but also on the WOW forums when i still visited those.


the REAL ID fiasco was awesome anybody that got pissed at me all i said was "i can't wait to know your real name" and i had a flurry of new responses. good times.. good times.


It's okay...you can like SWTOR. Nobody will think less of you.

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Cake for you, kids!

Yay, but this is just flour?

Don't worry, I'll buy the other ingredients sometime!


if this is just flour, then i dont know what 99.9% of other MMOs out there is. :eek:


About the lively world in MMO, the only one i have ever seen that would satisfy people here is Tabula Rasa of NCSoft, where the battlefields are very real, with ton of mobs, giant robots, monsters, mechs,medics, snipers, assaults, from both friendly and enemy sides constantly fight each other, dead, scream, call for reinforcements by ships/bombardment, capture strat points back and forth, NCSoft did revamp whole of few maps for events, players' bases turned into ashes and camped by NPCs :mad: . Sadly, that game failed due to lack of contents and NCSoft was out of patience+budget, and no pvp. But it is a very good model for making a lively dynamic world.

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Haven't played Skyrim eh?


you mean the game where as i'm walking people bump into me and tell me about sweet rolls or how the air smells fresh.


or how about the canned line "... arrow to the knee"


yeah living and breathing i stopped playing that garbage game after the 100th npc said they took an arrow to the knee.

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if this is just flour, then i dont know what 99.9% of other MMOs out there is. :eek:


About the lively world in MMO, the only one i have ever seen that would satisfy people here is Tabula Rasa of NCSoft, where the battlefields are very real, with ton of mobs, giant robots, monsters, mechs,medics, snipers, assaults, from both friendly and enemy sides constantly fight each other, dead, scream, call for reinforcements by ships/bombardment, capture strat points back and forth, NCSoft did revamp whole of few maps for events, players' bases turned into ashes and camped by NPCs :mad: . Sadly, that game failed due to lack of contents and NCSoft was out of patience+budget, and no pvp. But it is a very good model for making a lively dynamic world.


Look at this video of ArcheAge's open world. That looks alive to me. Grass, trees, weather, clouds floating by, day and night cycles, herds of animals. Massive world with swimming and flying and no loading screens.


Now that's mostly a sandbox game, but so what? Take a world that looks that alive, and put in a Star Wars theme park. YES PLS.


When you see that...and then you see what BW put in SWTOR, you have to ask...did you guys even try? What did you do with that $300 mil?

Edited by ShaftyMcShaft
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Look at this video of ArcheAge's open world. That looks alive to me. Grass, trees, weather, clouds floating by, day and night cycles, herds of animals. Massive world with swimming and flying and no loading screens.


Now that's mostly a sandbox game, but so what? Take a world that looks that alive, and put in a Star Wars theme park. YES PLS.


When you see that...and then you see what BW put in SWTOR, you have to ask...did you guys even try? What did you do with that $300 mil?

I saw a bunch of empty towns with villagers standing around doing nothing. Mobs standing around doing nothing. The scenery doesn't look any better or worse than SWTOR, the cut scenes with the ships, is that actual gameplay or cut scenes in the game?


I didn't see any day/night or weather either.


the game sounds cool though.

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I'm actually the only objective one in the thread and who actually LOOKED around.


NPC's in WOW all stand around, they all run through the same 6 sayings when you click them, There is NO ONE ANYWHERE except in the Capital Cities.

Does the Inns and bars in WOW have customers even in them? Nope.


If the day/night cycle and rain are what keeps you playing other games, more power to you. I personally don't really care, its an extremely minor issue to me.


I never mentioned WoW.


TOR on its own merits is not an immersive world.

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I see what you're saying, Thane. According from the beta testers, reports are that "even on low settings or lower end systems, the game looks amazing." But who knows?


Regardless, I wasn't even really talking about the graphics, just the dynamics of the world. Wind, weather, day/night, animals roaming, etc, can still be done with lower-res graphics. In SWTOR we got both the low-res graphics and the dead world.


It's not so much about how it looks but how it feels, and that's one of the big things I find lacking in TOR. The game feels less alive than even much older games, whether they're single or multiplayer. And the worlds of other 2012 games feel MUCH more alive than TOR, and when the consider the budget it's just shocking.

Edited by ShaftyMcShaft
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Yep. Would be nice to see a little life here and there.

I dont expect a massive living breathing world and I actually spoke on this in 2009 here about how NPCs can let down the game,

The world doesnt have to be dynamic, just a bit more active.

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I see what you're saying, Thane. According from the beta testers, reports are that "even on low settings or lower end systems, the game looks amazing." But who knows?


I don't remember that from beta. What I do remember is people asking why the game looked so poor, and being told by ardent defenders that there was going to be a magical, top-secret, several-builds-ahead super-client for release. Which apparently Bioware didn't want tested at all.


Instead, what we saw during beta ended up being exactly what we go. Which was completely predictable.

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Ya don't know if you got the memo, but in the 21st century, MMO's suck big time! They're a cash cow, a quick way to make some money, not an experience. And LOL at all the GW2 and ArcheAge comments as if they'll be the savior, yeah keep thinking that way, and watch both devs do something horribly, HORRIBLY wrong and screw everything up like every. other. developer. has done this generation. A good (Theme park + sandbox) mmo will never exist, it's just a dream, like world peace. So get it out of your little heads and accept the genre for what it is!


Some of you are just so naive and have your head up in the clouds it's nauseating, how many times have you been spurred and burned yet look so hopeful to the next newest thing showing hints of promise

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I don't remember that from beta. What I do remember is people asking why the game looked so poor, and being told by ardent defenders that there was going to be a magical, top-secret, several-builds-ahead super-client for release. Which apparently Bioware didn't want tested at all.


Instead, what we saw during beta ended up being exactly what we go. Which was completely predictable.


Pretty sure he was referring to ArcheAge beta.

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Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.


Universally the game has been criticized for the dull and lifeless planets.


By players and industry critics alike. They're absolutely game-killing.


As far as the server populations decreasing, just look it up. Better yet, go onto your Fleet...


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