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Sniper class endgame overall view


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Hello first i will start to quoting what i've sent to the ingame customer service with some added info:


I'm a lv50 sniper playing since the launch and i think the marksmanship tree lacks a distinct burst damage. At first i thought it was all about gear but since i'm already a battlemaster (missing only 2 pieces for the complete pvp set) i've excluded that option.


For what i've seen sniper should be one top dps classes (single target) in the meanwhile i see classes like mercenary doing a lot higher biggest hits with aoe and single single target skills plus they have the advantage of wearing heavy armor and even more they can do some basic healing themselfs thus they have an overall higher surviving rate.


The reason i think you dont see many snipers complaining or sugesting something about the class it's because i think we dont have that many players playing as a sniper (at least i dont see that many playing in warzones) or most of them already rerolled into another class.


Basically in pvp i feel rather useless since i dont have enough burst damage to compete with almost all other dps classes wheter we are playing against burst or dps classes we simply die to fast without enough tools to counter it.


I already also tried the other tree spec enginneering altho it's a fun tree i still feel it lacks some tune up also it's basically good to have lots kills by leaving a mine spreading fire to everyone who passes near by :D


To sum up i dont mind being able to be killed fast but make the sniper a more efficient dps(at least one of top single target dpsers) or introduce us new things like more party supporting skills (extra party buff, shields, etc ) to make us feel that we are a more usefull class.


I would like to hear your all (players ) about your opinion of sniper endgame (note that all players bellow 50 without proper gear just lack the accurate info about the proper disavantages or advantages).


May the force be with you all.

Edited by penetras
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If you ask me: Well they did nerfed Operative Concealment...


But Snipers and Operative Healing needs to be looked up...


Snipers aren't bursting that much (Compared to others)


Healers have lower armor then BH and no any other Pro... Since they do heal way lot better, Heat management vs Energy management is way imba.


And Inquisitors well They do look well placed But still have a easy life managing force and that AOE ? god..


Take a look for healers in Imperial Agent's... You fail to spot a Proc or to pop 1 energy stim and you have 1 less healer...


They need to be looked at in energy costs... And defensive CD's...


We aren't immune to interrupts as BH are...

Our shield is not shielding enough damage... WAY far from inquisitors (not supposed to be equal though, I get it)


And you guys say, well you can stealth :p True... Try to stealth in a Agent with a DOT on... Not all of them are "removable"... so we get found to many time :p


They need to compare and balance in a role+armor+ofensCD+DefCD VS same role's different class...


But Ranked is coming so let's just wait :)

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Ranked games will be nonsense in current PvP balance.


• Every healing class >> other classes.

• Heavy armor >> light armor in every single situation (there's no advantage light armor gives, perhaps tiny difference in run speed, but in PvP or PvE it doesn't matter at all)

• DPS Scoundrels and DPS Operatives - currently two most useless classes.

• Tracer missiles and grav rounds? Still most OP spammable attacks in entire game.

• Good ranged classes vs every melee class? Still in big advantage on almost all fronts.

• Exploits? Still exist, and still in relatively large number.

• Scoreboard? Still bugged like hell making MVP votes pointless

• PvP gear? Still a way to make super-soldier and still a factor that isn't giving an edge for the victory but rather a huge advantage on all fronts - from offensive through defensive till healing.

• Biochem? Still an ultimate profession for every serious PvPer.


So I refuse to take part in any ranked for of PvP till the system grows up to something with fair competition where ranks are about skill NOT class chosen, crewskill chosen, time spent grinding gear and knowledge about exploits.

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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