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The Suggestion Compilation Thread




Top 5 Community Requests:

- Precedents in other MMO's


Immediate Changes Video:




Please provide constructive feedback regarding changes you would like in SWTOR.


1. Performance Improvements/Optimization. Ability Delay. Increased player caps. SWTOR should be able to handle more than 80 players on Ilum before sharding!

- World of Warcraft can comfortably handle 80 v 80 matches in Tol Barad and 120 v 120 on Wintergrasp. - Has no Sharding

- Warhammer Online comfortably handled 200 v 200 or more players in RVR lakes. - Has no Sharding

2. Additional Warzones and Additional Warzone Sizes (16v16 24v24 48v48)

- World of Warcraft provides a spectrum of Battleground sizes, many players are used to these. They provide a variety of different pvp environments and experiences.

3. Guild System Improvements: Increase guild size to 1000 and provide industry standard community support!

- World of Warcraft Guild System provides a variety of perks and benefits for being part of the guild.

- Warhammer Online provided some of the best guild perks, achievements and guild heraldry.

4. Expansion of the PvP Lake System

- We were promised 11 PvP Lakes, we would like to see progress made on improving game stability and furthering the initial promised content.

5. Guild Capital Ships!

- Mentions of community ships (major guild community/resource gathering projects and social hubs) have been made on the forums. We would love to see some more progress in this area.


- Continue providing new Flashpoints and Operations content (Excellent so far).


Updated: Feb 7th

- UPDATE - Post Patch 1.1 many suggestions have been implemented. I will now organize suggestions by implemented/unimplemented.


I will attempt to update this thread frequently and prioratize major needed updates. I will base need on the number of people asking for specifc changes.


At the request of our gaming community I have been asked to provide feedback to Bioware discussing improvements to the game that they feel are most critical.


The general reaction to SWTOR has been extremely positive. However, in order to keep the interest of players and to continue to provide a vastly superior alternative to games such as World of Warcraft Bioware must do what it can to listen to the concerns and suggestions of their player base. If Bioware keeps the faith with the communities that populate it we will continue to recommend SWTOR and the subscriber base will grow.


We are looking for a good faith effort to communicate and implement the changes that are discussed here. Most are simple fixes that will increase the enjoyment and interest of players in continue to build on their characters, communities and make a truly long term investment in SWTOR and its possible expansions.


We are looking for community feedback that is intelligent, thoughtful and expresses the areas in which SWTOR could improve and expand to provide additional enjoyment and long term play value.


Please post your ideas below and I will list your ideas here! Thank you.


Feedback will be organized into the following categories:


Game Performance:



Guild System

Space Combat


Community Wishlist




- Ability Delay - Being addressed

- Sharding/Zone player caps. One of the major concerns discussed is the low player cap/faction imbalance issues.




Many Ilum Issues have been addressed since patch 1.1


Additional Fixes Required on Ilum


- PERFORMANCE! Ilum has been capped to approximately 80-100 players per shard. This is far below even Tol Barad in World of Warcraft (Maximum 160 players). We believe this is due to game performance concerns.



- Do not re-invent the wheel. Simply put the Warhammer RVR system on Ilum. Two bases with NPC bosses. Destructible doors. Siege equipment/vehicles, influence gear and rewards.

- Captureing a base should provide pvp commendations, loot bags, gear and general incentives.

- Additional Concerns: Sharding on Ilum due to client performance issues in groups larger than 80 players.

- Additional optimization of client and engine performance to support more players is critical!

- Faction Imbalance: Most servers are enormously Republic Dominated, there must be incentives for more players to roll Republic or Bolster/Tenacity Buffs for under-dog factions.


In order to provide the Warhammer/DAOC open world experience, or at least provide a Wintergrasp Tol Barad level of pvp the Ilum system must be re-worked.


Currently the pvp end game has been limited to three warzones which players grind for commendations and gear. However, the world pvp Ilum end game remains unfinished.


Mercenary Commendations:


- We were told that Mercenary commendations would be awarded from participating in open world pvp areas. Currently, with the chests and resources removed from Ilum and Outlaws den there is no way to recieve mercenary commendations besides warzone commendation conversion. This is a major oversite.

- Commendations must be rewarded from open world pvp.

- Taking Battlefieled objectives and Bases all should provide Mercenary commendations.


Battlefield Objectives:





General Changes/Optimization:


- Optimization. Ilum has technical issues due to its high polygon count. Any significant number of players present tend to severely reduce frame rates. (Memory leaks)

- Overhaul. Implement the Warhammer system for RvR. Currently players are simply capturing points and moving on to complete their daily and weekly quests. There is very little pvp.

- Republic and Sith bases should be changed to defensible "keeps" that provide incentives for players to attack, and to defend. Once again please consider the Warhammer RvR lake system.

- Pilotable siege vehicles in Ilum. (Anti base vehicles for walls or door destruction).

- Siege system for bases. Currently there is no incentive to defend bases or real strategy to do so.

- New base design in Ilum. Currently people simply hit objectives and move on. No incentive to defend or hold points. Possibly consider the keep system from Warhammer Online. (Defense bonus quests based on kills for holding objectives)

- Lock points after capture for a period of time to concentrate pvp around vulnerable objectives. (Provide rewards for defense)




- ALLOW FOR EXPERTISE ON MODS! This is our number one complaint in the game at this time. There is a brilliant customization/mod gear system in SWTOR. Why not allow it for pvp gear as well?

- Allow Expertise mods to be purchased with tokens. Allow players to stat/customize their pvp gear!




- Ability to queue up for specific warzones.

- Additional warzones.

- Larger player caps 12 v 12, 16 v 16 + etc.

- Queuing as premades.

- Bracket pvp for warzones.

- 50's ranked play for warzones.

- Ranking system for match making in ranked warzones.


World PvP:


- More World pvp lakes and objectives!

- More rewards from world pvp and objectives.

- Additional buffs for control of world pvp objectives.

- World pvp should award tokens and valour on kills.

- Players in world pvp lakes should drop items or commendations.


- Multiple Bases per side on PvP planets. You fight to control these.

- Put in a relic system where if you control certain bases it allows you to somehow seize the planets relic that provides bonuses to your side.

- Add in a Realm Point system that gives rewards that further player development and not the gear treadmill. This means you earn points for killing other players and capturing bases. Then you spend these points on new abilities.

- Allow guilds to claim outposts on planets. Upgrade the defenses, etc.





- PUT RESOURCE NODES BACK ON ILUM/OUTLAWS DEN! If there is an issue with low level players farming high level nodes put a level restriction on Ilum (40+)

- Optimization. Ilum has tremendous technical issues due to its high polygon count. Any significant number of players present tend to severely reduce frame rates. (Memory leaks)

- Overhaul. Implement the Warhammer system for RvR. Currently players are simply capturing points and moving on to complete their daily and weekly quests. There is very little pvp.

- Republic and Sith bases should be changed to defensible "keeps" that provide incentives for players to attack, and to defend. Once again please consider the Warhammer RvR lake system.

- Pilotable siege vehicles in Ilum. (Anti base vehicles for walls or door destruction).

- Siege system for bases. Currently there is no incentive to defend bases or real strategy to do so.

- New base design in Ilum. Currently people simply hit objectives and move on. No incentive to defend or hold points. Possibly consider the keep system from Warhammer Online. (Defense bonus quests based on kills for holding objectives)

- Lock points after capture for a period of time to concentrate pvp around vulnerable objectives. (Provide rewards for defense)


Character Customization:


- Greater degree of customization for characters at creation (additional body sizes, hair styles, eye styles and colors, features and extras)




- Training Dumbies!

- Combat Log!

- Add a /random roll feature!

- Public Questing! Currently there are a few group quests throughout the world. Add more! Public question is an excellent way to encourage groups of 4 or more players in the world to take on objectives and assist each other with achieving rewards.

- Additional Flashpoints (these are in the works)




- Allow both 8 and 16/24 man versions of operations! 8 player pve is not "epic" it plays out much more like an instance and lacks the sense of group challenge and complexity.

- Mounting in All Flashpoints/Operations

- Again, it is kinda tedious having to run a long distance after wiping especially if you can't mount. Why do some Phases allow it and others don't? Why can you mount in Boarding Party but not Foundry? It makes NOOOOOOOOOOO sense. Even from a realistic point, who would ever allow speeders inside a capital ship over a base? Are there mount restrictive "shields" or "beacons"? Tedious is not fun... Tedious is tedious. Which is bad, by the way.


Guild and Community Changes


- More interest and incentives for Guilds. This has already been a widely discussed topic, but it bears a little reinforcement. Guilds should be more than extended friends lists. They should have goals, advantages, interests, and unique content to advocate getting into them and interacting with others in the game.

- Guild Leveling

- Guild Perks

- Guild Hall (guild capital ship) This idea easily receives the most positive feedback from our community. Players are highly interested in a guild wide resource drive to construct and upgrade a guild capital ship/guild hall.

- Guild colors and insignia.

- Increase guild cap to at least 1000.

- Alliance system for coordination between guilds, Alliance chat channel.

- Guild Versus Guild Capital Ship Battles (Massive Warzone Boarding Action).




- More usable chairs

- Level of detail scaling (ability to control the draw distance for effects).


Personal Ships

- Interior color/exterior ship color has got to be pretty easy to skin. Having 4/5 color palettes would be great, even if it doesn’t translate to actual space combat. For instance Black exterior/red interior. Green/tan, Silver/black. Gold/Silver. White/Black. I hate my freighters colors. Use the Companion customization as a guide to ship colors.


Scaling issues:


- Corellia underwent a graphical overhaul prior to launch. In this overhaul many capital ships were added to the environment. However they were added in at under 1/8th their size! It is a major oversite in a game that otherwise takes such painstaking steps to ensure that the scale and scope of the environments is realistic. To see super massive capital ships simply tacked on to the side of buildings when they are supposedly several hundred meters long is immersion breaking.


Future projects for expansions.


Space combat expansion


- Ship customization. For example, changing the red color of the Defender like you can change your T7-01 companion color/look.


- The ability to name your ship.


- Interactive multiplayer games aboard ships and in cantinas with remote play (think chess, checkers, dice, etc. UO had this years ago.) You can play aboard your ship and link up with an opponent sitting aboard another ship.


- Class-based space missions (cargo runs for smugglers, VIP escorts for troopers, etc.)


- Docking and taking off from guild capital ships (may already be in the pipeline.)


- Multiplayer space missions with free roam (with boundaries similar to Battlefield games where you have to turn around if getting too far away from the campaign or you'll exit the mission for example.)


- PvP dogfights (pretty much requires free roam.)


- Large-scale multiplayer fleet battles (disabling ships, docking/boarding, and taking over enemies' capital ships too on foot afterward.)


For the large-scale multiplayer battles and dogfights, think of features from X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Battlefront, and Battlefield 2142 (titan maps.) Imagine manning guns on your faction's capital ship to shoot down enemy players in incoming transports and their ships or boarding a transport to dock with the enemy's capital ship, getting out on foot, and hijacking it. Or getting into your ship to fight enemy players in space around the capital ships.


- Additional Collector's Edition Items/Perks Provide more than a Light Armor mod set, provide medium and heavy versions as well!




Community Wish list Community submissions:



Guild System Improvements:


- Alliance Guild System - One thing that is annoying is having to have a big guild to raid and PVP. Some people are "Pro" while people like me are just "casual". Likewise, there are so many different people out there that like to do different things at different times. So I would propose an Alliance system, where possibly you could pool the different Guildies into one common area to ask for help. This would allow people to have their own guild, and not have to be apart of the big ones. This could be as easy as your LFG system, but for the Alliance Guilds, or maybe even go to a common chat channel. Remember, you kind of had this during the Guild Start up before launch.


- Guild Web Based interface - Which I think would work a lot like the Armory for WoW. Some where that you could set Guild Events, manipulate the Guild the same way you can do in the game. You could even have a mini forum there which would negate the need for any outside websites. Something to foster more Guild support than just having your names on a list in the game itself.


- Work Orders - Maybe have a crafting area, where you could place orders for mats or even gear itself. Along with a progression system, fulfilling these orders would award more guild exp.


- Guild Titles - Special titles granted to certain guildies based on their progress. A Guild Leader title, an Officer Title, and possibly others that the Guild Master could grant to their guildies. I would assume they would be rare, and would unlock based on guild progression. If you leave the guild, I assume you would also lose the title, less you have people creating guilds and dropping them just for the Guild Master title.


- Frontier zones.


- Player/guild facilities, outposts, bases, hubs in frontier zones.


- Relic System!


- Guild ships, or guild halls.


-Player housing or customizable interiors (furniture, interior color, move things around) of player ships.


-Different ship models players can buy.


-Exterior mods that actually change the appearance of the ship.


- A casino on Nar Shaddaa, speaks for itself really but a place where players can gamble credits.


- A pod racing track on Tattoine (not sure if this fits in with the timeline) - players can bet on Pod Racers or even take part (though you would have to make the races random or people may work out how to fix the outcome) could have Pod Racing upgrades.


- Being able to compare companion loot when looking at the companion page and when looking at an item. This worked in Beta, not sure why it was removed.


- Cross server dungeon finder.


- Cross server warzones.


- Advanced class switching.


- Dual spec.


- Improve fps performance in warzones which is terrible on some machines for no apparent reason


- Fix the various animation bugs and mirror class imbalances (due to animations most of the time)


- Combat log and possibly a recount function.


- GUILD BANK, the dev team should be fired for this one.


- Group finder, either cross server or not but it needs one either way.


- Fast transport to instance (flashpoint/heroic). THere should be a shuttle pickup that the group can initiate to get them all to the instance they are grouped for.


- Grace period on instance loot. Too many times due to game issues or not paying attention, loot get distributed wrong or someone decides they need an item they didnt need on.


- Competitive cantina mini-games


- More variety in moddable gear


- Galactic Market Additions - Ability to search without selecting all of the functions, just as ability to search JUST by typing the name of an item.


- Extending the limit on Warzone Commendations to 2000 - 4000 (why 1000?)

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone!


The previous version of this thread has reached 1,000 posts and we've recreated it for continued discussion! Please keep adding your suggestions to the thread. Thank you everyone for keeping this on-track, constructive and respectful!


As a general reminder, please make sure replies are not rude or insulting, do not contain inappropriate material or language, or are disruptive to the conversation.


Thank you!

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1.Stop valor trading... Right now both factions are grouping up, meeting up, and taking turns killing eachother in Illum. In order to keep up in PvP gear and get Battlemasters I need to exploit Valor and that is something I won't do.


2. Fix Warzones... Why am I playing 10 on 12? Why am I not getting credit for the daily/weekly? Why do I have to play against battlemasters that exploited their gear?


3. Fix faction population imbalance. My server is easily 4 Imps to 1 Rep. You set up an open pvp area with such a huge population imbalance and expect it to be fun or even playable? Dark Age of Camelot in 2000 made a better open pvp area, Illum is horrible due to population imbalance just for starters.


4. Fix PvP gear disparity... When you first released Champ bags gave out Champ gear randomly but it was not hard to get most of your Champ gear essentially bypassing Centurion Gear. (Currently I wear a lot of PvE Gear but I was able to get a champ, gun, offhand, boots, implants, ear and gloves) Now a fresh 50 is already an entire tier of gear behind before they even set foot in a Warxone or Illum.




Exploiters need their gear/Valor taken away.


Illum needs a complete overhaul, I'm not even sure where to start.


Cap server populations so one faction doesn't run away. For every 100 Imps you need at least 90 Rep etc.

Edited by Meluna
exploit, PM sent
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Compilation threads are a wasted effort when they are biased and leave out many things that have been discussed by multiple people. There is nothing wrong with 'each suggestion' having its 'own topic' for discussion. The whole point for the Suggestion Box forum, is for multiple singular topics so csrs/devs can scan and make note of them quicker and easier. A biased compilation thread hand picking only the things the op is interested in, yet claiming its a 'compilation of all top issues', is not helpful.





Edited by Frigidman
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If all of this are missing how then a lot of people are saying the game is very good? I think patience is running out of most players and if we dont see improve on many of them i think τhe game will be devastated.Τhe only thing that still keeps it alive is the Star Wars brand name...sad but true...



Υ.If you do even half of them we will talk about one of the biggest game...

Edited by mesiass
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I am coming from RIFT, a game that listen alot on their community and are the fastest ive ever seen on patches and new game content. And it works!


I am on my second month in SWTOR and i havent seen anything that i feel like an improvement. Here is a list that should have been fixed:


1. Cross server LFG tool

2. Fix the UI

3. Fix the gdamn autocenter camera! How hard can that be ?

4. Loading times between maps, i have SSD so it should be really fast, around 1-3 sec in RIFT

5. Fix the filters on items etc, useable items shows them all ???

6. Fix so that some chars can use more weapons, bounty hunter tank with one little pistol ? It looks like Dirty Harry going femenine. Why would anyone play that ? Why not a big frikkin gun ?

7. Fix Patchtimes so we dont loose a whole day for non US players

8. Skills are WAY to expensive!

9. Dualspec anyone ?

10. Fix gear rewards, Darkside dosent give a **** to eg. Marauders, how can that be ?

11. PVP groups, dispands everytime, and you need to regroup and leave queue and join it again. Guys come on!

12. Mount inside ships, some ships ? Why is that even possible ? How can we breath the air inside the ships =)

13. Class specialization, we should be able to switch that, rather than lvl up a new char in the same class(boring with same story and all)

14. what use do epics have in this game ? Same with crafted items ? When you can buy one orange and just mod it ?

15. Spacecombat, awsome that it is there, but i hate time limits and i hate trains, get my point ?

16. Guild taxes, guild ships, guild buffs, guild recepies, guild lvl. It is in the most games now and its fun.

17. PvP premades, why cant we have that ?

18. GUI popups, humm, we spend hours to get rid of popups, why bring them in this game ?

19. Fix sourc's, they ruin the pvp pretty much, 5-6 sorc's in one warzone, it is impossible to win.

20. GFX issues, like shadows, lights etc.


When you patch it takes about 7 hours, but when i read patchnotes it is between 1 and 15 lines. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Are you lacking resources or what is the problem ? Why do you even have such long maint when you dont fix anything ? Or very poorly fix stuff. It seems that you focus alot on infrastructure atm and not at the game. But hey its EA, you should be able to have 2 groups, one for game itself and one for server/infrastructure programmers ?


I think lots of players will soon drop their subs due to lack of fix and contents. if i dont see something this mounth prolly i will go back to rift =/, great game, great worlds, and so much potential. But why are you so slow ?


And i totally agree with creator, make open pvp more like warhammer RvR, it was very fun, one thing, there can be no lagg before you do that. That took away all the fun in warhammer. So fix the client first of all =)


Great game, impressive story, impressive worlds (and i have waited for big worlds). Get some speed and i will be a customer for a wery long time!



Edited by quesy
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Give every character in the game there own code, this code should be used for everything that your name was used for. For example, someone would type in your number rather than your name when adding you to there friends list. This would mean anyone could have any name they want.


Next you merge servers so each server will have a heavy population. This is very important as high populations mean that it is easier to get a group and the worlds won't feel as empty.


Next you write a automatic scaling system that buffs the lesser side, for example. If Empire outnumbered Republic 2:1, Republic would gain a 2(X) bonus to Valor, Legacy and Credit income. This would help with the population balance as some people would re-roll for he bonuses.


Next you add one PVP objective to every world that both factions can go to, these objectives would a simple holding the point objective. The point of holding this point is bonuses for you side and the more points you hold, the higher those bonuses will stack. Every time your faction losses a point a message will put up in the chat log saying (Z) is lost. The point of this is obvious, the point is to get open world PVP moving.


That is just some of my thoughts in a nutshell.

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Plenty of ideas floating around about crafting. I'll add my ideas on some potential overhauls. Not sure if this is the right place, I'm sure it will get deleted if it isn't :)

Also not convinced everyone/anyone will like what I say - but just my opinons as a seasoned crafter (I started all this crafting lark in UO).


Some people like to craft, however at the moment the crafting system is pretty useless. Once end-game is reached nobody wants the armour/weapons/Mods etc that can be built by players, it's all about the major PvE and PvP missions over and over and over again.

A crafting skill can help you early a little cash and if you chose one where the end results are something you can use, then you can save some credits by making your own equipment.

So how do we make crafting work?


1. Top-End crafting on par with the top-end PvE and PvP equipment that can be gained. Now I'm not saying it should be easy to make these items, but at the same time they shouldn't be impossible. The idea is not to flood the market with "gear" that is just a simple matter of buying. You could introduce "one use only" schematics, get people to go off and collect items from certain places to craft with. Make it difficult. Those that want to PvP and PvE still can, but those that wan't to take the crafting route also have options.


2. Could we maybe have a "Crafing COmmendation" system? Now I don't pretend to know exactly how this will work, but like Daily Commendations, Warzone Commendations etc a path to gaining Crafting Commendations which could eventually be swapped for rare materials, rare schematics etc.


3. Items shouldn't last forever! At the moment even if you manage to sell something you have no repeat customers. I would suggest that as at the moment items take damage when they are used and even more so when you die. Once repaired they lose a percentage of their maximum durability. Eventually these items will need replacing.


4. Top-End schematics shouldn't be common. I know this will hit a nerve with some, but crafters do understand that some things need to remain rare. I think the chance of RE from Green to Blue should be increased, but Blue to Purple should remain similar to where it is now.


5. Remove the ability to "You already know that schematic". You would not spend time learning something you already know. Where one item can be RE'ed into numerous other types, once one of those is learnt you will not be attempting to learn it again.


There needs to be an alternative method to getting "The Best" stuff available. At the moment it's either PvP or harder PvE quests. The ability for a crafter to make something on par should be there for people who don't like PvP and cannot necessarily get into the high-level PvE instances.

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A lot of good suggestions from people in here. As for the opening post, it is missing many of them and if you took out the duplicates it'd be half as long. If you took out the pvp and min/maxer complaints it's be just a few lines. While I do think Bioware should fix and add more pvp content, it's not the primary goal of this game. Also, do any of you read the dev posts and blog before posting your suggestions? Many are in development, but that isn't good enough for some people (I want it now or else).


The suggestion I liked the most was that leveling is just way too easy. My main's quests on Hoth started turning grey before I could complete them. As it is I will probably ding 50 on Belsavis or the beginning of Voss. I have done a little PVP, run all FPs repeating only a couple, and done all the space missions and the dailies once. I really doubt Bioware will or even can change this short of an expansion.


One thing I didn't see anyone suggest, clicking the edge of the window makes this game think you are resizing the window and puts you into a loading screen. This is deadly when your in combat or PVP. An option to disable window resizing would be very helpful.

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Companion specialty trees would be a great way to feel a companion has improved.


Been said before but companion role selection of some sort so I'm not stuck with a companion purely for utility.In other words, I hate Quinn.


I want more rewarding gameplay moments like new abilities or innate buffs to reflect where I am in the story. Spoiled for plot points:


Ok, so I've been Mandalore's stand in,I am the Emperor's Wrath, I am Darth Nox and yet, nothing really feels any different than when I first got my ship. I didn't get an actually cool ship to replace the one I STOLE from a smuggler, nor did I get any cool new ability to reflect the fact that I'm the Wrath or that I eat ghosts for their power. I didn't even get to take the sweet lightsabers from the Baras siblings. Once you get your ship, every other defining moment in your story is fairly empty and changes nothing.


Baras has an ability called the Emperor's Voice, I'd like an Emperor's Wrath to display my power and position in a similar manner. The Sith Inquisitor draws power from ghosts to super charge her abilities, maybe recklessness gets buffed with surge to reflect the improvement. If I'm the Champion of the Great hunt and Mandalore's representative--and ostensibly well off financially because of those two facts--why am I still roaming the galaxy in a stolen smuggler's ship that looks old, worn and probably has people that want to shoot it down on sight for matters I'm entirely uninvolved with?


There just needs to be more to the gameplay once you get your legacy and have your ship;the story should be reflected in the gameplay.


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Ship combat stats (shots fire/hits, missiles fired/hits, damage done broken down by blasters/missiles/AoE, enemy killed broken down by type (fighters, mines, turrets, etc), damage taken split by shields & armour/hp)


Crafting materials that auto-stack when shift/ctrl (?) clicked into stash/cargo hold


Change the tooltips on companion gifts to show what level of affection they will give less than their full bonus to (eg, “this gift will only give it’s full affection to companions with less than XXX total affection”)


Crafting materials stack to more than 99


A tooltip for the crafting materials missions (Scavenging, Underworld Trading, etc) that tells you how many of the grade/type you have in your inventory/stash. Eg, you hover your mouse over a grade 1 Scavenging Metals mission & are told that you have x Desh & y Aluminium.

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Explanation: I call both the guys with the gold and silver thing next to their names elites.


Statement: I've noticed some in-game things that I thought I should mention.


Statement: I'm glad the whole glowing green thing is fixed, which seems to have also fixed the random colored lines that were everywhere sometimes.



Informative Statement: I've been noticing some issues when fighting enemies that can heal. They heal almost immediately after just healing. This is annoying as they take longer than they should to die. This is especially annoying when they're an elite. I can't use half of my abilities because I'm constantly keeping them from healing so I can survive. It's worse when you're level 48 and HAVE to fight 2 level 50 elites that constantly blast you away making it impossible to keep them from healing.


Statement: I've never had trouble fighting two elites two levels above me with a fortitude stim and my healing companion. I'm a Vanguard and last much longer with the healing companion than other companions. Please give them a long timer between heals or make them able to heal two times only. They're literally healing immediately after having already healed. I'm assuming it's a bug. And not having a CC ability doesn't help.


Statement: It's also really hard when there aren't more than 4 people on the planet you're on, and only 2 others in your guild on (this goes for every class I mention).


Reassurance: Because of this there's no way I could survive even at level 50 on my own.


(Trooper: Corellia: final part of the class mission.)



Query: Anybody else a bit annoyed even in the slightest about it?




Addendum: There is also a specific elite I'd like to mention on Balmorra in the Inquisitor story. I couldn't defeat it without a stim. I barely survived with the stim. I like a good challenge, but it was ridiculously frustrating. The Colicoid dropped smaller ones, and instead of going away when I died, they would remain and amass with each try forcing me to reset after every death. Again quite frustrating. On top of that more would drop making it hard to take them all out. I was the same level as the Colicoid so it shouldn't have been such a big problem.


Statement: I'm not sure what I'd suggest, but at least make it so as stim isn't so critical to defeating it. I know I'm not the only one who had just as difficult of a time with it.


Pleading Statement: Please, please, please, please fix the targeting system. I'm tired of getting screwed over by it. The game doesn't switch targeting when I use the hot key, and clicking on the target only registers half the time in PvE and only one quarter of the time in PvP if you're a fast clicker (that goes for both my own team and the enemy). The hotkey cycles through the targets next to me 3 times before targeting someone further away.

Edited by HKtheindomitable
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If a dungeon finder (flashpoint finder) is ever implemented, the developers should also include an option that will allow you to group with people who want to watch cutscenes, so that being randomly grouped with people who want to spacebar through the flashpoint is no longer an issue. People who are playing the game for the first time want to be able to enjoy the story at least once. If people are impatient, group leaders could kick group members from the group. Edited by DarthSuperSaiyan
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Great thread!!




Requested features based on categories ... instead we need to troll through forums to try to see this. Surely Bioware are missing a lot of valuable feedback as a result too.


Why see a heap of posts for UI interface enhancements or Space Ship quest changes for example when these could be complied into a helpful condensed list (oh even with some voting mechanism would be awesome).


Maybe it would save a lot of negativity and help the community work together to enhance already suggested improvements rather than reinventing the wheel on every duplicate post with everyone viaing to keep their post at the top.


Anyway keep up the good work - they should put you on the payroll! LOL

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Okay so... hi there! The other day i got a mail about my expirience on swtor so i sat down and said here is how swtor might be better.... I made a small list of the things that came to my mind on that moment and sent it to them, Im sure they wont ever read it but meh... i tried.

So yeah now i see this post and thought i should post it here as well...


- Fighting the same bosses in opperations and flashpoints in diferent modes doesnt make it any more fun. I would like to see change of tactics on normal/hard/nightmare modes.

- Gear comes very fast. Personaly (I do concider myself lucky on that but...) I got almost full Rataka set from half Columi in one week.

- Filter PvP warzones according to peoples valor ranking.

- Make an Arena PvP style daily mini turnament.

- Let people chose which warzone they want to join.

- Create reason for world pvp and Outlaw's den to be visited. An event that opens once every two days or something.

- Make Battle for Illum PvP area on Illum an active warzone with npc and stage progression. With quests ops quests that will give like a two hours buff or spawn more troops in order to take next base. Like, If you kill enemy player smuglers your team gets 20 imperial agent npcs. If you kill 30 of each your team gets a battletank npc. I hope you got the idea. Also reset it once a week or once a day.

- Give reason to PvP Guilds to exist. Create the need of organized pvp ops groups in warzones or even world pvp.

- Do something about your looking for group system. People dont even use it and in order to find a flashpoint party you have to stay on the fleet. Even the old /lfg channel would be better than that. An autogrouping system would be perfect for Heroic 2-4 quests and flashpoints.

- Import a faster (and maybe easyer) way to access to flashpoints with some short of "quick travel to the instance" feature. Specially useful when leveling since noone is willing to travel all the way back and forth in order to do the flashpoint while questing.

- Make a better Global Trade Network interface, so people can check prices, compare items and control the market easyer. Now most people just place items on the given auto-preset price.

- Use the crew skill featured shortcuts and usable items seen in some flashpoits more in the game. Even in PvP warzones and PvE ops. Like, a cybertech fixing a turret in pvp, or a clears the way to the next boss using some poison gas tanks in pve.

- Better use for mods, crystals and other gear components. Also please make the existance of the work bench useful.

- Give reason to non raiding or hardcore pvping level 50 players to still play the game.



cheers if anyone reads this. :D

Edited by fallenellaf
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  1. Instead of stack counts, display total number of items in inventory.
  2. Allow us to see what items are already in our cargo hold when we're not near one.
  3. Add an "already known" line to crafting schematics, especially if purchasing from GTN - can't keep your crafting window open while browsing GTN.
  4. Multiple, movable open windows.
  5. More quickslot bars; 3-4 combat bars at center bottom and the option of having the side bars as either 1 on each side or both on 1 side, either right or left.
  6. Being able to add a friend who is not online.
  7. List main & alts under Legacy name in social window and guild roster.
  8. Easier way to switch gear sets.
  9. Get rid of the "you sold an item & will get the money in an hour" mail notice - just send me the money!
  10. Seeing all comparable gear when scrolling over an item instead of having to summon each and every companion that might be able to use the item.

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Capturing points/doors in alderaan/voidstar respectively should not take 8 seconds. This leads to many stalemate matches.


In alderaan once one team caps 2/3 points the other team will lose players who have already given up because it is hard to switch the points.


My favorite part of the Voidstar is the mad rush once a door opens. I would like the Voidstar matches to revolve more around those transition periods as opposed to the first door alone.

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There are some great things in this game, such as not needing a healer to rez, meditating to heal instead of eating and drinking, but there are numerous things that need to be fixed, added or changed in the game. The first item is a MUST, all others are things that need to be fixed, added in, and a couple of suggestions.


1. WE THE GAMING COMMUNITY NEED A REAL LFG SYSTEM. This needs to be implemented very soon, to many people are annoyed trying to find a group, myself included, only to have it not happen after 20+ mins of looking.


2. The guild tab needs a last logged in part. That way one of the officers, etc can boot people who haven't logged into the game in a long time, alt excluded of course.


3. We need a guild bank. Yes, I saw the video and a guild bank is coming, but this is something that should have been in the game from the beginning.


4. We need to be able to modify the UI, move bars around and such. Again, like #3, this should have been in from the beginning. Every game I have played in the last 4+ yrs has had a modifiable UI from the beginning.


5. Busy areas aren't. Places like Nar Shadaa and Coruscant are packed with people and busy industrial areas, yet you go through them and there are just a smattering of people around. Mainly, you go through these areas and you see the quest givers, some other random mobs, some mobs you have to kill, but very few on the overall.


6. WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO DUAL SPEC. I have a BH that is DPS spec, but can't find a healer for a flashpoint run, with dual specs I can switch specs and be the healer.


7. THE GTC IS HORRIBLE. This needs some major revamping. As a minimum a way to look up the item we are trying to sell/look for without going through 100 lines of stuff.


8. How about a mailbox on the ship, maybe even a GTC link.


9. The pathing is pretty bad on numerous occasions. I can't tell you how many times I have wanted to shoot a mob, only to get message "no line of sight," all because the mob is on the other side of a bush, a plant, a small crate, etc, even when you can see 90% + of said mob.


10. The mobs are stale. No real wandering mobs, almost always in groups of three, or a silver star and one, or one by itself where other mobs come out of the ground when you attack that one. To boring and predictable.


11. Adding friends, this rarely works unless they are online. I haven't been able to add one of my alts to my friends list to make it easier to send items back and forth.


12. Aggro range and following distances are bad. Nar Shadaa is a perfect example of this, I can be close to one mob and not aggro it, yet the mob on the other side of the room will come after me. Also, mobs will follow you way to far, this is especially true in flashpoints.


13. Crafting items are not always equal to the planet. For example, I am on Tat and I gather plants, these items range around 100-150, yet there are times I come across an item that needs 300 to pick it up.


14. Quest and bonus kills don't add up. There are many times you go out to kill 20 of X mob, you kill a party of 3 and get credit for two kills. In 10 kills I may get 6-8 kills credited, and other similar cases.


15. Splitting stacks only works about 1/3 of the time.


16. Crafting, one we need better recipes. Two, I admit I hated gathering all the mats, only to be able to go to one or two places to be able to craft, yet once I crafted most of the time the items were done pretty quick, even the really complicated items take around 1 min to craft. In this game, I truly prefer the companions crafting, but the crafting and mission times are way to long. This needs to be cut down considerably.


17. Zone experience doesn't always work. For example, I discover a new area, I get 1K XP, yet I found another new area 10 mins later and get nothing. This has happened a lot. I have noticed this more on the Republic side than the Sith side as well.


18. The Need/Greed buttons need some fixing, esp when it comes to BOP items.

- Some suggestions are adding an "Are you sure" secondary screen that pops up

when you hit need, this would help when people accidentally hit need. I for one have hit need on accident a few times, it happens when lots of action is going on and your trying to clear the window out.

- Add in a need option for companions. There are lots of people that need for their companions and this is just plain annoying. If no one else needs the item, then it goes to the person for their companion.

- A timer for BOP items for party members. Taking a page from Rift, if someone accidentally rolls need on a tank item, for example, and wins, then they can freely trade it over to the tank within a 10 min windows or such.

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Cinematic mode. A means to watch old cutscenes on quests and instances that we've already completed. Will allow us to catch up on the stories when new content is about to release.


I just made a thread on this, but thought it would make for a good suggestion here as well.



Edited by Zannis
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Can anything be done to make sure we get Random Warzones? Last night I had 3 straight hours of Huttball which equaled not much fun. I got out of que thinking it might help just to get back into Huttball again.
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Can you make some adjustments to the Intercede skill for Juggernauts. It seems that it should be able to affect more than just one player, as in aoe. I think that the time limit on it, 6 seconds, is too short for just one player deffensive skill. Edited by fanthomkbg
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Ability to search just right clicking an object in your inventory, so you can compare prices.


Auto Save the duration in "Create listing" so you don't have to change it every time you open the window.


Auto save the last "Bayout Price" you set for an item.

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