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Y u no make moar polls?


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nobody wants to reply in this thread?

is it because you're afraid that to see what the real numbers were?

is it because you're afraid that if you're not part of the majority who wants something implemented for example Random dungeon finder?

is it because you're afraid whatever you QQ about something that YOU think that should be in the game is actually just a minority of you talking and making it sounds BIG?


cmon guys, it's a just a poll...let bioware know what are the real numbers of this community who wants something...



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If you can make a poll for it like what you did for the GCD UI.

why not make more polls for stuff that people wants like:


Random dungeon finder






combat logs


and many more...


I for one am interested what the numbers looks like when these polls are out...


Because addons, macros, combat logs, and many more need to be supoorted by the game engine.




And in case you haven't noticed it's already having a hard time doing what is already asked of it.

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Would it not be better for polls to be applied in game? this would then insure everyone playing will get to vote, not just the people on the forums. I feel this is important because oppions seem to be extremly diffrent ingame then on here from my experiance.


(sorry about speeling/grammer i am tired and it is late)

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Would it not be better for polls to be applied in game? this would then insure everyone playing will get to vote, not just the people on the forums. I feel this is important because oppions seem to be extremly diffrent ingame then on here from my experiance.


(sorry about speeling/grammer i am tired and it is late)


this is a great idea!!

hear this BW...

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Would it not be better for polls to be applied in game? this would then insure everyone playing will get to vote, not just the people on the forums. I feel this is important because oppions seem to be extremly diffrent ingame then on here from my experiance.


(sorry about speeling/grammer i am tired and it is late)


I think this would be a great idea, as there are people still on these forums who have already unsub'd or never sub'd and admit to only trolling to kill the game.


In game polls would be way more accurate, with one vote per account.

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If you can make a poll for it like what you did for the GCD UI.

why not make more polls for stuff that people wants like:


Random dungeon finder






combat logs


and many more...


I for one am interested what the numbers looks like when these polls are out...



Welcome to thread #349765 on these topics


They have their hands full with the things they have been planning to release since launch.


Feel free to give it a rest.

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Would it not be better for polls to be applied in game? this would then insure everyone playing will get to vote, not just the people on the forums. I feel this is important because oppions seem to be extremly diffrent ingame then on here from my experiance.


(sorry about speeling/grammer i am tired and it is late)


People who can't be arsed to keep up to date on the forums are also not really competent or informed enough to have a valid opinion.


I agree that there should be a pop-up when you login that directs you to the poll but people shouldn't be forced to vote or have a pop-up to vote directly - otherwise 90% of SWTOR players will simply select the top option (for lack of reading skills).

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People who can't be arsed to keep up to date on the forums are also not really competent or informed enough to have a valid opinion.


Wow, so if I play the shxt out of the game, so much that the only time I see the forums is at work (and not all people have the luxury of getting paid to forum surf) I am not competent and my opinion is not valid. . . . because the majority of the people who are on these forums hours a day rage quitting ARE the competent and informed group that we need voting on important issues because THEIR opinions are valid.


Any poll can be inaccurate, but on THIS forum? Just toss the numbers out the window. Alot of the people posting here have already unsub'd or threaten to on a daily basis and just troll here till they can troll GW2.

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  • 2 months later...
nobody wants to reply in this thread?

is it because you're afraid that to see what the real numbers were?

is it because you're afraid that if you're not part of the majority who wants something implemented for example Random dungeon finder?

is it because you're afraid whatever you QQ about something that YOU think that should be in the game is actually just a minority of you talking and making it sounds BIG?


cmon guys, it's a just a poll...let bioware know what are the real numbers of this community who wants something...




I'm not sure what the proper response to "Y u no make moar polls? " should be,

should I make a caveman noise?

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I'm not sure what the proper response to "Y u no make moar polls? " should be,

should I make a caveman noise?


My thoughts exactly. I find it hard to take anyone seriously that types like this. I understand internet shorthand in tweets, texts anmd chat, but in a forum??


Anyway, to OP: Forums do not make up a cross section of real players. Most players dont read forums, and even less reply to them. So forum polls arent real accurate.


To the person that thinks non-forum users arent educated enough to vote, REALLY? If you think that, I think you don't have a valid opinion, as you clearly are talking out your butt. I know my roommate, with hates reading the forums, and he probably way smarter than most. Just a thought, engage brain before typing, makes you look less a fool.

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  • 1 month later...

Now after the lay offs and the re-structuring it is definitely time for "moar pollz".

I wonder if BW would dare ask such critical questions as below, the results are already devastating.

Except for the Rakghoul event which had very positive results as expected.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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The forum community is a tiny (and extreme) minority of players.


Sure. Riighht... yeah that is a nice theory.

All the happy people at home, never checking what´s being discussed, happily playing their 28th Alt..

it´s always sunny in gamer´s minds who avoid forums...


The 400.000 who left, obviously didn´t even bother to write a nice goodbye post, they just stopped playing instead of posting in the unsubscribers thread.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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