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No reason to level up a character right now


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Right now im sitting on about 8 chars all around level 24-26. Today while leveling up one of my toons i just got the feeling that this is a waste of time. Why? Simple. Because in about 6 mos i know that bioware (just like wow) will introduce something to make leveling probably 25-30% faster, which makes me think why bother leveling up a toon now?


This also makes me stop trying to reach max level from reading the pvp forum where people that did the grind for bm are mad because its now easier to get better gear.


I went through this same process in wow as i watched them trivialize leveling with recruit a friend and heirlooms so am i wrong to wait?

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Right now im sitting on about 8 chars all around level 24-26. Today while leveling up one of my toons i just got the feeling that this is a waste of time. Why? Simple. Because in about 6 mos i know that bioware (just like wow) will introduce something to make leveling probably 25-30% faster, which makes me think why bother leveling up a toon now?


This also makes me stop trying to reach max level from reading the pvp forum where people that did the grind for bm are mad because its now easier to get better gear.


I went through this same process in wow as i watched them trivialize leveling with recruit a friend and heirlooms so am i wrong to wait?


>Implying you know

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Basing your decision for ANYTHING based on what you read in the forums is...uh.....well it's not very smart.


My decision was based on how i see this mmo evolving. It will be exactly like wow. I read the forums mostly for the humor but sometimes the class sections for builds etc. I know everything here is inflated and exaggerated, rest assured i dont make decisions from reading these forums.

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So you think that bioware wont take the same path as wow and make leveling faster in the future?


Why would they? If you level too quickly, you'd end up missing out on potentially huge portions of planetary storylines - a major selling point of this game. The only thing I see them doing similar to WoW in the near future is multiple planets to choose from in the same level range. So you could go to Corellia or "Planet X"; Hoth or "Planet Y".

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Why would they? If you level too quickly, you'd end up missing out on potentially huge portions of planetary storylines - a major selling point of this game. The only thing I see them doing similar to WoW in the near future is multiple planets to choose from in the same level range. So you could go to Corellia or "Planet X"; Hoth or "Planet Y".


Sometimes i think the whole story-based system needs to be deleted. It holds back the potential just like "lore" held back wow.

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Well, they're going to release legacy features sometime in the future, so there's no reason to make an alt right now. Though, when you think about it, they're going to release an expansion probably, which will likely add new races or even classes, so you should probably wait until then.


But I mean, there will just be expansion after expansion; by the time you catch up on one expansion on all of your alts, another one will be out. This will just keep going until the game ends. Really, you should just stop playing all together now.


But this will happen in pretty much every game, so you should quit games as a whole.


And in the end, every day you're getting older, and eventually you're going to die. So just stop enjoying things in general. Just sit around all day and stare at a wall.


But all that sitting will likely lead to hemorrhoids...

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If you are not enjoying your experience with Star Wars The Old Republic I suggest you do what I do in all facets of my life when I am not enjoying something - I stop doing it.


You don't see me logging onto Wizards101 spamming their forums to conform the game so I enjoy it and threaten to leave if they dont.


I'm not sending letters into CoD and MW developers because I'm not a FPS fan and they need to modify the game so I play it.


If I dont like it. I don't play it.


I am continually shocked by how many people seem to constantly play stuff they hate(lots of ppl on WoW apparently do this)


Over the years I have quit WoW half a dozen times because it stopped being fun for me. I didnt whine, complain, or say they NEEDED to do this or that. I just quit because it was not fun anymore and I came back when i thought it would be fun again

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Sometimes i think the whole story-based system needs to be deleted. It holds back the potential just like "lore" held back wow.


So you'd rather have a pop-up with a bunch of text, without voice acting (so no incentive to actually read/listen), and THEN go grind the objective? I'll agree that voice acting shouldn't be necessarily the PRIMARY focus for leveling, but getting rid of an interesting feature completely is way too far.


The lore in MMOs is what make questing enjoyable. Instead of just going to the next zone for the same types of quests with different quest givers, you actually get a sense of what it is you're doing. You're left with a typical Asian-style MMO grindfest if you take away enveloping stories.

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I've got news for you. Everything you've ever done in any game, ever, was a total waste of time.





Bottom line, the main reason to level your characters is the same reason that you would even play this game in the first place. The story/lore. Personally, I have yet to find a story that didn't make me want to keep leveling.

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WoW made leveling faster because it's a grind to get to max level where the real game begins.


TOR leveling is actually a game. I wouldn't assume they'll make it faster.


I wouldnt mind if they kept the leveling curve as it is now but the selection of where to level is what drives me nuts. Maybe expand on your characters story to include multiple missions/objectives across many planets to let you level in different areas instead of the same planets over and over.

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So you'd rather have a pop-up with a bunch of text, without voice acting (so no incentive to actually read/listen), and THEN go grind the objective? I'll agree that voice acting shouldn't be necessarily the PRIMARY focus for leveling, but getting rid of an interesting feature completely is way too far.


The lore in MMOs is what make questing enjoyable. Instead of just going to the next zone for the same types of quests with different quest givers, you actually get a sense of what it is you're doing. You're left with a typical Asian-style MMO grindfest if you take away enveloping stories.


Im not saying to dumb it down to wow-type quests im saying expand on the character story to include more planets or leveling areas.

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Well, they're going to release legacy features sometime in the future, so there's no reason to make an alt right now. Though, when you think about it, they're going to release an expansion probably, which will likely add new races or even classes, so you should probably wait until then.


But I mean, there will just be expansion after expansion; by the time you catch up on one expansion on all of your alts, another one will be out. This will just keep going until the game ends. Really, you should just stop playing all together now.


But this will happen in pretty much every game, so you should quit games as a whole.


And in the end, every day you're getting older, and eventually you're going to die. So just stop enjoying things in general. Just sit around all day and stare at a wall.


But all that sitting will likely lead to hemorrhoids...


passive aggressive...nice.

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I wouldnt mind if they kept the leveling curve as it is now but the selection of where to level is what drives me nuts. Maybe expand on your characters story to include multiple missions/objectives across many planets to let you level in different areas instead of the same planets over and over.


I can see this to some extent.


But you could just switch back and forth between the republic end empire sides with each new character. As conceptually easy as it seems, it actually really helps keep the stories interesting.


Also, whenever I replay a planet on the same faction, I choose different options, which helps make the progress of the story different every time.

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Im not saying to dumb it down to wow-type quests im saying expand on the character story to include more planets or leveling areas.


This is pretty much what I said with my first post, so now I'm confused. We went full circle... So, to sum this up:


You would like a faster method to get to maximum level;


A more engrossing story with multiple planet options;



Sometimes i think the whole story-based system needs to be deleted.
is implying you DON'T want a storyline...



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This is pretty much what I said with my first post, so now I'm confused. We went full circle... So, to sum this up:


You would like a faster method to get to maximum level;


A more engrossing story with multiple planet options;


But, is implying you DON'T want a storyline...




The storyline will always be there thats the niche of bioware's design. I just think its limiting in some areas.

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