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Server status, bad sign.


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So, it is prime time right now on the east coast in usa and there is one heavy server, 8 light servers and the rest standard. I see doom for SWTOR.


So friggen sad. FU Electronic Arts for messing up one of the greatest potential games of 2012.

Edited by lightumup
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So, it is prime time right now on the east coast in usa and there is one heavy server, 8 light servers and the rest standard. I see doom for SWTOR.


So friggen sad. FU Electronic Arts for messing up one of the greatest potential games of 2012.


Surely you jest? You forgot the emoticons to indicate your jocularity.

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The Light, Standard, Heavy server statues are dictated by Bioware. That means Light could, in theory, be 1 - 1,000,000,000,000 players and all servers would display as Light until they hit 1,000,000,000,001. It's not an accurate judge of the population.


This is a bad post and you should feel bad for posting it.

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So, it is prime time right now on the east coast in usa and there is one heavy server, 8 light servers and the rest standard. I see doom for SWTOR.


So friggen sad. FU Electronic Arts for messing up one of the greatest potential games of 2012.


You do realize that Bioware sets the player limits for the servers, right? If all they want is to make things look busy then they just reduce the server limits and presto, all servers are now full!


So before you start complaining, learn how **** works first.


Lesson over, noob. :p

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Thats interesting because I noticed my server seems to be growing in population. I play on The Maw- West Coast PVP and over the last few weeks I have noticed our server pop was standard all the time. I was playing over the weekend and our server pop was heavy at peak hours in the evening between 8PM and 11PM. Seems to me that just because your server doesnt have high populations doesnt mean the game is losing subs or going belly up. I usually log in at around 6:30 PM PST and it shows standard population but if I get DC'd and have to relog any time after 8PM its got a heavy population until at least 11PM at night. Maybe what you think are peak hours are not really peak hours? It seems to me that the majority of people log in between 7PM and 8PM at least on my west coast server.
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So, it is prime time right now on the east coast in usa and there is one heavy server, 8 light servers and the rest standard. I see doom for SWTOR.


So friggen sad. FU Electronic Arts for messing up one of the greatest potential games of 2012.


And yesterday almost ALL servers were Standard/Heavy (tons Heavy).


FU for fail thread.

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