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Well, I think the PvP is horrid.


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Another thing worth mentioning is that Snipers and Gunslingers can and do a ton of damage but the vast majority of that damage is only doable while they are in cover, and guess what. If you los them they cant shoot you unless they follow you which is a lot more annoying to have to do when you have to keep dropping cover everytime you moved to use those high damage abilities. Outsmart your opponent and you will win ;p
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this is the most balanced pvp MMO ever, the problem is the player not knowing how to play, some played wow 7 years and still sucked donkey balls since you dont stick to the same class. Get to lvl 50 pratice and then you can have a better idea of the class, but if there is just 1 dude that with that same class as huge win % vs the class you cry about, then it is your problem, pratice pratice pratice.


Bioware already stated they wont be nerfing because of cry babyes posts, they will wait until they have alot of data and never ever taking player skill into account.

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Who bloody cares about balance!?!?! Same crap being discussed in every mmo! I played SWG before the NGE and pre cu everyone moaned about Jedi being over powered, then combat medic ect ect. I was a Bh and with the right kit, food and weapons I could take down some Jedi no problem! Then some Jedi would **** me!


The way I saw it is life is inbalanced, I cant fight mike Tyson and win!

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good thing this game isnt concepted around pure PvP either way i am a melee class and ive yet to havea problem learn your class and you will just get better its only 2 days in kinda hard to become a pvp god this early.pvp more of a added bonus to me. and rule of thumb if you have played any mmo in the market a class sytem is never truely balanced and problably never will be they change on and off one month range class will be superior while the next the melee will have their turn so really qqing over balance is just stupid. Edited by Rammur
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dont forget gear. gear is hug in pvp in this game!


maybe you should define what is GOOD PVP, and then we really can discuss how you are wrong. Also, what Pvp are you referring to? Warzones or Open world? How much time have you actually spent in Pvp and what combinations of abilities do you use? there's always a way to counter someone 1v1, you just gotta have the skills and knowledge. There will be those times where guile will out-fight aggression and vice versa. If you're expecting to pick a class, go into pvp, and have the fight play out exactly as you want it too, you're expectations will never be met, and you will be back here to QQ as you uninstall.


also: most people cry for "more balance!" but they rarely know what that really means. In this case its probably "im a jedi! i should be able to take everyone!"

Edited by Murdersauce
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I knew warzones are going to be horrible the moment I heard about all levels in the same match.

Haha, what a joke. Even with the scaling system it's still laughable.


I'm gonna stay away from warzones until max level or BW adds level brackets.

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