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Is Bioware turning into Funcom?


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Funcom was notorious for putting in patches in Age of Conan that fix one thing then break 20 other things, and it seems Bioware is going down this same path, EVER patch they put in is fixing a few items and breaking many others... It's becoming annoying...


Where's the quality control for these patches?!?

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Funcom was notorious for putting in patches in Age of Conan that fix one thing then break 20 other things, and it seems Bioware is going down this same path, EVER patch they put in is fixing a few items and breaking many others... It's becoming annoying...


Where's the quality control for these patches?!?


For a patch to work and not break anything/everything depends on those testing the patch. Part of that depends on those that play on the test server and reporting the issues properly and in a manner that can be understood (considering general fleet chat that is a tall order).


Funcom is not the only company that patched something and not break another thing. Let us see you try and program some patches without breaking anything? Heck even the mighty Microsoft and apple are known to flub patches.


So get over it, it is going to happen.

Edited by Fizbanic
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True there is always going to be issues with breaking other things with patches, but in games like Aion and Rift it seemed a lot less common compared to SWTOR...


I think it's also falls on a lack of talented programmers....


LOL this is the most clueless statement of the day.



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Its job security. Fix something with a new patch. Break something with that patch. Develope a way to fix that bug. Fix it with a patch. Break something with that patch. Collect paycheck.


I am just kidding of course. Most games I have played go through this until they get the issues ironed out.

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Bug fixe patches are good. I dont see where the problem is.


Would you rather wait months with a broken issue until they patch it ala WoW?


The comparison between the two companies is like comparing night and day. Funcom doesnt create so many great games like Bioware did and does, Age of Conan had potencial but it was broken and never really properly fixed. SWTOR is a good game at release.


It just doesnt make any logic.


I'll rise you that to Is blizzard turning into squaresoft? Takes ages to release stuff and brings out stuff no one wants/asked for.

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This is an obvious troll thread.


People are exaggeratting the crap out of these bugs.


I played 99% of the game without any freakin' issues.


More problems are PEBKAC -- Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair




They need an upgrade.


agree ... i haven't a single issue with game play with any of the patches they have made, just made level 50 about 2 days ago.


my friend is level 36, and so far hasn't had any problems with game play either, probably because we have almost identical system configurations and far exceed BW system recommendations.

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True there is always going to be issues with breaking other things with patches, but in games like Aion and Rift it seemed a lot less common compared to SWTOR...


I think it's also falls on a lack of talented programmers....


Wow. Did you really just say that? lack of talented programmers... and the world should ever wonder why Bioware never hired you. You may not be a programmer yourself, but your obvious eye for recognizing the talent of a programmer from a patch update would be invaluable to Bioware.


Statements like this do nothing but prove how clueless the average troll is. You're one of the people who thinks patching any aspect of the game is easy. And my favorite "If I had 200 million I would have released the perfect game with no bugs." Yeah... sure you would have, Derek Smart.


As a product manager in a web based company I've seem my fair share of patches gone wrong. I would never blame my programmers or say they are not talented (unless the original bug itself was not fixed and they said it was). And that isn't to say that I haven't gotten rid of a few who weren't talented programmers... but it wasn't due to bug fixes. The blame for having a patch fix one thing and break 20 others falls squarely on the QA testers. The dev fixes the bug but in front of him and makes sure it works, then he gives it to QA. The dev does not look at every nuance of the code because he has 1253 other bugs to get to. QA makes sure the fix works for the bug and then should branch out to make sure that other aspects of the product which share code are unaffected. If there is an issue, the QA escalates the bug back to dev. When dev fixes again, then all aspects must be tested by QA again. Their in-house QA should be catching these things. Those are the people you want to be mad at.

Edited by Busukaba
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Funcom was notorious for putting in patches in Age of Conan that fix one thing then break 20 other things, and it seems Bioware is going down this same path, EVER patch they put in is fixing a few items and breaking many others... It's becoming annoying...


Where's the quality control for these patches?!?


explain your statement in full. Be specific. What 20 other things are they breaking after they fix one thing?

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Wow. Did you really just say that? lack of talented programmers... and the world should ever wonder why Bioware never hired you. You may not be a programmer yourself, but your obvious eye for recognizing the talent of a programmer from a patch update would be invaluable to Bioware.


Statements like this do nothing but prove how clueless the average troll is. You're one of the people who thinks patching any aspect of the game is easy. And my favorite "If I had 200 million I would have released the perfect game with no bugs." Yeah... sure you would have, Derek Smart.


As a product manager in a web based company I've seem my fair share of patches gone wrong. I would never blame my programmers or say they are not talented (unless the original bug itself was not fixed and they said it was). And that isn't to say that I haven't gotten rid of a few who weren't talented programmers... but it wasn't due to bug fixes. The blame for having a patch fix one thing and break 20 others falls squarely on the QA testers. The dev fixes the bug but in front of him and makes sure it works, then he gives it to QA. The dev does not look at every nuance of the code because he has 1253 other bugs to get to. QA makes sure the fix works for the bug and then should branch out to make sure that other aspects of the product which share code are unaffected. If there is an issue, the QA escalates the bug back to dev. When dev fixes again, then all aspects must be tested by QA again. Their in-house QA should be catching these things. Those are the people you want to be mad at.



I quoting all of your post because it's completely on target (I also develop software for a living). A game this size is huge to patch and patch quality is going to be inversely proportional to how fast they can push them out. All we see on these forums is people complaining of how long it's taking to fix things. You can't have it both ways.


Another thing I'd like to say, developers can't really tell how certain things are going to behave until they are released. Sometimes you just have to put it out there because replicating the load of a million people hitting buttons at the same time is really really hard.

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The lack of testing and lack of character copy/pre-made characters are directly related.


I'd love to hop onto the PTS and check out all the new changes, but I'm not going to level a character to end-game on the PTS just to do so.

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i hope it never happens, but i think NO

BW isnt turning into Funcom.

Funcom didnt and doe not hear the comunity, not a bit.

I would honestly kill Craig Morrison for ruining my fav game at that time.

i would infact KILL HIM.

On the other side, you can tell that Bioware is listening to community...at least now, cause in Beta we were completly, COMPLETLY ignored.

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Funcom was notorious for putting in patches in Age of Conan that fix one thing then break 20 other things, and it seems Bioware is going down this same path, EVER patch they put in is fixing a few items and breaking many others... It's becoming annoying...


Where's the quality control for these patches?!?


No, Bioware is NOT turning into Funcom because if it was, Bioware would become original and innovative. However, they are now owned by EA, which means Bioware is now just a name to remind you of what it once was. While Funcom definitely has its problems, it at least has the balls to push the envelope and create change in an otherwise stagnant market.

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