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Why SWTOR has more potential than GW2 or WoW


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You're late Azz :p


Did you look at the pics I linked?


Yes, but it looked nothing like what was being played.


It looked like a painting, imo. ie. not in game screenshots.


I've seen a lot of in game footage, but the graphics have always reminded me of that other game.


Maybe it's just me. It is my personal opinion.

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Yes, but it looked nothing like what was being played.


It looked like a painting, imo. ie. not in game screenshots.


I've seen a lot of in game footage, but the graphics have always reminded me of that other game.


Maybe it's just me. It is my personal opinion.


Nah I agree with you. They're not sharp images and a lot of their images they post are never "hi-res". Unfortunately though we have no idea what settings any of the videos we're watching are running on. Another one of those, we'll have to see things.

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Nah I agree with you. They're not sharp images and a lot of their images they post are never "hi-res". Unfortunately though we have no idea what settings any of the videos we're watching are running on. Another one of those, we'll have to see things.


Totalbiscuit always runs on the highest setting allowed, and that was the video linked.

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oh man I feel sorry for blind haters.

Stay in this game for all I care, just don't be surprised when everyone leaves for GW2.

You'll come over eventually becuase you won't be able to help yourself.


They're putting the community back in MMO.


They won't.


And no, they aren't.


I hear PvPers will love it though, so that in and of itself is enough of a reason for me to stay away from it.

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Yea thats really not true. There will be huge PVE content. I dare to say there will be even more PVE going on than PvP but we will have to see.


And the combat will be so dynamic, You will not do the same thing on the same boss when you do him again.


haha, I can't wait till you actually play the game and realize how wrong you are. You MMO-hoppers are hilarious, you hype up games to ridiculous heights with info you pull out of nowhere.


It's common knowledge that GW is a PVP game, as will be GW2. The Developers won't come out and say that because they want to attract everyone, but you'll see come open beta that the "2500+ events" get old quick and unless you're heavily into PVP, you won't like the game.


By all means, keep hyping it up like you did TOR, it will be hilarious to read the GW2 forums a month after launch :D

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Totalbiscuit always runs on the highest setting allowed, and that was the video linked.


The vid was at a trade show. This weekend is when he will have it on his own machine. He won't actually be playing it himself though since he'll be in Sweden. But 2 of his employees are going to try and get 24 hours of footage.

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Quit two weeks ago ;) I just enjoy watching ppl defending this bad game :)


Pathetic. If you stay to troll games, you're not only degrading your own maturity but the quality of the soon-to-be community of whatever so-and-so game you will soon be a fanboi of. If you'll be a welcome and popular figure wherever it is you go, I can safely say that the community is in the trash.

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The pics looked good but none of the in game vids I watched have quality close to that.


Yeah, that's why I said I hope that those aren't "Advertisement mode" like what BioWare has done with their Hi-res textures. I hope that if you put everything on hi or ultra or w/e it actually looks like that.

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The vid was at a trade show. This weekend is when he will have it on his own machine. He won't actually be playing it himself though since he'll be in Sweden. But 2 of his employees are going to try and get 24 hours of footage.


When the press is allowed to release their take on it, I'll listen, watch vids, etc.


Just not hyped about another game with cows as a playable race. And some kind of gnome looking race...


Anyway, enjoying SWTOR?


Been fun for me thus far.

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Oh I hope for that too.

Had the same high expectations from TOR and I got disappointed a lot. So GW2 is the next big good thing to be excited about.


Well, at least we see why you have such an issue with this game. You over-hyped it to yourself.


Which is what you are doing with GW2 as well. I sense disappointment in your future.

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When the press is allowed to release their take on it, I'll listen, watch vids, etc.


Just not hyped about another game with cows as a playable race. And some kind of gnome looking race...


Anyway, enjoying SWTOR?


Been fun for me thus far.


Press release is this weekend so we'll probably have information sometime next week.


I like multiple choices of races. The lack of customization in TOR kinda irked me.


I did enjoy TOR 1-50 on my first character. I struggled getting my second to 45 and it's stopped there. Once I got back to Corellia I just couldn't go on anymore. 1k/1k PVP commendations and I can't stack bags lol so PVP feels useless. There are some thing that I would personally change in the game that I don't think they will be able to at this stage that kind of takes away from my enjoyment. I don't think the game is going anywhere anytime soon but I don't think it's going to break the 3M mark as far as constant subscribers(just imo). Maybe if they do something really cool with space combat like space PVP or something along those lines I'll come back and give it another shot. But at this point I don't see myself continuing.


All that matters is your own enjoyment. I did get my $15 bucks worth so, no complaints about that.

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At this point in gaming, i think the majority has given up on a "savior". Myself, i would settle for a playable daoc type pvp experience that has been lacking for several years. Devoid of buff-bots, radar hacks, and speed hacks, i suspect a lot of people would enjoy this and it is something i continue to look for. Illum just doesn't do it for me. Even if we got more than 5-10 fps in large battles, Bioware is just not scratching that itch with Illum the way it is now.


Will GW2 be the answer for those of us looking for that kind of thing? I can only hope so. Will it have problems? If it doesn't it will be the first company that managed it. Do i think it will be the game for the raiding crew? Probably not. Will it give guilds something to do besides raids...hopefully.


The current pvp content doesn't really hold a guild together due to various bugs, craptastic Illum, and near non-existent world pvp. The bag system doesn't help much. The /stuck thin and kill trading ticks me off in particular. Enough to go back to Rift until GW2 comes out...not yet, but i'm getting there. The /stuck thing really gets to me. I consider it an exploit and it really takes the little fun there is at times out of pvp.

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Yea, i heard that, but honestly, if you played gw1, i can see how it could play on a console. Your skills are limited, and that has its pros and cons. One of the pros being that it gives itself a way to play on consoles. I don't believe this will be for the guys that spend 24/7 trying to get a gear/perks advantage from game time, but it does lean towards a more competitive/even playing field such as we have in fps games.
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Kind of worrisome that GW2 will be ported to consoles. Anything that can be played on consoles seems like it is inevitably released as watered down eye candy...what hardcore games besides first person shooters have ever existed on consoles?


You ever play FFXI? That was pretty damn hardcore in its day, and amazingly enough it was designed to be played both on console and PC. Now I cant say how many people went the console route to play it, but the option most certainly was there.

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You ever play FFXI? That was pretty damn hardcore in its day, and amazingly enough it was designed to be played both on console and PC. Now I cant say how many people went the console route to play it, but the option most certainly was there.


Console version was pretty prevalent in Japan more so than here. But there were plenty of people that played it on console here in the US. But playing on PC was better because you could change registry settings to make it so the graphics looked 10000000000000x better than what the game normally would allow. And the add-ons for the game helped a ton. Especially macros for gear switching.

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Kind of worrisome that GW2 will be ported to consoles. Anything that can be played on consoles seems like it is inevitably released as watered down eye candy...what hardcore games besides first person shooters have ever existed on consoles?




Regina Buenaobra


Hey, all. We saw this come up on the investor call, and wanted to respond.


I just want to reiterate that the development team is fully focused on making GW2 the best PC MMO ever released. We have a very small team exploring the possibility of console, but there are no definite plans for a console version at this time. The core of Guild Wars 2 development is fully focused on delivering a fantastic PC MMORPG experience.

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To me the WoW world is very boring. I never liked the Warcraft setting, it is easily the weakest of the 3 with Diablo being the best and Starcraft 2nd best. Warcraft is a very distant 3rd.


Nothing bores me more than hackneyed traditional fantasy settings with elves, dwarves, and especially orcs. These races are just crutches for poor writers and game setting designers.

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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Yea, i heard that, but honestly, if you played gw1, i can see how it could play on a console. Your skills are limited, and that has its pros and cons.
Skills were only limited while in combat areas, but the diversity of skills rivals any game I have played ever. Even the secondary class could be changed when in non-combat areas. Limiting the in combat skills was almost all an upside to the game. IMO the place GW fell down was advancing a character post cap which I am sure will be rectified in GW2.
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