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Fight against dath thanaton


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Did him at 50, in blues/greens, with Ashara (who promptly died shortly into the fight from force storm spam) as Darkness spec. I just interrupted and avoided aoes, used shock/wither/discharge on CD, FL at 3 stack. Was a tough fight with no companion, but not super bad.
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ehh weird. I have done it yesterday on 49lvl Sorc lighting build wit 40lvl eq from pvp vendor. I have my Khem val as companion and it was easy, just remeber to interrupt, second one stun and again interrupt. Purge your companion from this "debuff" (cant remeber). Heal him if you need to, keep your dots on thanaton all the time.


so simple:



use shield as much as you can.




Your "shield" is what saved you in this situation bud. Plus your heals. Assassins have none of this.


He's a pretty tough SOB to take down if you're not Darkness spec'd, I'll admit that.

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I did this at level 46 assassin darkness with Talos as companion.


Here is what i did.


I knocked him toward the chairs on one side this kept him away from Talos with his weird dark looking AOE.


basically if you can seperate talos from thananton and keep aggro and using interrupts you should be ok. Anyway try knocking him in between or behind the dark council chairs


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I did this at level 46 (first contact) and 47 (final fight). I opted for a deception dps spec with talos healing although to be honest he barely healed me at all. The key to the fight is interupting and avoiding damage. You have multiple tools at your disposal from jolt to low slash and electrocute. Just interupt every cast he makes and its pretty much a done deal! Gear is unnescersary
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I did it at level 49 as Darkness (tank). I used Ashara (DPS companion). He didn't really do much damage, I tanked, Ashara DPS'd and he went down with me still on 100% HP. Just slowly kite around to avoid AoE, interrupt anything dangerous and use a healer if you need. Drag the fight out.
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perhaps someone can helo me, i tried thousand times to defeat darth thanaton (the second time). my equip ist complete level 50, purple. i tried with every companion but i can not defea him. he is over 50% life when i am giong down. what is the magic about this fight? is there a special taktik i don't understand?


thanks for your help!


It's not about the gear. I was level 48 when I beat him. Some beat him at level 47. You know our secret.... Use Talos.


Use other companion and you make the fight harder.


Thanaton's health points is huge. It takes forever to beat him coz he heals too. Whatever dps companion or tank companion you use, without someone healing you, it would make the fight hard and most likely you would lose.


Use Talos. You dont even have to gear him. He can still heal you enough to beat Thanaton. Just stay away from Talos during the fight coz Thanaton keeps on throwing stuffs to where you go. You dont want Talos to get hit.

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