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Fight against dath thanaton


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perhaps someone can helo me, i tried thousand times to defeat darth thanaton (the second time). my equip ist complete level 50, purple. i tried with every companion but i can not defea him. he is over 50% life when i am giong down. what is the magic about this fight? is there a special taktik i don't understand?


thanks for your help!

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31/0/9, full lev 49 purples, Talos Drelik. He didnt even know what hit him, my hp never dropped below 75%. For me, most important move was force pulling him away from Talos, so he was not taking aoe dmg and could just heal me. Interrupting with jolt, spike, electrocute and overload was very helpful too.
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He has a spam phase where he'll cast nothing but Force Storm over and over. At this point you can't interrupt him, but you can dodge the AoEs. Just run around till he's done then carry on as normal. Other than that, make sure you interrupt as much as possible; you won't catch every ability because he does chain cast a lot.
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ehh weird. I have done it yesterday on 49lvl Sorc lighting build wit 40lvl eq from pvp vendor. I have my Khem val as companion and it was easy, just remeber to interrupt, second one stun and again interrupt. Purge your companion from this "debuff" (cant remeber). Heal him if you need to, keep your dots on thanaton all the time.


so simple:



use shield as much as you can.

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I seriously didn't have that much trouble with him. Died once only because my skills got screwed up, overriding the other.


But compared to Baras, I don't know. Thanaton seemed a lot easier. I owe most of it to Zash though for completely changing my mindset where prior to level 30 I was approaching my fights like a Jugg would.



Use Electrocute, your interrupt, and Overload. Find out what of his powers do the most damage and are the most important to stop and capitalize on it. Of course I'm 31 Darkness so I could even use FL when he'd cast Storm just to get a few thousand points of health.

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I beat him at level 47 in Darkness spec, using Talos (in his starting gear..). I ran around a little at the start of the fight so I managed to position Talos in the corridor, but then proceeded to fight Thanaton in the big room. It took a while because of lack of DPS, but it was really easy since Talos stayed safe in the corridor (healing me) and I just focused on interrupting and dodging what I couldn't interrupt.
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I beat him at level 47 in Darkness spec, using Talos (in his starting gear..). I ran around a little at the start of the fight so I managed to position Talos in the corridor, but then proceeded to fight Thanaton in the big room. It took a while because of lack of DPS, but it was really easy since Talos stayed safe in the corridor (healing me) and I just focused on interrupting and dodging what I couldn't interrupt.


This strategy works in Deception as well (though I'd imagine that Deception is faster). Thanaton doesn't hit hard except for his AoEs. If you interrupt those or run out of them, you won't have any issues.

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If u still have problems, use darkness charge as deception spec and take your healer companion to help u. Make atack your componion from distance at first so he stays out of his aoe's. Also u should run out his aoe dmg as well.


I killed him with this tac in 10 mins but still it counts :).

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I haven't done it on my assassin yet, however I did it at level 49 on my sorc.


Like many of the key fights in-game, as others have pointed out, interrupt is your best friend. His channeled and cast-time skills are killers, knock them out as often as you can.


Also I'd recommend using either andronicus or your healer pet (can't remember his name) because they are ranged pets, and trying to get his aggro focused on you so you don't have to worry about your pet dying. Keep them at a range so they don't get hit by the AEs.


Other than that, I'd have to try the fight when I get up to that level, but that is how I was able to do it on my sorc.

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It's a perfectly simple fight and tbh, probably one of the more enjoyable ones in the inquisitor storyline. Just watch his buffs. When he becomes uninterruptable, run around the room avoiding the storm, till he drops the buff, then go back to nuking and interrupting everything you can.
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deception/maddness is making it hard for urself... spec darkness for the sake of it.. use talos and hes easy.. did it at 47 in darkness cus i noticed the other trees do **** against him..


I did it as 47 deception. Doing it in darkness is just going to double the time it takes to kill him.

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perhaps someone can helo me, i tried thousand times to defeat darth thanaton (the second time). my equip ist complete level 50, purple. i tried with every companion but i can not defea him. he is over 50% life when i am giong down. what is the magic about this fight? is there a special taktik i don't understand?


thanks for your help!



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Are you skipping quests to get to end of story quest at 47? I am 44 and still on Voss... but I am hoping that I can complete all the quests and be close to 50 when I have to fight him.


Yes. I skipped Tatooine except for the class quest, almost entirely skipped Hoth, and had done none of Corellia when I finished mine. However, I did lots of PvP and was almost capped on warzone+ mercenary commendations.

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Looks like this was all covered but my 2 cents is: positioning, positioning, positioning.


Deception Assassin, normally run with Khem. However, I don't think this fight is beatable with Khem. Than drops brutal aoe around himself, so Khem just stands in it and gets obliterated.


I ran this fight with Talos. Ran away before combat start to make sure Talos wasn't standing right by Thanaton or me so he wouldn't get caught in the AOE. Then just kept slowly burning Than down running in to strike, pulling back for shock and force lightning when he threw down AOE around him. Took a while since I couldn't just stand there and pound on him, but with Talos safe and healing me, I never dropped below 90% health. Cake compared to other class fights.

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perhaps someone can helo me, i tried thousand times to defeat darth thanaton (the second time). my equip ist complete level 50, purple. i tried with every companion but i can not defea him. he is over 50% life when i am giong down. what is the magic about this fight? is there a special taktik i don't understand?


thanks for your help!


use talos, stay out of aoe... profit

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Cycle your interupts. Jolt, Electrocute, Low Slash and Overload if Dec, replace Low Slash with Spike if Dark. At some point pop Channel the Force to get another free Electrocute. Keep Talos' Carbonite skill on, he seems to have good timing on when he uses it and it lasts a long time in case you need a sec to heal up.


If you cycle interupts correctly it's not much of a fight at all, even if he gets the odd aoe off on you it shouldn't matter. Good luck.

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