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Impact on finished areas


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A lot of the time, you have to travel through a area where you already have finished the quests. This can be eliminating all enemies, destroy the reactors, show the inhabitants who is boss etc. You have gotten your reward and been told that the area is under control now.

But when you re-enter it's like you never been there, since other players have the same quests to do there in the future.

Sometimes this is "fixed" with barriers that prevent you from entering again, thus not see that it's reset. But in a lot of places you do.



Keep the graphic for the changes you did in that area for your character. I don't know how the game is programmed. But hopefully it would be something like "0" = show active enemy turret, "1" = show destroyed enemy turret. So let the 0 apply for characters that haven't finished the quest. And let 1 apply for characters that have.


Change "defeated" enemies from red to yellow in places where they logically would not attack you again after your quest. This could symbol that they have pledged alliance to your cause, are to scared to attack or simply that they actually isn't there anymore, but since you still could help other players with their quests, they have to be. But the option to not HAVE to fight them, when you already cleared the area helps a lot.


Small fix for missions that can be replayed like heroic missions. Do a small change to the mission symbol on the map and over the quest-giver, so one can see that it's a quest already finished, but still there to repeat.


I think these changes might help in the illusion that you actually give a impact on the world and changes things.

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