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Unoffical Cross-Server is coming to town thread


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Yep and people who want what they want resort to calling people they don't know liars in hopes to get what they want because calling someone a liar is apparently "the stronger argument." It always has been ever since this discussion started.


In one corner we have the person who's recently used the X-LFD and can cite examples that anyone who has an active WoW account can verify or we can trust the person who makes claims based on a game he isn't playing. Maybe I would lie, you don't know me that and that's fair but all it takes is 1 knowledgable person to call me on my BS like I am on you and you look like you fell in a Rancor Pit..

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Less then 1 minute, sometimes under a freak accident it make take 2-4 minutes but groups with a member dropping have priority. Thank you for bringing up one of the better features of the X-LFD, instant group fill-ins for drops.



You played a different rift than me. Lets not forget "master mode" dungeons. The last ditch effort to keep people from leaving after the content had been made too easy.




I don't really get what you mean here, however I think it makes you look like you don't know what you are talking about so I'll leave it up. Cheers!


Pointless ad hominem ftw.

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What is causing you to only meet people in a Flash Point? And I guess I am having a hard time with Player A's need for socializing trumping Player B's want to run content as painlessly as possible. I'm not trying to be willfully dense on this subject, I'm just not seeing it is all.


You're not thinking about it correctly. It's not Player A's need for socializing.


It's Player A's need for the game to force people to spam LFG messages in the General channel. Alternatively, it's Player A's need for the game to force others to chat with him. Quite possibly because he lacks a personality compelling enough to generate the same type of attention if left solely to his own devices.

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In one corner we have the person who's recently used the X-LFD and can cite examples that anyone who has an active WoW account can verify or we can trust the person who makes claims based on a game he isn't playing.


Amazing isn't it. In one corner you have someone who liked it and thus participated in. In the other corner you have the opposite. You gonna sing & dance like saddam from south park for me? "I can change I change!"


Also, you're the guy who basically says "I have kids so game makers need to make concession to me over others because of that." Thats a solid argument dude. We can do this all day.


Keep in mind I'm not asking to not have x-server gamewide rather than they set a couple of servers aside that don't use it. How is that not fair?

Edited by Vlaxitov
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You played a different rift than me. Lets not forget "master mode" dungeons. The last ditch effort to keep people from leaving after the content had been made too easy.


Apparently we are talking about 2 different games, WoW & Rift, I can't comment on Rift and I believe you are talking about Rift and not WoW. I thought we were discussing WoW, my apologies.

Edited by Touchbass
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Keep in mind I'm not asking to not have x-server gamewide rather than they set a couple of servers aside that don't use it. How is that not fair?


I think that's a good solution, however it'll cause some logistical problems. Which servers get X-LFD and which servers don't? What if hypothetically a server that gets or doesn't get it and the majority of the population wants it/doesn't want it. I think it's better as a pill to swallow for everyone involved but your solution does show some promise

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lie, even tank replaced fast

and btw if tank leave now in tor how many time you will need to find replacement?


half-filled lfg group have priority over all other and re-filled very fast


Wrong, wrong, wrong.


I've been in plenty of WoW groups where the tank or healer left (or was kicked). Sometimes it takes a minute to find someone else, other times it did take 20+ minutes. And then some people, once they get invited to a group in progress they'll leave when they notice the it's a group in-progress, causing you to have to re-queue.

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Watch from the 12:05 mark onwards.


Single-server only. And it led to a chorus of applause.


Which solves nothing. It's cross-server, or go home. Sure, they can set it to where it chooses from your own server first, but it needs to be able to search other servers.


Those same applauding people will be decrying single server when they still have to wait an hour or more for a group.

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I think that's a good solution, however it'll cause some logistical problems. Which servers get X-LFD and which servers don't? What if hypothetically a server that gets or doesn't get it and the majority of the population wants it/doesn't want it. I think it's better as a pill to swallow for everyone involved but your solution does show some promise


Just open transfers and problem solved.

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Which solves nothing. It's cross-server, or go home. Sure, they can set it to where it chooses from your own server first, but it needs to be able to search other servers.


Those same applauding people will be decrying single server when they still have to wait an hour or more for a group.


The X-LFD is to help alleviate groups on low population servers that have a difficult time finding groups at all and to assist more robust servers with convenience in finding groups. Having it single server completely defeats the purpose of it's goal. We still don't know if it's automated yet, which I don't think it is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have not read through every post in this thread, sorry, and I'm sure it has been said before ... on the cross server LFG, Bioware, please, no. Your original logic was sound and still stands in the current state of the game.


... our design team doesn't philosophically believe that cross-server Flashpoints are good for the game at this stage in the game's lifespan. There is huge social pressure to not be a jerk that goes away when the odds that you will never see these people again is high.


Cross server LFG will only mask the bigger issue that is server populations. This would only be a band-aid fix on a festering wound that desperately needs tended to.

Edited by Dolcia
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The claims of nerfs happening due to lfd tools is shear coincident.

It may had speed up the need to tune the zones but the demand would still had come once the players moved into them even with out a lfd tool.

Just look at all the so and so zone is to hard on these forms and we dont have a lfd tool.

Over time game companies collect in game metrics and adjust the zones depending on the fail/success rates. Lfd tools especially cross server ones speeds up the data collection process since they have a lot more people running the zones. Showing the game companies where tuning (nerfs) need to be made to meet their expected success rate.


Now it is close to impossible to define what is to hard or to easy since its a subjective view point. Since ones man to easy is another mans to hard. Game companies then have to set a success rate they are comfortable with and one they think will keep the MAJORITY of players playing. Fact of the matter is the lesser skilled player base pays the bills in these games. So if they cant reasonably complete the zones then it has to be tuned so they can or they will leave for a game where it is tuned for them. One can only expect a person to fail so many times before they quit.

I personally find this game pretty easy. Yet i meet people every day who find it hard.

In no way to me does this make them bad players. It just reflects my years of gaming experience compared to there first gaming experience.


The mmo genre has evolved over the years to meet the demands of the majority of the new player base that has been brought into the genre.

The new majority of the mmo player base these days are a much more casual player.

These are players that come from such games as wow,farmsville and other online games of which there are many. I am not going to sit here and insult those players. Clearly they enjoy those games and those players number in the millions.

Those players are migrating to our mmo genre. Any game company that wants to make a profit would be silly to not make room for those millions of players. Make no mistake BW did not make this game out of the goodness of their heart for us hardcore games to play. They made this game to make money!

These players have limited time and are accustom to log on and have fun. Insult them if you will by calling them instant gratification baddies or what ever.

But they are the future of the mmo market player base. As it has moved out of the area of us geeks with our high dollar systems and into the area of the every day online user.


A cross server lfd caters to these players which IMO is a good thing.

Its even good for us more skilled/hardcore player. It brings in more money for more dev time.

What we can hope for is more settings that tune up the difficulty for us while keeping the easier settings for the others. BW has proven that they can do this since it is done in raids/ops already with 3 levels of settings. Normal, hardmode and nightmare. All that needs to be done is apply the same concept to 4 man flashpoints and leave nightmare mode of the lfd system.


Rift recently introduced this type of system to there small man content with master modes which are not on their cross server lfg listing.

If you want to do the really hard stuff you got to make your own group and run to the instance yourself. The key here is that these master mode zones are so tough that a true team needs to be put together for them or you will fail.


yes rewards would need to be adjusted but that is simply a matter of some dev time.


Simple fact is that done correctly a game can support both hardcore and casual players at the same time.

it can also support a cross server lfg system while also allowing those that want to form their own groups to do so.


Hopefully as the genre evolves more the game companies find ways to still keep the ole style players at least semi happy while also allowing the genre as a whole to develop with the times!

The claims of NO it will kill the server communities are false if done correctly.

I even forsee in the future of games moving away from the concept of single server games.

Such innovation to the mmo genre such as cross server lfg systems, cross server ignore and friends list. help me to see this. Games like eve have already done away with it.

Way back daoc did so in away by creating clusters of servers. While it was done to combat falling population on the servers it did show that even years ago it was possible to allow more than one server to interact together in common zones.


The year is 2012 and the genre doesnt need to be stuck in time!

I know that some players prefer the ole way and it starting to sound like my grandpa with his back in the day i walked uphill to school in the snow!

I have a gramdma that refuses to use the new flat screen we got her for xmas.. She dont like it and still has the old 100 pound monster tube sitting in her living room.


ye yea i am a wind bag and its 1am! good night!


Please tell me that English is not your first language and that you are not a product of the American school system. Please?

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