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Unoffical Cross-Server is coming to town thread


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I do think that the server consolidation and in-server lfd tool would be the best of all alternatives.


I re-rolled on a different server because the server i was on passed from high population, on the pre-launch, to low. It took a long time to get into pvp even.


I'm still level 44 at the moment, and have had more fun since the change.


It is not only the easiness to get something rolling, by comparison, the universe seems more alive (and sometimes laggy ;) ).


As for a lf ops or hard content, it would have to be linked to some sort of account id, legacy for example, friends/ignore lists.

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What I want to know is how the hell is posting LFG in general counted as socializing? Also some of us actually have jobs and lives outside of games and like to maximise our playtimes, as opposed to standing around on the fleet wasting our available playtime hoping to get a group going. If you want to socialize try stepping outside.
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What I want to know is how the hell is posting LFG in general counted as socializing? Also some of us actually have jobs and lives outside of games and like to maximise our playtimes, as opposed to standing around on the fleet wasting our available playtime hoping to get a group going. If you want to socialize try stepping outside.


This is a bit crass but essentially cuts to the chase of the matter.

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Yeah, there is a strong coorelation between back talking and thread activity. I noticed in another thread people were talking smack about me, you defended me though my online hero.


I do what I can! I am as guilty of being baited into ragevomitting on the forums as anyone, so I am actively working on it. I have also noted how much better this thread has gotten since people stopped "word that rhymes with bowling"... I also like what I am reading in terms of compromises. So it's all win win.

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Here's a email I just got from Blizzard:



Experience the fall of Deathwing and the epic conclusion to World of Warcraft®: Cataclysm with the new Raid Finder tool. Raid Finder automatically matches you with other players for a specially tuned version of the Dragon Soul raid designed for pick-up raiders.


To get you started, we've given your account, [Censored], 7 days of FREE game time. To claim your time, click the button below:

Play FREE for 7 days!


To get geared up for your encounter with Deathwing, Patch 4.3: Hour of Twilight also added three new dungeons filled with epic loot.


We hope you enjoy 7 days of game time... Deathwing awaits your return.


- The World of Warcraft Team


Hmmm... to run dungeons/raids at a whim or to spam LFG for a couple more weeks... And how did they know I was talking about them? :p

Edited by MalignX
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Here's a email I just got from Blizzard:



Experience the fall of Deathwing and the epic conclusion to World of Warcraft®: Cataclysm with the new Raid Finder tool. Raid Finder automatically matches you with other players for a specially tuned version of the Dragon Soul raid designed for pick-up raiders.


To get you started, we've given your account, [Censored], 7 days of FREE game time. To claim your time, click the button below:

Play FREE for 7 days!


To get geared up for your encounter with Deathwing, Patch 4.3: Hour of Twilight also added three new dungeons filled with epic loot.


We hope you enjoy 7 days of game time... Deathwing awaits your return.


- The World of Warcraft Team


Hmmm... to run dungeons/raids at a whim or to spam LFG for a couple more weeks... And how did they know I was talking about them? :p


Yes but you have to suffer their lame IP and cutesy world. My little pony seems more bad@ss than wow these days. Sorry couldn't help myself there..


If not having a LFG is the ONLY reason people want to unsub, why not at least try rerolling on a high pop server till it is released. What do you have to lose?

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Yes but you have to suffer their lame IP and cutesy world. My little pony seems more bad@ss than wow these days. Sorry couldn't help myself there..


If not having a LFG is the ONLY reason people want to unsub, why not at least try rerolling on a high pop server till it is released. What do you have to lose?


Oh, I'm not unsubbing, going to at least wait to see what happens with the patch. Just think it's amusing Blizzard is fishing.

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Some people seem to think that they'll make the content easier if they make a cross server LFG tool. That would be unfortunate. And the mistake would be making the content easy. It needs to be made much more difficult. If more than 30-40% of pugs are completing the content, it's too easy. The difficulty of the content is a completely separate issue from a cross-server dungeon finder.
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Some people seem to think that they'll make the content easier if they make a cross server LFG tool. That would be unfortunate. And the mistake would be making the content easy. It needs to be made much more difficult. If more than 30-40% of pugs are completing the content, it's too easy. The difficulty of the content is a completely separate issue from a cross-server dungeon finder.


Easy, Hard - I"m too the point I don't really care about that anymore.


I just want to be able to do something besides beg for a tank in general chat. Anything beats that.


This game needs an effective LFG tool more than anything else right now. Add that first - then they can start worrying about beefing up their instances if that needs to happen.

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Here's a email I just got from Blizzard:



Experience the fall of Deathwing and the epic conclusion to World of Warcraft®: Cataclysm with the new Raid Finder tool. Raid Finder automatically matches you with other players for a specially tuned version of the Dragon Soul raid designed for pick-up raiders.


To get you started, we've given your account, [Censored], 7 days of FREE game time. To claim your time, click the button below:

Play FREE for 7 days!


To get geared up for your encounter with Deathwing, Patch 4.3: Hour of Twilight also added three new dungeons filled with epic loot.


We hope you enjoy 7 days of game time... Deathwing awaits your return.


- The World of Warcraft Team


Hmmm... to run dungeons/raids at a whim or to spam LFG for a couple more weeks... And how did they know I was talking about them? :p


Looks more like someone is scamming you :p

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Some people seem to think that they'll make the content easier if they make a cross server LFG tool. That would be unfortunate. And the mistake would be making the content easy. It needs to be made much more difficult. If more than 30-40% of pugs are completing the content, it's too easy. The difficulty of the content is a completely separate issue from a cross-server dungeon finder.


That seems low IMO i would think that 80 to 90% should be a target success rate.


Let the pugs be successful and make nightmare modes of all flashpoints and nightmare mode is not accessible via the cross server lfg tool.


This way puggers can feel good and hardcores can also.

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That seems low IMO i would think that 80 to 90% should be a target success rate.


Let the pugs be successful and make nightmare modes of all flashpoints and nightmare mode is not accessible via the cross server lfg tool.


This way puggers can feel good and hardcores can also.


I find it interesting that other people who complete content want to punish others to validate the work they've put into it. Sort of like a self imposed bench mark of success that the rest of the peeps are scrubs. It's not productive :( I'm with you, 80% should be able to finish content.


If you want to seperate yourself as skilled, that is what high end PvP and raids serve as a purpose. You cannot have hard 4 man content with 8 classes without making some classes mandatory for success. What I mean is when you have a FOTM tank that has a great CD that migates the damage on a fight with a lot of burst damage the fight will become a joke and only that tank will get invites in a manual grouping system.


In WoW with Cata, there were several heroic fights that for pugs took some time getting use too. They were difficult enough that people would just abandon the instance when they queued it until enough people got gear and understood the instances mechanics. There were 2 hit mehanics if not interupted and get out of the fire mechanics that would wipe a group on the whim so saying "LFD made heroics easy" is a false statement. Gear makes heroics easy, that's it.


I don't know how this romanticization occured with people thinking 5 man heroics should be all end of content. Even if they were extremely difficult and had a progression path, they wouldn't last more then a couple weeks at most as content. The reason why raids are so elongated is because of a week cooldown on doing them, trust me if they had a 1 day timer people would be done with them inside of a month. Sometimes I don't think people really know what they are asking for when they want something >_<

Edited by Touchbass
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Yes but you have to suffer their lame IP and cutesy world. My little pony seems more bad@ss than wow these days. Sorry couldn't help myself there..


If not having a LFG is the ONLY reason people want to unsub, why not at least try rerolling on a high pop server till it is released. What do you have to lose?



WoW is a lot harder then SWTOR. High end arena PvP is more competitive then this current system and the high end WoW raids are a lot more difficult and properly structured. The only thing that is more difficult in this game is leveling, and that is because quests are full of bugs and people don't know squat about their classes mechanics.


I don't want to reroll because my friends are on my server, what is the point of having a server if i can just leave on a whim without losing my social attachments? Oh I'm going to answer your next question before you ask, the reason why I don't group with them is because we don't all play at the same time and have the same time committments. Also, when we are playing we like to chat together and do different things.

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WoW is a lot harder then SWTOR. High end arena PvP is more competitive then this current system and the high end WoW raids are a lot more difficult and properly structured. The only thing that is more difficult in this game is leveling, and that is because quests are full of bugs and people don't know squat about their classes mechanics.


I don't want to reroll because my friends are on my server, what is the point of having a server if i can just leave on a whim without losing my social attachments? Oh I'm going to answer your next question before you ask, the reason why I don't group with them is because we don't all play at the same time and have the same time committments. Also, when we are playing we like to chat together and do different things.


I left wow in wotlk, so I can't say how hard it is today or not. But back then it was pretty dam easy. Regardless I was just trashing the game for its IP and overly cute look to everything. Anyway that is off topic.


I understand your reasons for not wanting to reroll and I support them. My point was, If you are going quit over this anyway, give a reroll a shot. Either way you lose those social attachments. At least if you reroll you can still play the game you find fun (assuming the LFG is the ONLY reason you quit). If you quit you have nothing.

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Here's a email I just got from Blizzard:



Experience the fall of Deathwing and the epic conclusion to World of Warcraft®: Cataclysm with the new Raid Finder tool. Raid Finder automatically matches you with other players for a specially tuned version of the Dragon Soul raid designed for pick-up raiders.


To get you started, we've given your account, [Censored], 7 days of FREE game time. To claim your time, click the button below:

Play FREE for 7 days!


To get geared up for your encounter with Deathwing, Patch 4.3: Hour of Twilight also added three new dungeons filled with epic loot.


We hope you enjoy 7 days of game time... Deathwing awaits your return.


- The World of Warcraft Team


Hmmm... to run dungeons/raids at a whim or to spam LFG for a couple more weeks... And how did they know I was talking about them? :p


There's a reason why one of my guildies, who still plays WoW, calls it Looking For Derp mode.

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I skimmed through a few pages after a bit of a lull in watching the thread, and didn't see anything like this:


Why not have a more advanced LFG tool. So, if your faction has a 'high population', or 'higher' (not sure what the average number of players on any one faction is), then the LFG tool only works in-server. Can't see why anyone would be against that.


If your faction/server is on the low side of things, then it opens up for x-server to allow for faster queues.


'Course, I'm not sure what queue times are gonna be like for the different rolls. I'm assuming it'll be Tanks getting the fastest, Healers a close second, and DPS getting the longest ones.

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I left wow in wotlk, so I can't say how hard it is today or not. But back then it was pretty dam easy. Regardless I was just trashing the game for its IP and overly cute look to everything. Anyway that is off topic.


I understand your reasons for not wanting to reroll and I support them. My point was, If you are going quit over this anyway, give a reroll a shot. Either way you lose those social attachments. At least if you reroll you can still play the game you find fun (assuming the LFG is the ONLY reason you quit). If you quit you have nothing.



I would never quit over a LFD issue alone, it's be pretty silly if you love a game and quit over some petty that will probably be implemented down the road. The problem is this game is not a significant powerhouse gaming experience yet, I don't know how much gas in the tank these theme park MMORPG's have left in them.


WoW vanilla was released with basically 1.5 raids after launch with no battlegrounds. Yet leveling up took me months, getting 40 geared guildies through dungeons took over a month and clearing the first tier took well over a year for us as we didn't raid more then twice a week. There was always something to do like farm mats and PvP for fun in an open world.


Flash forward to the current expansion, there is triple the amount of end game content but it doesn't last even as long as Vanilla's did. Blizzard realized this and revamped the 1-60 experience cause they knew holding onto new players was going to be instrinic to keeping their cash flow going cause people were being too fickle at max level. What I mean is people would resubscribe for new patches then leave afterwards. This new MMORPG that they are building is hopefully is going to try and break the model.


So now we have SWTOR which is a great breath of fresh air for the majority of us and falls under the previous model of where we left off in Cataclysm. I honestly don't know where they can take us to enhance our experience but having this arhaic system in place that prevents me from getting groups is a serious set back. Forcing us to group together manually for content that doesn't last very long as the backbone of socialization is not a smart idea. You gotta realize that Flashpoints don't last very long, 1 to 2 weeks in tops. What's going to happen when the next tier of flashpoints come out and nobody can get access to the first tier to gear up for the 2nd tier?

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Some people seem to think that they'll make the content easier if they make a cross server LFG tool. That would be unfortunate. And the mistake would be making the content easy. It needs to be made much more difficult. If more than 30-40% of pugs are completing the content, it's too easy. The difficulty of the content is a completely separate issue from a cross-server dungeon finder.


Except for the last sentence i agree with you.


The tool would generate exactly that sort of things


Making extremely easy to access content to players without preparation, getting onto content that they can't handle, leads to the players complain that the content is too hard, which leads to the said tuning down of difficulty.


When an random player raid or ops has almost 100% chance to complete the end-game, the content simply looses appeal, and the demand of more content grows exponentially.


End-game should always be something that took knowing your class well, preparation, but most of all coordination between a group of players.


In WoW with Cata, there were several heroic fights that for pugs took some time getting use too. They were difficult enough that people would just abandon the instance when they queued it until enough people got gear and understood the instances mechanics. There were 2 hit mehanics if not interupted and get out of the fire mechanics that would wipe a group on the whim so saying "LFD made heroics easy" is a false statement. Gear makes heroics easy, that's it.


Actually no, as the heroics had to be tuned way down so that people would be able to do it with a high success rate. Those same 2 hit mechanics became 4 hit mechanics, fire and void zones didn't kill you anymore in 2-3 ticks, and a lot of other examples.


And those same players that didn't understood their classes and roles after that phase, passed the symptom to the raids. Mages with 400 dps, warlocks, shamans, you name it, wanted to go for end-game content, so that same content was tuned down again and again.


More players pass through the content, but has it brought more interest or longevity to the game? For what i understand a lot of players play the game out of habit than enjoyment. Leveling class after class to get some reason to log in, because once they hit maximum level they need very little time to run all end-game and get most BiS.


And don't need to be a no-live, it is simply too easy for everyone.


Normal mode ops being completed by a random group, it's understandable. Hard or above? That is the part i have difficulty accepting.

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Actually no, as the heroics had to be tuned way down so that people would be able to do it with a high success rate. Those same 2 hit mechanics became 4 hit mechanics, fire and void zones didn't kill you anymore in 2-3 ticks, and a lot of other examples.


And those same players that didn't understood their classes and roles after that phase, passed the symptom to the raids. Mages with 400 dps, warlocks, shamans, you name it, wanted to go for end-game content, so that same content was tuned down again and again.


More players pass through the content, but has it brought more interest or longevity to the game? For what i understand a lot of players play the game out of habit than enjoyment. Leveling class after class to get some reason to log in, because once they hit maximum level they need very little time to run all end-game and get most BiS.


And don't need to be a no-live, it is simply too easy for everyone.


Normal mode ops being completed by a random group, it's understandable. Hard or above? That is the part i have difficulty accepting.


The only real nerf to heroics was the buff from 5% in the LFD to 15% to compensate for a lack of coordination. They were still hard for well over a month or maybe 2 which is enough time to appreciate their difficulty. Give you an example, in Throne of Tides or whatever it's called, one boss does something called Lava burst. If you don't interupt and the tank has less then 60% health it will one shot him still. That mechanic became a 2-4 hit because people got geared and have bypassed the mechanics as they should.


Heroics were challenging enough for 5 people with the proper item level gear when they came out, even if they weren't nerfed or what not, they'd still be a joke because of gear progression. You assume that making heroics difficult makes the playerbase better, I have to disagree. People just won't do the content so they'll learn absolutely nothing and worse yet they'll get their overgeared guildies to steam roll the place for them like they did in BC when they were difficult. That wasn't for me who had to run every new god darn player though stuff over and over again.


Heroics are a tough one to place difficulty wise, they became to easy no matter what so developers can't put lot of emphasis on on them as content. We'll see what what Cataclysm does with the next tier up to see how success it is.

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I keep reading the pro's and cons of the LFD tool. All I know is, as a level 41 tank, I have not tanked a single FP due to:


- Being on the non-populated faction

- Playing at an odd hour

- Levelling behind the main crowd at 50

- Am not in the mega-uber guild on the server


I agree the social aspect needs to stay. However, there being only 1 focal point to find a group is very frustrating. And yes, I've tried being "social" by spamming "41 tank lfg fp" on the fleet every 3 minutes for hours on end.


At 50, yes, the who lfg thing works. Behind that though, it is very cumbersome to do a /who 41 /who 42 /who 43 /who 44 to find a group for Colicoid.


LFD tool or some alternative, I will be leaving the game in the near future if it is not implemented. If I am gonna be forced to solo due to flawed mechanics of sociability, I might as well play a console game.


Sorry for passing the negativity to the community, but I am very frustrated at solo tanking heroics with only a companion and having 50's run me through fp's as they farm lightside/darkside points.


For my 2 cents, even if another screen like "who" was implemented that was solely a list of everyone lfg, I think that would do wonders.

Edited by bloodythorns
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It doesn't bother me they are doing cross server if they said they were or not. If it makes people happy then go for it. My biggest fear is getting players that roll need on everything for their companions or just to be *****s.


I have never had a problem getting a group as a DPS OR as a Healer. So i'm sorry but I have no sympathy for those who are complaining. Maybe they are playing at the wrong hours? I sometimes am playing where there is 20 or less people on the fleet, that's the time I spend doing my dailys, not looking for a group.

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