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If your An Empire player, DO you actually like the Empire?


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This is typical of most of the people that play the evil side or controversial side (Horde in WoW, Defiants in Rift, etc). You'll get lots of responses saying "I like the story....duh." or "I like to kill, it's only a game."


These folks clearly picked the Empire because they want to feel rebellious, naughty, cool, thuggy, all those things. I've seen some numbers and most (but not all) of the Imps are younger, while the Republic is older (not 100%, but generally, average age at least).


It gets tiresome fighting against the same bunch of kids in every MMO, but it is really expected nowadays.


Actually the largest study ever done put the age of the horde players at only 2 years younger than the alliance. You're suffering from confirmation bias. You're remembering more bad horde behavior than there really was, and forgetting more alliance bad behavior than was true.

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Well it all depends on which character I am playing. If I am playing a sith I play as evil as possible. There has never been an mmo that I can recall where you can choose to be so blatantly evil that it would give your mother nightmares. It really draws you in to the story. I like this side of the empire.


If I am playing my IA I walk that light side line as it fits the story better of what the empire is all about anyway. There is no real love between the sith who just kill indiscriminately and the imperials who actually care about the empire and blindly see the jedi and republic as rebels that are just trying to cause instability. I LOVE this side of the empire..

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I play Empire, and from an RPish perspective this is one main motivator for why I play exclusively Light Side Imps (who aren't afraid to make the occasional Dark Side decision). All of my Imps, even my Sith, stand apart from the cruelty and coldness that most define the Empire with. I consider them missionaries of sorts, both an example that not all Imps need be evil and a lesson to fellow Imps that there is another path to walk.


But I don't care much for either side. I would take a shot at The Emperor, given the chance. I care about the digital people struggling to make it in each establishment, not their corrupt rulers.

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Yup I'm a slightly RP player. But I prefer the stories where you're in a corrupt government (The Empire) and the games you have to play to get power. Rather than the goody goody Jedi.



You must not have played a Republic story, corruption runs rife through the Republic. I could say the Empire is less shady while being totalitarian.

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I love the fact that my Sith Assassin is a secret good guy who is out to change the Empire from within. Just because I don't like the Empire doesn't mean I then, necessarily, have to like the Republic. Both factions seem to believe the end justifies the means, and will do whatever to attain victory. Don't even get me started on how distasteful I find the Jedi Code.


If the only choices are "capricious monster" or "mindless automaton with no will of his own" I guess I'd have to go with being a monster.

Edited by Mannic
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I chose my faction purely because of the classes (was set on my main being an Agent), irrespective of the faction. I have Republic characters as well and feel no faction loyalty in this game.


That been said, playing a lightside Agent feels very rewarding. Like you're actually trying to make the best of a bad situation, and help people in need irrespective of the consequences with the Sith.

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No, I don't like the Empire. I usually play the "good" side, but decided to go along with a friend who likes to play evil. It's actually kind of fun playing light side and working against the Empire from within.


I do have one dark side character, though and am really surprised how stupid their choices often are.

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i do like the empire,

but i dont like most PCs in empire,

lots of filthy language in lv50 FP or warzone,


so i re-roll to republic,

guess what?

PCs still lack of manners,


i dont like most MMO kids,

some are good , they r all on my friends list,

but most of them are gone, cause of the endgame bored them,

they hate to LFG for several hours.

Edited by oakamp
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i do like the empire,

but i dont like most PCs in empire,

lots of filthy language in lv50 FP or warzone,


so i re-roll to republic,

guess what?

PCs still lack of manners,


i dont like most MMO kids,

some are good , they all on my friends list,

but most of them are gone, cause of the endgame bored them,

they hate to LFG for several hours.


and that pertains to the topic how. lets not let this veer of to another hate thread. buh bye.

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Love the Empire.


IMO, violence aside, the choice options I get on the empire are more virtuous than what this game offers to the "Republic". I don't even consider the Republic to be an accurate classification of their faction. In this game the Republic is more like the French Revolution's Third Estate: ultimately devolving into a horrifically conformist regime that tore itself to pieces, targeted its own members, killing those who were not "loyal enough" to the revolution, and beheading tens of thousands of priests and innocent people along the way, paving the perfect path for what? A: an emperor, Napoleon, who by war took the world by storm.


By not understanding the historical precedent for their own ideology the writers have lost all notion of what it is to be a "good guy" who fights for a free society. The Republic is more like an Imperialist, conformist regime than the Sith Empire, so from an order vs. chaos perspective, they have screwed things up pretty badly.


The fact that they have stuffed all the violence on the side fighting for the integrity of the individual and his freedom to choose his own destiny shows just how out of touch these near-evangelical writers are. I couldn't play a Jedi unless I wanted to be a political zealot bent on forcing other people to accept my view of what is right and wrong with no regard to individual interpretations. If these factions were real forces, I shudder to think how the republic would very quickly devolve into mob violence.


I disagree, I didn't kill people on my own side or fought anyone who didn't try to get me first me as Jedi Knight. I spared Imperials(which made them extremely confused because they would kill me if they had the chance), I never really fought for anything other than freedom of the Empire's schemes to reignite war

and then the Emperor himself as he tried to CONSUME whole worlds(at least 3 of them) to literally DESTROY the entire galaxy

, if that sounds less evil than the reps I'm sorry you're a very misguided individual. Now there were ******es along the road,

like that senator on Belsavis instigating Ratataki into war machines

, I arrested him and all the others I could.





the republic has pointless quests like "The politics of dissent".



That was so deep I have no words to comment on that, seriously, go play wow lol.

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I like the Empire. Atleast when they're *******es they go up front about it.



Unlike the Republic.









You know, like BELSAVIS






I'd rather have the *******es who admit they're *******es so I can be on guard, then to have that happen to me without warning.

No you wouldn't. Both are striving for very different ideals. The Empire is also corrupt with people who want more tolerance and freedom, just like the Republic is corrupt with people who would fit in better with the Empire.

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I actualy do like them :p More to that - i tried republic and didn't like it at all. My comments are in red inside quote.


Let me start off by saying that I am an Empire player, a Bounty Hunter more specifically. I DOn't RP much but If I did I could justify this by saying that I am just in it for the money, but then I guess that answer would be morally corrupt as well.


Bounty Hunter is independent. He is not Imperial at all. He is more like a neutral player. I did spare same amount of like that I have taken. Simple. I ended up not even light/dark I because I played lie I wanted to play. He do what he need to do and money and happy customer is all he wants. This way I never back down from mission or betray employee but first I always ask for money.


The Empire kills people just because. In instances where they could be spared and taken as prisoner, they just slaughter them. More troubling is the fact that the Empire routinely kills its' own loyal people. IN some of the quests, they have killed their own. In many of the books they have killed their own, for example:


Wrong. Empire don't kill people just because. They kill useless people and people that failed to do something important and live to tell about their failure. If you defend something and you live then it's not like you were defending - you ran away while you should stay and defend. It's something people should learn in Voidstar WZ :p


"Death StAR" ***SPOILER***


IN the novel "death star" the newly constructed death star was ready to test its main gun. Tarkin just nonchalantly decided to test it out on the prison planet which they were orbiting. He didn't bother evacuating the millions of prisoners....or even the Imperial personnel down on the planet. Just bam, the planet was gone.


And problem with overpopulated prison was fixed in few seconds. Where you see problem ? Also you don't need to find another job to fellow Imperials below. It's quite simple.


In another instance related to SWTOR, From the novel "Revan":


"Revan" ****SPOILER****


The Emperor, the Emperor in TOR, rose to power by summoning all the Sith Lords to his home planet and then he consumed them to gain their power (YES, HE ATE THEM!). He then through some ritual absorbed every living being on the planet into him to gain immortality, Billions of people.


Not someone I'd want to be loyal to.


Having immortal ally is just what you need. Just make sure you wont look tasty to him :p


Do any other Imperials feel uncomfortable with this? Yes, I realize its just fiction. If I hadn't looked forward to playing a Bounty Hunter for the past four years I'd definitely rather play on the Republic side.


I played in this game Bounty Hunter and now I'm playing again as Agent. I don't like force users since they need to do mindless killing just to stay "dark". It's not fun at all. Bounty Hunter can kill idiots (dark) and help everyone else that are not involved in his mission (light). I never done anything against my own morality playing BH :p

As Agent I go undercover and destroy enemy from inside. You can like some guys that you can kill later but still - they were crime bosses - no need to spare them.

For me Republic is just a bunch of idiots that for sake of stupid idealism and some "being good" stuff don't do what is required to win. And winners wrote history my friend. KOTOR show this a loot. Mission when you was asked few questions what you should do.

Help city under attack or allow to destroy the city to rally your army.


I choose to leave city to it's fate and I still think that it is right answer. Because this way enemy had to defend whole city, they lost some people etc while I have fresh and ready army that WANT to kick their asses for destroying that city. It's more about tactic than everything else. What is whole city compared to whole galaxy ? Nothing :p Loose one city and win galaxy. This is sith way. And this is what I like.

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Do any other Imperials feel uncomfortable with this? Yes, I realize its just fiction. If I hadn't looked forward to playing a Bounty Hunter for the past four years I'd definitely rather play on the Republic side.


No, I don't feel unconfortable. Nothing to do with RL, but in fiction, I love this kind of thing. Is harder, is realistic, is organized.


Also, one reason to RP for me (And this is RP-limited and poor, but RP the same) is see the other side of the coint. Put in a very different shoes.


Also, aestetically the empire pleases me a lot; not only the looks, but the feeling.


To finish the post, I have to say I hate thet the republic is very hypocrit. They do the same ****, only they disguise it as "the greater good", or something like that.


The only real difference between Rep and Imp is the propaganda.

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I don't really care about the Empire, I just hate the Republic.

What a bunch of hypocrites. At least the Empire knows it's evil, corrupt and accepts it, so you know you will expect treasons. The Republic, the other way, think they are the good and the free and blablabla but in reality they are much as corrupt. The cases of Jedi falling to the darkside and politicians being corrupt makes the Republic look weak, fragile and untrustworthy.

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I don't like the Empire.

But I really love how BW made the Empire.

Pretty much reminds me of George Orwell's novels. Love it!


Empire player here.

Everything might die, but power is infinite. Fear preserves the order of things.

You're either on the top of the food chain or cannon fodder.

Right up Orwell's alley and a kind of ruling mechanism that would really last for centuries, as it did in 1984.

I love it. I love it.

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If you really want to understand the logic, (i never really bothered until now) i can say its the same lust for power or credits as the empire himself has. It's just when you're a captain or a mere sith strugling to raise in the ranks ( levels ) you cant defy your masters or superiors and claim their power. You'll have to disguise your lust and show a fake loyalty and try to gain their trust. And when you have the strenght to get whats rightfully (lol) yours, you do it. Speaking of a true imperial of course. (dark side)
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This is typical of most of the people that play the evil side or controversial side (Horde in WoW, Defiants in Rift, etc). You'll get lots of responses saying "I like the story....duh." or "I like to kill, it's only a game."


These folks clearly picked the Empire because they want to feel rebellious, naughty, cool, thuggy, all those things. I've seen some numbers and most (but not all) of the Imps are younger, while the Republic is older (not 100%, but generally, average age at least).


It gets tiresome fighting against the same bunch of kids in every MMO, but it is really expected nowadays.


Yeah, I'm calling bull****. Until you post where you've "seen some numbers", I'm going to go ahead and assume that you, like just about everyone else on the internet (let's say 95%), are just making s*** up.

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i'm actually okay with the empire. It's the sith i hate. bunch of puppy-kicking, 'oh how can i be EVIL next' lunatics with no concept of unity or community beyond using each other as [non]human shields.


I played my agent that way, too. Every time imperial interests were at stake, I protected them. Every time the republic was deliberately targeting imperial citizens, i took them out. On the flip side, whenever an opportunity to kill sith (or jedi) presented itself, I took it. If ever the republic were waging war on the sith specifically, i let them (if i could).


Neither the Empire nor the Republic is the problem. It's the force users. Kill 'em all, I say.

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I really like the sith and how there organization works, the strongest survive but only the truly cunning zanados bad guy can take out his superiors and rise, getting away with it.


As to the emperor, I'm his wrath on one toon and i've never seen the guy. Never heard him utter a single word in person as such I have very little opinion of him.


He has to be a cunning bad-*** to be at the top of the sith pyramid though.

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This is typical of most of the people that play the evil side or controversial side (Horde in WoW, Defiants in Rift, etc). You'll get lots of responses saying "I like the story....duh." or "I like to kill, it's only a game."


These folks clearly picked the Empire because they want to feel rebellious, naughty, cool, thuggy, all those things. I've seen some numbers and most (but not all) of the Imps are younger, while the Republic is older (not 100%, but generally, average age at least).


It gets tiresome fighting against the same bunch of kids in every MMO, but it is really expected nowadays.


I will give you some numbers. It doesn't worth a dung, just like your numbers, but just for you to know.


I'm imperial. I'm 33 years old. I'm in a 250+ players guild.


I'm one of the youngest in the guild.


Just for you to know.

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