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Assassin healing in pvp


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I've noticed some assassins are getting 2.5k and 5k single heal medals in PvP. How can this be possible? I have tried speccing into madness for their heals to try this out but I can never get a heal that high.

Then I read somewhere that people use pure shock frozen water for this... Is this obtainable without a quest? And will this be patched?



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I've noticed some assassins are getting 2.5k and 5k single heal medals in PvP. How can this be possible? I have tried speccing into madness for their heals to try this out but I can never get a heal that high.

Then I read somewhere that people use pure shock frozen water for this... Is this obtainable without a quest? And will this be patched?




Its Pure shockfrozen water.


Here is a guide:




And to all of you that know this and whant to keep if for you self and yell at ppl that share this "sercret": Screw you, im not for haveing a small part of the community know about this when it both heal good and gives medals in pvp. If its not working as inteended its going to get nerfed anyway. And yes i wil keep posting this if i come over other threeds that ask about it.

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pffft i dont know what this guy is talking bout, shock what water? cmon that doesnt exist...just forget about such nonsense...


dont believe him guys, there is no such thing nor it will every be, those medals are surely just bug or something.

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Its Pure shockfrozen water.


Here is a guide:




And to all of you that know this and whant to keep if for you self and yell at ppl that share this "sercret": Screw you, im not for haveing a small part of the community know about this when it both heal good and gives medals in pvp. If its not working as inteended its going to get nerfed anyway. And yes i wil keep posting this if i come over other threeds that ask about it.


this guy has no idea what he is talking about, this isn't the water you are looking for.

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Saw a Shadow did 117K healing, and didn't have Wither (can't use Water while vanished without 11 in deception). Healing numbers are pretty much totally meaningless atm.


117k is nothing special. You can hit 100k without even using the water if you're running with above average healthpool (18-19k+) and dont have too much downtime. Besides the water works just fine even if you dont have the deception talent as it unstealths you when you use it therefore removing the healing debuff of vanish.

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With darkness spec and overcharge saber healing you for 10% hp you can probably get 2,5k medal and (with good gear) 5k medal in a legitimate way....49lev now, so I will be able to check this soon:)


Not really, no.


Full champion survivor with rakata fortitude stim and bh buff nets you something close to 21k (~23k with rakata medpack buff). Going from t2 to t3 is only a marginal upgrade, could be quite close to 25k with medpack buff then.


PvE gear seems to have more endurance, though, and it might be possible to reach 25k with endurance stacked rakata gear...but this would mean serious selfgimping...as does running with the survivor set.


edit: AND I am not quite sure if OCS does really scale with buffed hp, not ingame to check atm. If it behaves like some of our other selfheals it doesn't matter at all, what you try - it stays a measly 1kish heal...


50k hp - not gonna happen anytime soon.^^

Edited by wtfnonamefree
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But can healing from overcharge saber crit? Like this jugg/marauder heal on CC breaker? If it can, than since we can basicaly force a crit (recklessness), pop relic and andrenal we could reliably reach those healing numbers (at least 2,5k one).


As I said, this is only a theory because my sin is not 50 yet:)

Edited by Kaarsa
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But can healing from overcharge saber crit? Like this jugg/marauder heal on CC breaker? If it can, than since we can basicaly force a crit (recklessness), pop relic and andrenal we could reliably reach those healing numbers (at least 2,5k one).


As I said, this is only a theory because my sin is not 50 yet:)


Adrenals and relics dont affect Overcharge Saber heal or any other of our "Heals X % of your health". Also these heals can't crit so even 2,5k medal is next to impossible to get without abusing Pure Shockfrozen Water.

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