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Add a appearance equipment tab that include all gear that is visable.


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Custom gear needs to be the source for this. With an appearance tab, there is no purpose for custom gear. The two systems are redundant. Instead of introducing a NEW one, fix the old one so that it serves the purpose intended.


You mean the mod gear? The only way to really fix that is to make every piece of gear mod'able, which honestly I wouldn't mind that. Seems like a lot of effort instead of just giving us an appearance tab functionality, but so long as it reaches the same thing in the end I wouldn't mind.

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You mean the mod gear? The only way to really fix that is to make every piece of gear mod'able, which honestly I wouldn't mind that. Seems like a lot of effort instead of just giving us an appearance tab functionality, but so long as it reaches the same thing in the end I wouldn't mind.


I would love to see all gear as moddable. Epic gear mods should provide the bonus if combined so you dont have to wear that awful gear.


TBH, i dont even log into my ""main"" anymore because he looks ridiculous

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You mean the mod gear? The only way to really fix that is to make every piece of gear mod'able, which honestly I wouldn't mind that. Seems like a lot of effort instead of just giving us an appearance tab functionality, but so long as it reaches the same thing in the end I wouldn't mind.


  • Purple gear needs armoring, hilts and barrels just like orange gear does.
  • If all the mods in one piece of gear are from the same tier of ops then you get access to set bonuses.
  • Move armor types (light, medium, heavy) to armoring instead of the armor itself. This way you can put heavy armoring mods into anything you want.


These would solve most of the issues and quash the need for an appearance frame.

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  • Purple gear needs armoring, hilts and barrels just like orange gear does.
  • If all the mods in one piece of gear are from the same tier of ops then you get access to set bonuses.
  • Move armor types (light, medium, heavy) to armoring instead of the armor itself. This way you can put heavy armoring mods into anything you want.


These would solve most of the issues and quash the need for an appearance frame.


/sign ^ this...

My bounty hunter was fun to play, but I can't stand all the ugly BH armor choices... so she's on the shelf.

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Custom gear doesn't work for this purpose. That's a crazy high labor way to go about it.


The simplest systems are to have appearance slots (best of breed solution) or alernately alter the appearance of items.


Don't expect to see that in swtor anytime soon though. The developers have some crazy fantasy that they can make this game appeal to asians, hence the one-weapon-per-class and the limited appearance options.

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Yes please, this is one of the only thing DCUO did right. Anything you equip unlocks appearance, so you could display anything while keeping the stats of what you are actually wearing.


DCUO, lotro, rift, aion etc.


Pretty much everyone else does it right.


The influence here, as I mentioned, is asian PVP titles. The devs have this idea that they are going to sell swtor to the asian market, where they strongly prefer "identify by silhouette" style avatars.


That's why we're straddled with these extremely limited appearance options.


That's my theory anyhow and I'm sticking with it.

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I would love to see an appearance tab. The moddable armor is nice, yes, but it just doesn't work out well. I've seen plenty of armor I like but all too often that armor isn't moddable, so it is relatively useless to me except for looks. With an appearance tab players could equip the armor they like for appearance but keep other armor for its stats.


Sure, I'd like to see all armor become moddable but I don't see that being a feasible solution. It seems like that would take a whole lot of work. Maybe I'm crazy but it seems like an appearance tab would be much easier.


Even if the two become redundant, who cares? Really, what does redundancy in this case matter? In my opinion the more customization the better.

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Either make modable armor work to fill this void or get rid of it. Its entire purpose is to allow you to look how you want and still maximize the stats you need. Unforuntately the system is half assed and partially implemented.


One or the other - not both.


The moddable armor is way WAY too much of a chore to fulfill this option. I can barely do it even playing several characters to keep the mods current and that is with knowing how to game the system and playing too much.


There's no way any casual player will ever make the modifiable armor work as is.


For all the bad things this game shamelessly took from WoW, dear god I wish they had fallen a little closer to the tree on appearance tabs from other grade-A titles.


On top of that, I find armor that I never see orange versions of and I sigh and wish for a simple, sensible system that didn't suck.

Edited by Darth_Nox
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  • 3 weeks later...
Yes please, this is one of the only thing DCUO did right. Anything you equip unlocks appearance, so you could display anything while keeping the stats of what you are actually wearing.


This is an excellent example of what makes a good system, DCUO failed in plenty of ways, but the appearance system is top notch. I do not agree with the "one or the other" people when it comes to having an appearance tab or the current mod system. Orange gear and mods essentially allow us to keep a piece of gear that we can gradually update stat-wise as our character progresses, which is a very nice feature. Adding an appearance tab would not be as difficult as trying to fix the "broken" system. Just have them both, appearance for fun and keep orange gear for its functionality.

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Yes please, this is one of the only thing DCUO did right. Anything you equip unlocks appearance, so you could display anything while keeping the stats of what you are actually wearing.


I only played DCUO briefely, but loved that feature.

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  • Purple gear needs armoring, hilts and barrels just like orange gear does.
  • If all the mods in one piece of gear are from the same tier of ops then you get access to set bonuses.
  • Move armor types (light, medium, heavy) to armoring instead of the armor itself. This way you can put heavy armoring mods into anything you want.



Love these ideas, especially the last. Brilliant, really.

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