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8/10 I like the hidden meaning.


My Main's name is Diomedes after the Greek mythological hero in the Illiad.


Something to have for a Sith Lord 8/10! :p


Another Warrior I have this time my main Juggernout "Darth Tyranitus Spiritus"

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Something to have for a Sith Lord 8/10! :p


Another Warrior I have this time my main Juggernout "Darth Tyranitus Spiritus"


7/10 Sounds great, but something about it makes me think it would fit better in a fantasy setting. Might be the Spiritus part. :o


My Juggs name is Lord Kaedrus D'saahl.

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7.9/10. Very, uh, "Sithy". The last name is a bit odd at first sight to me, but it's pretty good.


My turn.


Lord Salvadious Volkihar.


Yes, my Juggernaut is a vampire.


Salvadious was also my spin on a "Salvation" sith name, after the name "Salvation" itself was taken after i merged from TCP.


Then i saw a Jedi Shadow in the Black Hole named "Savadious". My mind was blown.

Edited by GhostDrone
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hmm 6/10 i like first name but last name seems to... fantasy


my new sith i made is (including title) Darth Praimal

btw he's a cathar :p if u get the pun


A primal animal eh? 8/10


Just completed my class quests and got to 10k Light Side as well.


So I can now choose between Darth Aludra Irulan and Aludra Irulan the Pure :D


Aludra = name of a star, means "the Virgin" in Arabic.

Irulan = character from the Dune novels.

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8/10, sounds quite good.

Mine is Rusiafik, a randomed name that sounded decent to me


Edit: i plan on changing it to Kongar for my free name change tomorrow.


Eh, 5/10


I don't think "Sith" when I hear that name, and IMO it's a mouthful...


Alright, my turn.... I've got a sorc, Lord Zar'oc


A Sith Warrior, Darth Blodhgarm


And lastly another sorc, Lord Xathos

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SliceYa is my warrior


Bro, you totally skipped me and didn't even rate....


My juggernaut is called Darth Rastlyn Vindictus and my mara is Avrelus Vindictus


And you didn't rate either! This is not how it works....

Edited by beefyandbeef
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Bro, you totally skipped me and didn't even rate....




And you didn't rate either! This is not how it works....


Had to browse back to look up your names. Look very nice to me. 8/10 for them all :)


On the same page you'll find the explanation for my Mara's name Aludra Irulan the Pure :)

Edited by SandsOfArrakis
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I like your name because it's very fluff, as in it fits in-universe. 8/10.


My juggernaut's name is Darth Destructos and also known as Destructos the Destructive.

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Darth Destructos 5/10.. Just... idk kinda blan sorry :/


My toons name is .. Lord Demographik


5/10 kind of weird :p


My Juggers name is Lord Celduco Blenrith

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