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Wilsu's "Giggling Turtle" 32/9/0 PvP Build


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They don't when some points can be moved around to achieve the goal of the build better.


No reliable DoT outside of Rocket Punch, oil slick.. shielding talents and no flame surge. Seems to be this is a gimped Iron Fist build if anything. Your post as a whole also feels like a troll attempt.


Way to go, capt obvious. Unreal. The post was tongue in cheek.

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What's especially funny are the folks that take themselves way too seriously with there uber specs/youtube videos/stupid spec names (carolina parakeet? REALLY?) who jumped into this thread head first without checking the depth, scraped their chin, and then ran away.
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What's especially funny are the folks that take themselves way too seriously with there uber specs/youtube videos/stupid spec names (carolina parakeet? REALLY?) who jumped into this thread head first without checking the depth, scraped their chin, and then ran away.


Yes, because naming a spec "Carolina Parakeet" is taking one's self way too seriously. I believe you need to meet Mr. Kettle.

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