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If this game wasn't starwars would you be playing it?


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If this wasnt star wars then the only thing it would be is a bad copy of wow and no one would be playing it they would all be playing wow.


I don't agree, that game doesn't have this level of stories and certainly not unique ones, nor does it have VO or companions, each with their own story, and so on and so forth.


As for your sig; I personally only come here when I'm doing crafting and gathering on various characters and so have some down time. Are you annoyed that you can't talk the game down without people defending it and pointing out flaws and inaccuracies in your arguments?

Edited by Runeshard
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I would be playing anything with a good Character Design,unfortunately most Mmo fail at this stage,but Bioware is good at this unlike Bethesda and other thick heads who pretend not to see the problem despite all the money and ressources they have. .

As long as I can stick with my Characters,it's Ok for me.

The only thing Ppl don't get so far,is how in the world did they convince so many talented artists to work on such a weird and unreliable Graphic Engine.This "thing" has a totally erratic behavior,I've never experienced anything like that.I'm sure there's something really special about it we're not aware of,something Big,something Huge...something unseen yet.

With or without StarWars ,it's a good game,because it has good basics.

Edited by TucoR
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I would be playing anything with a good Character Design,unfortunately most Mmo fail at this stage,but Bioware is good at this unlike Bethesda and other thick heads who pretend not to see the problem despite all the money and ressources they have. .

As long as I can stick with my Characters,it's Ok for me.

The only thing Ppl don't get so far,is how in the world did they convice so many talented artists to work on such a weird and unreliable Graphic Engine.This "thing" has a totally erratic behavior,I've never experienced anything like that.I'm sure there's something really special about it we're not aware of,something Big,something Huge...something unseen yet.

With or without StarWars ,it's a good game,because it has good basics.


If you want good character design go and play with EVE Online carbon creator. There's nothing better out there and I doubt there ever be. And I am not joking. Look it up on YouTube.

Edited by LordSatoh
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I played because it was Star Wars and because BioWare was doing it since I just knew it would be a good game since they were the ones making it.


Been dissapointed on both of those points. I hate to say that I no longer have the same confidence in BioWare as I did before this came out.


The game is below average (By today's standards) with above average Cut Scenes, which is fine for a single player story driven game, but not for a subscription based MMO that actually isn't an MMO and is dressed in the cloak of the star wars property.

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I love Bioware games and the rpg aspect of this game is excellent, the combat is fun as well as the pvp, but this is not a MMO design that I hold in high regard. Being a theme park it is spoon fed by the devs leaving little room to truly make your own content.


Bluntly put, just WoW became a phenomenon with 11 million subscribers does not mean it is a good game. Sure WoW does many things well, such as the technical aspects, but much of its social systems design is poor, even if it does work as intended.


A gear based economy is not a good thing. It is, in fact, a bad thing that is nothing more than a carrot on a stick and does not promote true community.


Crafting as a money sink does not work and gimps crafting badly. This is, however, the requirement of a theme park MMO with a gear based economy.


There is a question: Why is there little to no open world pvp? Because other than a quest, no one has any incentive to go back to lower level planets. No guild hall on Nar Shaddaa, no housing on Voss, nothing to fight for... why go back, just queue for WZ.


Separating factions in chat is a HORRIBLE idea stolen from WoW.


It is sad that people just go with what has earned money in the past instead on innovating.

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yes and no .. mostly no. im not even here because of SW. im here because of friends .. who are here because of SW. I like SW and all .. but story and VO are not why I play MMOs. they are why I watch movies. I play mmos to kill raid bosses .. preferably ones that know how to fight.
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If you cancelled how are you posting?


People are allowed to keep posting till the days they already payed for are up. Some of the people around here though seem to have resubbed simply to keep saying that they're leaving and to keep trashing the game. Not in any way referring to the person you quoted.

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If you want good character design go and play with EVE Online carbon creator. There's nothing better out there and I doubt there ever be. And I am not joking. Look it up on YouTube.
I'm not sure exactly how the person you quoted feels, but personally, there's far, far more to "character design" to me than the amount of sliders there are at character creation.


No other MMO allows for the characterization that SWTOR does. Do you even get to walk around outside your ship in EVE?

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A gear based economy is not a good thing. It is, in fact, a bad thing that is nothing more than a carrot on a stick and does not promote true community.


Crafting as a money sink does not work and gimps crafting badly. This is, however, the requirement of a theme park MMO with a gear based economy.


There is a question: Why is there little to no open world pvp? Because other than a quest, no one has any incentive to go back to lower level planets. No guild hall on Nar Shaddaa, no housing on Voss, nothing to fight for... why go back, just queue for WZ.


It is sad that people just go with what has earned money in the past instead on innovating.


I totally agree with what this dude said. Developers need to stop thinking that these are multiplayer versions of single player games. They need to create an environment and allow the players will fill it with life.

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I totally agree with what this dude said. Developers need to stop thinking that these are multiplayer versions of single player games. They need to create an environment and allow the players will fill it with life.
You're talking about a Sandbox MMO. This is a theme-park MMO. They may as well be two different genres. You, apparently, enjoy sandbox MMOs - I do too. But you need to understand that they are so far removed from one another, and it's not was simple as "X needs to do Y!"
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I totally agree with what this dude said. Developers need to stop thinking that these are multiplayer versions of single player games. They need to create an environment and allow the players will fill it with life.


So why do people play it then? Didn't they realize what the game was based on? People argue its gear based, well wasn't that obvious before you started to play? It was to me and I didn't keep up with the pre-game stuff, like beta's and rumors etc.

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I'm trying to get my head around what the OP is asking.


Basically, one way to answer is to look at a game that failed - Warhammer Online, for example - and ask, would I have kept playing that if that game had been Star Wars instead of the Warhammer Universe?


I'd say no. The reasons I stopped playing that game were nothing to do with the USP. I love the Warhammer Universe, but the game just didn't hold on to me. It would have made no difference if it had been set in the Star Wars universe.


Horrifically unbalanced classes, poor level design, uninspiring quest environments could not be saved by the ability to wave a lightsabre about.


By contrast, this game, however, is better than Warhammer by a considerable margin. PvP is fun and challenging, and the only balancing that's needed - in my opinion - is a few tweaks here and there, not wholsecale revisions from the ground up. PvE is also good - and is boosted by the most immersive story mechanics seen in an MMO to date.


To take that argument further, if SW:TOR was set in the Warhammer Universe, you can bet your sweet tuchus I'd keep playing.



So - would I keep playing if this wasn't Star Wars? Yes.


The core game is great - the Star Wars bit is the icey-sugary coating that turns great into delicious.



Is that enough mangled metaphors and tortured logic for one day?

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