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If this game wasn't starwars would you be playing it?


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Well I gave this question some thought beyond my immediate reaction that it would be a totally different game without the Star Wars license. It's not as simple as removing the "Star Wars" from the game and pretending it would have developed in precisely the same way.


Anyway, as I said I gave it it some more thought and this is what I came up with: yes, I'd most likely still be playing the game. Why? Because it wasn't the Star Wars label that attracted me to the game so much as it was TOR label, and more to the point the BioWare label.


I'm guessing that if they hadn't made a Star Wars MMO that they would have gone with one of their other franchises. Wether it had been a Dragon Age MMO, Mass Effect MMO, Jade Empire MMO, or even Neverwinter Nights or Baldur's Gate, I would have at least tried it. Even if it was something entirely new I'd have given it a try based on my past enjoyment of BW's RPGs.


To answer another way, I do love Star Wars but that alone is not enough to keep me playing a game for very long. So, based on my current enjoyment of the game beyond the first week or two, my answer would still have to be "yes". Past the Star Wars label there's something about the game that holds my attention and continues to entertain me.

Edited by TiiRahnedancer
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I would have to say no i probably wouldn't play if this wasnt a Star Wars based game. I think all of us 'old skool' Star Wars fans enjoy the fact we get to experience this anytime we choose, by logging in.



Simply put:


Am i still around because its Star Wars? Yes


Am I happy with all the bugs? No


Do i have patience? Yes

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Probably not, I would have bought it and tried it out.


... but any other setting with this same framework wouldn't have kept my attention. The IP gives me some security that the game will try and improve.


The only thing I hate about what has been done with the IP is the super nerf to the Force. I'm sorry but there should be only a few dozen non-jedi that can take a jedi master. And the constraints to what we are able to do leads to Force Unleashed style actions in cinematics, and casting re-skinned wizard spells in gameplay which kills immersion for me.



This game is on a ticking clock for me, that is governed by the first major content patch, if it is just a copy of what blizzard does, I won't stick with it for long, I'm not looking for some more time burning content, I'm looking for a step in the sandbox direction and away from the story lines. Story is a great hook, but not for long, It will get you at least 1 month and a chunk of 3 month subs, but you need content with high replay value and story has the lowest replay value.


There is a lot of Star Wars blindness happening here, a lot of the game's flaws are covered up to most of the population, or they don't have the mmo history to see what is missing.

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Edit because of people trying to be cute. With out the starwars name and such is this a good MMO?

You know wear I am going with this it is a valid question. If this was a MMO with out the star wars franchise on the label would you be playing it.


I would have to say nope no way.


Well i have cancelled my sub, but i might come back later and thats only because its a Starwars game

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Edit because of people trying to be cute. With out the starwars name and such is this a good MMO?

You know wear I am going with this it is a valid question. If this was a MMO with out the star wars franchise on the label would you be playing it.


I would have to say nope no way.


Would I ?


yes, till I finished it as im enjoying what there is of it now Ive accepted this will never be a MMORPG nor the MMORPG I wanted it to be.

Still a fun multiplayer game that I probably can drag out enjoying for 6-9 months before I drop it.


Would the masses?




Id put real money that this game would already be under 500k subs if not for the Star Wars title.


It just doesnt deliver the MMORPG experience sadly so you zoom through content and move on once maxed out. Which takes the slowest casual 2 months at outside.


This game should have been marketted as a Diablo type game and I suspect it will do fairly well in the B2P or F2P market with buyable updates and micro transaction store.


Its just not a MMORPG tho.


Its could have been

It should have been

But its not.


And Im starting to think its to late now to make it one.

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This game is on a ticking clock for me, that is governed by the first major content patch, if it is just a copy of what blizzard does, I won't stick with it for long, I'm not looking for some more time burning content, I'm looking for a step in the sandbox direction and away from the story lines. Story is a great hook, but not for long, It will get you at least 1 month and a chunk of 3 month subs, but you need content with high replay value and story has the lowest replay value.


Well put, I feel exactly the same way. Developers need to start creating environments that are driven by the players and not by fixed story arcs. As you point out, once you hit the end of the story, that content has little replay value.


The true value of MMOs in the future will be in never ending perpetual environments like EvE Online. For now most developers seem to be forcing old, single-player stories, into an online format and calling it an MMO, when in reality it is a single-player game, played by many people at the same time.

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Probably not.


If this game wasnt wearing Starwars brand name it would have been shoved behind something like Mortal Online. If this wasnt Starwars, Rift/WoW will feel ashamed that people even compared this game to them in terms of successful mmo.


Outside of VO TOR is a subpar MMORPG wannabe. Hopefully this will change in the near future.

Edited by warultima
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Edit because of people trying to be cute. With out the starwars name and such is this a good MMO?

You know wear I am going with this it is a valid question. If this was a MMO with out the star wars franchise on the label would you be playing it.


I would have to say nope no way.


No. And I'm having trouble continuing to play even though it is SW.

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Edit because of people trying to be cute. With out the starwars name and such is this a good MMO?

You know wear I am going with this it is a valid question. If this was a MMO with out the star wars franchise on the label would you be playing it.


I would have to say nope no way.


Afraid I have to agree. Without the Star Wars IP, I probably wouldn't be here. Don't get me wrong; I don't think it's a terrible game. It could be better, though.


But to be fair, I had already grown sick of mmo's in general and had uninstalled my clients for the couple of other games I was into prior to hooking up with SWTOR.

Edited by Depredator
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So far everyone who's said "yes" has mainly pointed out that it has great story and that's what is keeping them in the game. I totally agree it has great story. The problem with that is that story makes it a great RPG not MMO. From an MMO stand point: community interaction, open world pvp, server economy, end game to keep you playing your main, it is a total failure. So far...


Not to mention it is lacking simple features that should have been there at launch. Some say the reason games like WoW has all it has is because it's been around for 7 years. But SWTOR has all these games like WoW to learn from and could have easily worked things like Macros and Customizable UI in at launch. Hell, Rift did it it can't be that hard.


Long answer short: No, I probably wouldn't be playing this if it wasn't Star Wars, but I will give them a little more time to get things up to par before deciding I'm moving on.

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So far everyone who's said "yes" has mainly pointed out that it has great story and that's what is keeping them in the game. I totally agree it has great story. The problem with that is that story makes it a great RPG not MMO. From an MMO stand point: community interaction, open world pvp, server economy, end game to keep you playing your main, it is a total failure. So far...


Not to mention it is lacking simple features that should have been there at launch. Some say the reason games like WoW has all it has is because it's been around for 7 years. But SWTOR has all these games like WoW to learn from and could have easily worked things like Macros and Customizable UI in at launch. Hell, Rift did it it can't be that hard.


Long answer short: No, I probably wouldn't be playing this if it wasn't Star Wars, but I will give them a little more time to get things up to par before deciding I'm moving on.


You've summed up my feeling's nicely as well.


It's a shame really.

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Probably - I try most new MMOs.




Would you play Age of Conan if it was not Conan

Would you play LOTRO if it was not Tolkien


etc etc


All games have to have some hook or world to adventure in, they can hardly come with generic MMO on the box.


Some try and build one, EQ did pretty well with Norrath. Some pay for the IP. Each of the latter will no doubt attract a number of players on the basis of the world alone.


So I imagine the answer to the question would be a mix of yes and no whatever game we are talking about.


I have no idea what point I am trying to make so will stop now :confused:

Edited by TonyACT
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I generally hate MMOs, the fact that this is story-based in the Star Wars universe and enough of my friends play it that it's worth it, and I'm having a great time.


If it were, for instance, a Mass Effect MMO, I would pass. Even if everything were the same, likely, I would pass.


I honestly don't know why people would play this game if they didn't like Star Wars. That's like going to a Star Trek forum and ************ that you hate Star Trek, so it shouldn't be on TV.

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If this game weren't Star Wars, I might have still given it a try - but only because it's a Bioware title. If there were no name recognition involved, then no, I probably wouldn't have given this a second thought.


Would you play Age of Conan if it was not Conan

Would you play LOTRO if it was not Tolkien

Well, I played Age of Conan even though I hated the Conan books and movies (if I thought of them at all). Plus, I've played City of Heroes extensively, and, of course, the game that shall not be named - neither of which had an external IP.


In fact, I think it's quite dangerous for an MMO studio to produce off a well-known IP. You might secure a core playerbase, but your game will be in a much harsher spotlight and suffer more constraints than any game built on an original property. Since LotRO, I've cringed with the launch of every IP-based MMO; it's just too much to balance corporate expectations, fan expectations, and gameplay in a way that's satisfying to everyone concerned.

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Give me FREE Camera, no mouse smoothing....


Heck you know what needs to be done.


IF it doesn't happen.


NO! NO! NO! NO! and NOOO!


DO SOMETHING Before you get smacked by denial from the majority of your customers.


Heck, I couldn't even bill my credit card to sub, had to make a paypal acc.



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