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having so many npc's speak in a foreign language? have them speak english.


it makes no sense to have a game where all the quests have voice and then set up a situation where you have to read the text anyway.


why spend the time and memory making unintelligible sounds and forcing the player to read the text, who thought that was a good idea? put a language translate implant in the ear and forget about it.


3 steps forward 2 steps back. really silly.

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having so many npc's speak in a foreign language? have them speak english.


it makes no sense to have a game where all the quests have voice and then set up a situation where you have to read the text anyway.


why spend the time and memory making unintelligible sounds and forcing the player to read the text, who thought that was a good idea? put a language translate implant in the ear and forget about it.


3 steps forward 2 steps back. really silly.


It's Star Wars to have aliens speaking in foreign languages with subtitles.


It's one of many limitations a game designer faces with an IP (especially one like Star Wars, where I am sure Lucas Arts would not buy into having all aliens speak basic).

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Im not bothered, it's true to the SW universe in that way- where basic is a galactic trade language and not known to everyone


it does get annoying however when you know that in most cases it is gibberish, really stands out when talking to a Hutt considering that language has fairly decent amount of words and phrases that are consistent-



>.> I get annoyed by the over use of " signs" from one planet being used in another.



The most obvious one is the " Welcome to Nar Shadda ; Nal Hutta " vegas like sign from...well... Nar Shadda I saw that several times on Corellia but just mirrored


I know they dont expect most players to be able to read aurebesh but still.....

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>.> I get annoyed by the over use of " signs" from one planet being used in another.



The most obvious one is the " Welcome to Nar Shadda ; Nal Hutta " vegas like sign from...well... Nar Shadda I saw that several times on Corellia but just mirrored


I know they dont expect most players to be able to read aurebesh but still.....


Heh, okay, that is pretty advanced!

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having so many npc's speak in a foreign language? have them speak english.


it makes no sense to have a game where all the quests have voice and then set up a situation where you have to read the text anyway.


why spend the time and memory making unintelligible sounds and forcing the player to read the text, who thought that was a good idea? put a language translate implant in the ear and forget about it.


3 steps forward 2 steps back. really silly.


are you serious?, no really??

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Heh, okay, that is pretty advanced!



lol aurebesh is pretty simple because it's English with a new alphabet like lol :ph_lol: only thing to tell if it's lowercase or upper case is by the direction the letters are facing, and you can't mix capital and lower case you pretty much have to have the whole word LIKE THIS or like this.



Tonta, Pateesa Mwa Publiko is huttese for " welcome my Republic friend"


Schutta is a common word I use when Kira did something stupid >.> " Shutta stupa "


Jedi is....well Jedai which they never say when talking to them even though the captions says they said jedi....




puts her geek hat back on the rack for now.

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