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T.O.R vs Original story line


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After reading over and thinking about all the VS posts this is what i feel it comes down to. If you like realistic and intalectual reading. You will like TOR. If you like high fantasy sith with the powers of DBZ guys. Then the books about the original trilogy are for you. Ofcourse revan cannot beat a DBZ star destroying overdone palpatine. So in the end as a REVAN fan i can say yes vs DBZ guys (Brolly/Palpatine/Vegita/Luke) would beat revan anyday. Now if you keep it realistic then thats something worth dicussing. One more thing. Rule of 2 is almost wortless. Think about it. Sure it helps keep the strongest sith in the mix. They however donot just become stronger each time. When bane lost to his aprentice he was hurt beaten and broken from all his battles. At his prime im sure he would destroy her. Palpatine killed his master in his sleep befor he learned everything from him. Lots of lost power there. Mandalors helm was the same as rule of 2. For the most part. Hope you can add to this post without Hate and fanboyism. Yes my grammer sucks. Hate on it if it makes you feel good but my wife is rather atractive. My kid is doing great in life and i drive a zo6. If great spelling makes you feel good. Then good. As for me doing great in life is better. Edited by MajinEddie
It dident fit what i had writen.
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After reading over and thinking about all the VS posts this is what i feel it comes down to. If you like realistic and intalectual reading. You will like TOR. If you like high fantasy sith with the powers of DBZ guys. Then the books about the original trilogy are for you. Ofcourse revan cannot beat a DBZ star destroying overdone palpatine. So in the end as a REVAN fan i can say yes vs DBZ guys (Brolly/Palpatine/Vegita/Luke) would beat revan anyday. Now if you keep it realistic then thats something worth dicussing. One more thing. Rule of 2 is almost wortless. Think about it. Sure it helps keep the strongest sith in the mix. They however donot just become stronger each time. When bane lost to his aprentice he was hurt beaten and broken from all his battles. At his prime im sure he would destroy her. Palpatine killed his master in his sleep befor he learned everything from him. Lots of lost power there. Mandalors helm was the same as rule of 2. For the most part. Hope you can add to this post without Hate and fanboyism. Yes my grammer sucks. Hate on it if it makes you feel good but my wife is rather atractive. My kid is doing great in life and i drive a zo6. If great spelling makes you feel good. Then good. As for me doing great in life is better.


Your last few statements makes it obvious there's absolutely no point on responding to you about this topic. Your cognitive skills are dubious at best.

Edited by Jadedfate
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I am not really sure what point you are trying to make.





TOR's books are some of the worst of the EU. "Revan" by Drew was absoloutely terrible.


I think the whole Reason PoD was the best TOR book was because LA helped Drew out, allot. It set the guidelines for the Sith in the Prequels and usually GL or LA are watching the storylines that have a huge impact on the Movies or on the Movie Characters with a keen eye. And they give all the resources and whatever..


Because the 2nd and 3rd DB books werent as good as PoD and Revan was absoloutely terrible.

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what i want to know is why people insist that revan has some sort of dietific place in the history of star wars, i mean let us be clear, from KOTOR1 what power did he display that was sooooo overpowering....? Just cause kreia and other call him a maelstrom of force power doesn't make him cool?


So he had force lightning... ooooh many jedi have it, ploo-koon, kyle katarn, heck quinlin vos... it's not like his version was able to tear apart walls, break through shields or KILL out right, i mean i played that game and even a max level revan couldn'y click force lightning once and kill a end game enemy in one shot.


Where do people get this crap that he's soo overpowered, oh wait i know... COMICS and BOOKS where they can EXPAND on the actualy depth of his power outside the original format he was presented.


not once in KOTOR did i see revan use a force power to affect anything outside a person to person combat, he didn't force a blast door open, didn't crush a vehicle, and sure as heck didn't cause force storms that engulf anything larger than 100 feet.


Oh but he fought Malak who was powered by the starforge... no he ran around and dodged malak until he could sever his link with the starforge, rendering him powerless. It was not like Malak was a real powerhouse. the dude was nothing compared to Darth Scion or Nihlus.


Back on the topic at hand, Quit trying to overly embellish your favorite SW character, picking and choosing which media format is allowed to compare your character to against others, because whats the point of comparing it at all. All comparison battles should be fought at their proven continuity, impossible feats don't count unless they are done more than once under similar conditions, and you should be gauging characters powers based on multiple accounts so that he receives no unfair advantage due to one media format over embellishing them. In other words are the powers displayed congruent with the over time outlook, did Luke in book A year 14 do the same things in luke book g year 15 of his life, or was book g he was nowhere near the level of power described in BOOK A, and then when Book K year 17 comes out is he still in the same line of powers as Book A or Book G.


Superman can do a billion things but he has a constant displayed limit presented in his everday life, where he does indeed fail at fighting people like doomsday and darkseid. This is the real superman, not the We have a single outrageous storyline in which its only about superman and not those in his universe and so we'll make him crush an entire solar system because we can. 1 time power-ups don't make it cannon to superman, it's why the comic industry have a term for it, ONE-OFFs.

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DBZ characters are in the BS character category right under the god characters from the Marvel and DC universes. Not even if you had the best Sith/Jedi team up would they be able to defeat any DBZ character outside of maybe anyone in the Raditz arc. Even then they were moving "faster than the speed of light" but after that they essentially can just shoot nukes effortlessly.
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Yes my grammer sucks. Hate on it if it makes you feel good but my wife is rather atractive. My kid is doing great in life and i drive a zo6. If great spelling makes you feel good. Then good. As for me doing great in life is better.



Did you seriously just write that?



EDIT: Still laughing

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