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What leavers don't realize...


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Is that WZs can be turned around.


I know, it's a tough concept to wrap your brain around, but it DOES happen. I have been in a HB match where the other team scored two goals in the first 2 min, I automatically thought "Great this is gonna suck" then sure enough we ended up winning 6-2. Even more extreme example, one time we came back down 3-0 to win 3-3 (holding the ball as time expired). Also in a CW match we were down by 150 and all of a sudden three capped to tie then held two the rest of the match to win.


The whole point of PvP is that you never know who is going to win, and to quote the football cliches "That's why you play the game" and "Anything can happen in any given WZ." I rarely leave a WZ, when I do it's usually cuz of RL stuff. I guess that I'm trying to say it, stick it out, gain some valor and creds, you never know what may happen.


TL'DR - Anything can happen

Edited by TheFeelOfCotton
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When i join a team and I look around, seeing people with sub 13k hp who I could probably 3 shot due to their lack of expertise, I leave.


It's a good thing those who were around you when you broke into the bracket didn't feel the same way eh.

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if its close i'll stay if i go in and its klausterfuken 0-5 game with all my team scattered about the map yea im out.


See even at that point i'll stick it out because I know the game will be over soon and i'll try get a few medals. I guess i just don't take PvP as serious as other people in the sense that I don't rage if we lose.

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Happens ones per 100 matches, but still :)


Im basicaly don't leave after first or second score - but as soon as i see, some tank specced jug\powertech moving around with 3 healers completly ignoring opposite players but just turtle moving through fire and acid in straight line to the goal line - im leaving, not because it's a loose, but because i fail to see any enjoyment sides in PeVePe like this.

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Is that WZs can be turned around.


Except that, well, they can't.


Well, okay, Warzones can get turned around, but it's unlikely. If the enemy team scores 3 points in the first five minutes, and we've scored none, the match probably won't get turned around. If the enemy team has held two turrets for the past 200 ship hp, the match won't get turned around. If the enemy team steamrolls towards the data in less than 3 minutes in voidstar, the game won't be turned around.


After a while of this mentality of "sticking it out and trying to turn it around", you come to realize that most people can't carry a bad team on their shoulders, and under what circumstances the match starts out within the first few minutes, and whether or not your team will win or lose. Hence why you can usually tell if a match will result in a loss within the first two or three minutes.

Edited by KraithFjorn
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Is that WZs can be turned around.


Leavers wants to be carried by their team.


They think "These guys sucks, I am too awesome for this ops group.../leave"


But the sad reality is that they want to be carried to victory.

Edited by atreyuz
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I'm not particulary great at pvp, but thus far, I've never left a warzone early, never posted anything in ops that wasn't an inc or gg, never gone afk or given up. I'm proud of that. Wish more folks could say that, *glares at some of the previous posters*
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I'm not going to waste my time carrying bad and/or poorly geared scrubs who don't know how to play when I can join a fresh game with a decent team. I am also not going to stay for a game that is already progressed and one-sided. Edited by VertisReaper
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Is that WZs can be turned around.


I know, it's a tough concept to wrap your brain around, but it DOES happen. I have been in a HB match where the other team scored two goals in the first 2 min, I automatically thought "Great this is gonna suck" then sure enough we ended up winning 6-2. Even more extreme example, one time we came back down 3-0 to win 3-3 (holding the ball as time expired). Also in a CW match we were down by 150 and all of a sudden three capped to tie then held two the rest of the match to win.


The whole point of PvP is that you never know who is going to win, and to quote the football cliches "That's why you play the game" and "Anything can happen in any given WZ." I rarely leave a WZ, when I do it's usually cuz of RL stuff. I guess that I'm trying to say it, stick it out, gain some valor and creds, you never know what may happen.


TL'DR - Anything can happen


Played one where i joined at 0-5, and ofc i am that awesome that we won 6-5, on a seriuse note, a few people were replaced and we did win 6-5 :-)

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I like it when they leave. I swear my team gets better. There was one time where a whole bunch left. I came in and the score was 0 to 3. Randomly following myself happened to be 3 BMs who are some of the best pvpers I know. We turned it around and won 5-4. While it doesn't always turn around, my team seems to get better as people bail. (Unless I'm on my repub and then we're just stuck with 3-4 people for the remaining 120 seconds).
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I'm not going to waste my time carrying bad and/or poorly geared scrubs who don't know how to play when I can join a fresh game with a decent team. I am also not going to stay for a game that is already progressed and one-sided.



I'll never understand the mentality that denigrates new/undergeared players as scrubs. Everyone started at level 1, even you (and this is addressed generally, not just at VertisReaper). You may have a full stable of eight level 50s all fully decked out in the best pvp gear, but there are (and always will be) new players coming to this game for the foreseeable future. Some may one day even be good enough to shine your boots. But today they're level 10 and while this is your 961st Huttball, it's their first Huttball, and they have no idea what to do. I guess the choices are either help them out or tell them how stupid they are.

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I'll never understand the mentality that denigrates new/undergeared players as scrubs. Everyone started at level 1, even you (and this is addressed generally, not just at VertisReaper). You may have a full stable of eight level 50s all fully decked out in the best pvp gear, but there are (and always will be) new players coming to this game for the foreseeable future. Some may one day even be good enough to shine your boots. But today they're level 10 and while this is your 961st Huttball, it's their first Huttball, and they have no idea what to do. I guess the choices are either help them out or tell them how stupid they are.


Quoted for Truth.

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I'll never understand the mentality that denigrates new/undergeared players as scrubs. Everyone started at level 1, even you (and this is addressed generally, not just at VertisReaper). You may have a full stable of eight level 50s all fully decked out in the best pvp gear, but there are (and always will be) new players coming to this game for the foreseeable future. Some may one day even be good enough to shine your boots. But today they're level 10 and while this is your 961st Huttball, it's their first Huttball, and they have no idea what to do. I guess the choices are either help them out or tell them how stupid they are.


Those are the guys that vote concervative, easy to understand




Not their fault! :-(

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I'll never understand the mentality that denigrates new/undergeared players as scrubs.


Some people did some dalies and upgraded their oranges. They visited the GTN, upgraded their oranges. They visited the GTN, bought epic lewts for all their other slots.


Others wore level 40 items at 50.


The former are not scrubs, the latter are.

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afk'ers and quitters are in the same bracket. /ignore them after you see them leave a couple of matches. WHo wants to deal with people like that anyways.


As far as what it takes to win, especially huttball, it isn't gear when you are not up against a special elite team. We all know these guys, fast and prepared, rarely you are able to turn those around. I find against these teams its over pretty fast.


Most games are not like this tho, and all it takes is effort. people tolerance for losing is so low, its a wonder we even have pvp matches. For all the guys who won't carry teams..


How come there are so many saying how good they are, but so few who can turn matches around.

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I'm not going to waste my time carrying bad and/or poorly geared scrubs who don't know how to play when I can join a fresh game with a decent team. I am also not going to stay for a game that is already progressed and one-sided.


Unless you're on the one-side that's winning right? Oh the irony of your post...


What you fail to realize (or simply don't care...) is that you're simply dooming other people waiting in the queue by not taking your good lumps with the bad. Grats on basically spitting on the other people on your side of the server.


Even if I know I am going to lose and get rolled, there is still something to be learned by fighting such adversity. Most of my skills have come from learning what to do when the odds are heavily stacked against me.

Edited by pyradius
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Heh, I generally don't leave but my entire pre-made left an alderaan last night because we had all 4 PuG go cap the one point with no enemies present and then sit there for defender medals without even trying to win.



When I have teams like that I don't stick around because it's not worth the anger it causes.

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