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Do people realise this is a new game?


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I've been looking over the forums to get a feel for my class, possible alts and the game in general and am amazed how quickly people have written this game off. Its a brand new game, barely 2 months into its life. People are already writing it off and looking for the next Fix.


I played WoW from day 1, it was not perferct in any way shape or form, nor were any of the other games to come out since, why did WoW get given the oppurtunity to change and progress and yet none since have been afforded the same opputrunity, regardless of the game we seem to want it to be perfect from day one or thats it on to the next one?


I find it funny that everyone goes on about how great WoW, or EQ or SWG, etc, etc, etc were and yet you all came here. The game has some fantastic unique features, the dialogue quests and storyline being one of the biggest. Is it perfect, no, but then is any game at Launch?


Why are people so quick to write games off these days rather than give the developers the time to take what was, in essence, a relativly smooth and successful launch and build upon it with increasing content to cover each player types preferences, weather that be additional PvP options, extended storylines, more proffesion linked options or indeed additional FP's etc?

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I've been looking over the forums to get a feel for my class, possible alts and the game in general and am amazed how quickly people have written this game off. Its a brand new game, barely 2 months into its life. People are already writing it off and looking for the next Fix.


I played WoW from day 1, it was not perferct in any way shape or form, nor were any of the other games to come out since, why did WoW get given the oppurtunity to change and progress and yet none since have been afforded the same opputrunity, regardless of the game we seem to want it to be perfect from day one or thats it on to the next one?


I find it funny that everyone goes on about how great WoW, or EQ or SWG, etc, etc, etc were and yet you all came here. The game has some fantastic unique features, the dialogue quests and storyline being one of the biggest. Is it perfect, no, but then is any game at Launch?


Why are people so quick to write games off these days rather than give the developers the time to take what was, in essence, a relativly smooth and successful launch and build upon it with increasing content to cover each player types preferences, weather that be additional PvP options, extended storylines, more proffesion linked options or indeed additional FP's etc?


That was then, this is now.


2012 is a much more crowded, competitive MMO market than 2004 was, and that is reflected in player behavior. In the post-WoW market, a game has a 2-3 month "window" to show something before many people move on (back to WoW or to some other game). This cycle has repeated itself in other MMOs released in the past 3-4 years, really. You don't get as much time to "make it better" as you used to, because there is more competition now, and you can never unmake a first impression.

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The main argument is because it is 2012, there has been plenty of previous examples of mmo's to look at and learn from. Look how far car technology/designs have come in the last 7 years (bad example i know)


The main argument is that it is 2012 and people have extremely short memories. They don't remember the complaints about "lack of endgame content" that followed the first six months of just about every single MMO released in the past 10 years.

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I think the main issue is that games like EQ are 18 expansions in and even people that have been playing for 5 + years started after the 4th or 5th expansion was released so there was a mass of content to do.


People expect the same amount of content that they are used to from the get go and it's juts not practical.

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Why are people so quick to write games off these days rather than give the developers the time to take what was, in essence, a relativly smooth and successful launch and build upon it with increasing content to cover each player types preferences, weather that be additional PvP options, extended storylines, more proffesion linked options or indeed additional FP's etc?

Because players have become less tolerant & patient over the years, like you I started wow 7 years ago and compared to Swtor it was nothing. Give Swtor 7 years and it will be amazing in my opinion. But the sad fact is many players wont allow BW the opportunity, we are refering to the now crowd who wants everything perfect and they want it now.

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Why are people so quick to write games off these days rather than give the developers the time to take what was, in essence, a relativly smooth and successful launch and build upon it with increasing content to cover each player types preferences, weather that be additional PvP options, extended storylines, more proffesion linked options or indeed additional FP's etc?

Because subs ain't free and money does not grow on trees.

Many would not care enough if it was F2P.

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My reason, because of the disconnect between their hallmark advancements in the genre (i.e. story and companions) that abruptly ends at level cap. What is new and exciting for an MMO (to an extent) transforms to just another blah end game with dailies, pvp, and hardmodes but no story and no companion progression.


So, you basically have a decent leveling system as one game (although not having a Flashpoint grouping tool kills most people's abilities to run that content while leveling) and a separate game at max level (which is subpar, imo) and becomes very boring.


Rolling alts doesn't help, and should never be the way to create long term playability.

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Because players have become less tolerant & patient over the years, like you I started wow 7 years ago and compared to Swtor it was nothing. Give Swtor 7 years and it will be amazing in my opinion. But the sad fact is many players wont allow BW the opportunity, we are refering to the now crowd who wants everything perfect and they want it now.


Oh ok, so I should play this game 7 years from now instead. Oooo ***kk....


EDIT: just wanted to say they censored "k k k k k k"... too many k's in a row (i.e. 3).

Edited by face_hindu
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I think the main issue is that games like EQ are 18 expansions in and even people that have been playing for 5 + years started after the 4th or 5th expansion was released so there was a mass of content to do.


People expect the same amount of content that they are used to from the get go and it's juts not practical.


Apparently to make a good sci-fi game that isn't called a WoW clone you have to add things that make Wow as good as it was. Aside from the usual bugs the only serious issue the game has/had is with the graphics.

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Apparently to make a good sci-fi game that isn't called a WoW clone you have to add things that make Wow as good as it was. Aside from the usual bugs the only serious issue the game has/had is with the graphics.


Agreed, all I keep reading in complaints is "why doesn't this game have X it is an MMO standard!" Well how about making this game a non-conforming non-standard MMO and anyone that wants a "standard" MMO can play one of the others?

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Because players have become less tolerant & patient over the years, like you I started wow 7 years ago and compared to Swtor it was nothing. Give Swtor 7 years and it will be amazing in my opinion. But the sad fact is many players wont allow BW the opportunity, we are refering to the now crowd who wants everything perfect and they want it now.


I just want to point out that not everyone that isn't happy with the game is in the 'now' crowd, as you so eloquently referred to them. I'm a patient man, hell I stuck with WAR for a good long while after launch simply because even in it's flawed state it gave me something that nobody else could ( and still hasn't, sadly enough ) in it's RvR content. SWTOR has NOTHING that another game does not do better, aside from VO and story. And frankly, given it's design-type ( which would be a, in simple terms, 'WoW clone' ) the story does not hold me as much as I hoped it would. At least, not after the first character. From then on, on my alts, by lvl 20 I had gotten a firm grasp on what they were going to say in non-story quests and I ended up space-bar'ing through most quests until it just got old and stale.


Which happened fast.


Yes, this IS a new game...it is a new game in 2012. Certain other games have released since WoW back in 2004 or whatever that have raised the bar on what we expect in an MMORPG at release, especially one with a AAA budget. When you take a company like Bioware, partner it with EA, allow them a HUGE budget and turn-around window and then put out something sub-par to even most f2p MMOs out on the market you have a problem. There is simply nothing to hold people ( SOME people, myself included ) in the game once they hit the cap a few times, because we feel our money would be better spent on another project.


I'm sorry, but the arguement to keep feeding Bioware my money until they put out a full game that can keep me entertained is not a valid one.

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Why are people so quick to write games off these days rather than give the developers the time to take what was, in essence, a relativly smooth and successful launch and build upon it with increasing content to cover each player types preferences, weather that be additional PvP options, extended storylines, more proffesion linked options or indeed additional FP's etc?


Because of evidence of past efforts leading to failure.


The real reason people are so intolerant, although they rarely actually internalize it as such, is very simple. A game is either impressive at launch (RIFT, though I hate it, comes to mind) or it tends to stumble and fail (STO, CO, Warhammer, Tabula Rasa, Archlord, LOTRO, AFB, etc). While the game may recover, by going F2P or just by bulling through, we've seen some pretty "big" launches that ended up going nowhere fast.


STO is perhaps the clearest indicator of this -- it, too, was a big name IP, where you had people expecting something they didn't get, but a great story, great technical features, beautiful graphics, some voice acting, etc. The pleas of give it time, give it time give it time were ceaseless, but every change ended up -- despite how good it sounded -- not fixing anything.


I do not think anyone but trolls is really suggesting that the game is "dying". But too many people are only looking at the fact that they like the game now and not at what comes down the line. There are more people who , 2 weeks ago, were staunch defenders, now making angry "bored, unsubbing" threads.


The common denominator is that there are really only three "flaws" to the game


1) The end game content has too many bugs and not enough reward. This is being addressed somewhat.


2) PVP has bugs and some FPS issues for some people and the bag system was an unmitigated disaster that caused a lot of needless angst. Compounding this was the admission that the devs didn't expect PVP to be popular, and it shows with stumbles on Ilum.


3) The perception -- correct or not, doesn't really matter -- that the game does not measure up to what would be expected after $150 million and 7 years. The hype around this game was several light years high, and too much of the pre-release content advertisements simply did not say "This is a game about story primarily and all other systems are going to feel completely tacked on for at least six months".

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I've been looking over the forums to get a feel for my class, possible alts and the game in general and am amazed how quickly people have written this game off. Its a brand new game, barely 2 months into its life. People are already writing it off and looking for the next Fix.


I played WoW from day 1, it was not perferct in any way shape or form, nor were any of the other games to come out since, why did WoW get given the oppurtunity to change and progress and yet none since have been afforded the same opputrunity, regardless of the game we seem to want it to be perfect from day one or thats it on to the next one?


I find it funny that everyone goes on about how great WoW, or EQ or SWG, etc, etc, etc were and yet you all came here. The game has some fantastic unique features, the dialogue quests and storyline being one of the biggest. Is it perfect, no, but then is any game at Launch?


Why are people so quick to write games off these days rather than give the developers the time to take what was, in essence, a relativly smooth and successful launch and build upon it with increasing content to cover each player types preferences, weather that be additional PvP options, extended storylines, more proffesion linked options or indeed additional FP's etc?


sadly that's the only thing going for it currently. Hopefully the next few patches will make the game a little more fun, fix UI, and balancing - but the game was released early and everywhere you look you can see it.

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I get what people say, we are less patient - how do we expect games to truly last if we don't give them a chance to eveolve?


There isn't enough end game content - There never is, WoW had next to none, infact some would argue that until the first expansion, unless you were in a 'hardcore' guild you never saw the endgame regardless.


there are to many bugs - If this was truly an issue no MMO would ever survive, yet to see one launch completely cleanly.


At the end of the day people will do as they please it just frustrates me that MMO's no longer have the opputunity to be truly great as they are no longer shown the patience they once were.


GW2 is a common thought to replace this one, but as soon as people have picked it up from the shops they'll be on the forums talking about how they are now waiting for the next thing to come along, probably as GW2 is loading on to their PC.


How do we expect to truly see the next 'big game'/'wow beater' if no game truly gets a chance to develope?

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I get what people say, we are less patient - how do we expect games to truly last if we don't give them a chance to eveolve?


There isn't enough end game content - There never is, WoW had next to none, infact some would argue that until the first expansion, unless you were in a 'hardcore' guild you never saw the endgame regardless.


there are to many bugs - If this was truly an issue no MMO would ever survive, yet to see one launch completely cleanly.


At the end of the day people will do as they please it just frustrates me that MMO's no longer have the opputunity to be truly great as they are no longer shown the patience they once were.


GW2 is a common thought to replace this one, but as soon as people have picked it up from the shops they'll be on the forums talking about how they are now waiting for the next thing to come along, probably as GW2 is loading on to their PC.


How do we expect to truly see the next 'big game'/'wow beater' if no game truly gets a chance to develope?


You release a game that uses absolutely none of WoW's systems and hope that there are enough players looking for a "not anything at all like WoW" style game.

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I think the main issue is that games like EQ are 18 expansions in and even people that have been playing for 5 + years started after the 4th or 5th expansion was released so there was a mass of content to do.


People expect the same amount of content that they are used to from the get go and it's juts not practical.


edit because somehow i managed to post this more then once

Edited by WhiskyJax
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I find it funny that everyone goes on about how great WoW, or EQ or SWG, etc, etc, etc were and yet you all came here.


Well, EverQuest came out about 13 years ago and SWG is completely shut down (though, some would argue EQ has been dead for 8+ years too).


That's one reason those players "came here".


Point taken though, OP. You'd think this game had been out for six or seven years by the mostly feigned outrage. Unfortunately, that's the type of gamers people are becoming nowdays.


Instant fix, mass consumption and then moves on.

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