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Clunky UI...still


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Let me right click on a players name, or the players character and add them to the group.:eek: Also, there are 105 keys on my keyboard, yet only 20 of them do work. It would be nice if alt and ctrl also had their own row on the screen. All these skills and nowhere to put them to use. Clicking on skills just doesnt work. This games controls are clunky, somebody should stream line it!


healing is next to impossible if you have to click the players name, change skill bars, then the correct heal skill, change the skill bar back to attack skill, then the target again. By the time all this happens...your dead.:mad:


otherwise, PvP 'tis awesome

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If by not clunky you mean rolling a square wheel down a hill... yeah, I agree.


Ability delay was clunky, the UI itself gives you enough to work with, I'd say the only thing missing was target of target, the rest is fine.


And the round wheel keeps rolling down the hill smoothly, the rain of tears only making it's track smoother...

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Ability delay was clunky, the UI itself gives you enough to work with, I'd say the only thing missing was target of target, the rest is fine.


And the round wheel keeps rolling down the hill smoothly, the rain of tears only making it's track smoother...


Anyone who thinks the UI "gives you enough to work with" obviously doesn't play a healer.

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Healing is difficult, only becuase you have to dps and heal, or die. The lack of targeting macros makes it even more difficult. The UI is more like trying to push a square wheel up a hill.


No healbot ez mode?


Healing is supposed to be difficult. Without addons.


But yeah, UI needs work. Not macros and addons though. Keep it clean.

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I like being able to only have two gumps open at the same time. Its really cool. Also, regardless of what Im doing, I love my gumps closing whenever a companion gets back from a mission. Thats fun.






By context I know what you mean, but is that one of those 'new' words, or something you picked up from Dr. Seuss?


(FYI, I agree that having 'windows' closed by arriving companions is annoying. Not game breaking, not the end of the world, but annoying.)

Edited by Bammur
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