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New changes are a start, however...


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I still don't see anything about balancing the insane Imperial to Republic ratios on all servers (Republics being the underdogs everywhere).


I still don't see anything about cast time/animation times on several Republic abilities (e.g. shock vs. project, backblast vs. backstab, nutkick vs. debilitate, mortar volley vs. DFA, although I have read this is an issue I haven't really played these classes...I can however vouch for the first three as being a problem for Republics.)


Anyone saying this isn't an issue is obviously a Imperial player and loving the advantages they get over the Republics. If you play Imperial, save yourself time posting because all Republics that play these classes know these are real issues and you'll just be calling yourself out as an Imperial wanting to keep their advantage.


I still feel like this is an Imperial only game.


My gaming rig just went down 2 days ago, RMA's are going to take at least 2-3 weeks. Cancelling my sub, obviously, since I won't be able to play and don't plan on paying for a game I can't play until my rig is running again.


I sincerely hope these issues are at least acknowledged publicly by the time my rig is up again. I can't say I'll resubscribe if at least some effort isn't made to address these issues.

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What probably happened is that the animation teams for each class worked separately instead of together, thus ending up with different animations for each class. Thus lightning attacks being instant and rocks having a travel time.


Unfortunately, it's not as simple as fixing some code, as redoing this requires redoing the animation in some cases. For some abilities I doubt it would like right if they just fast forwarded the animation.

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What probably happened is that the animation teams for each class worked separately instead of together, thus ending up with different animations for each class. Thus lightning attacks being instant and rocks having a travel time.


Unfortunately, it's not as simple as fixing some code, as redoing this requires redoing the animation in some cases. For some abilities I doubt it would like right if they just fast forwarded the animation.


The could add an animation to make the "faster ability move more slowing, example: a charging arc of lightning for shock, slow down the draw knife animation so it's more in line with the delay on scattergun abilities, add a "root" effect to debilitate. This would be easier and have the same effect. Of course instead of the Republic getting a "buff" the Imperials would get a "nerf". The effect would be the same either way and would take far far less development time.

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Well, not yet anyways. You should put the question to them in the next Q&A thread.



Did you read the last Q&A thread?


They didn't even answer half of the questions they selected.


I felt like I was reading something written by Bill Clinton.



Q: Are you going to fix this?


A: Well it depends on what you think the definition of the word is.. is.

Edited by Bazouk
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Aside from bribing people to play on the other faction there's no way to force people onto the other side... and bribing them with incentive doesn't necessary guarantee success.


I'm a Sith Sorcerer because I've wanted to be since I saw there was going to be said class.

Edited by SirUrza
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1. Faction Imbalance will never truly be fixed. There are some things they could do to offset the issue- larger WZ (AV type) that feel more like world PVP, multi-server queues, etc. Mergers won't even be on the table for 6-12 months for a plethora of reasons... or unless 90% quit...and that's not going to happen.


2. I'm not expert, but the gist that I have gotten from many sources is their game engine isn't the best to begin with. Making Imperial mirror abilities longer seems to be the easiest way, but even AE/BW know where the majority of their subs are right now- alienating Imperials isn't in the their best interests. So again, learn to deal with it or reroll.


3. AE/BW have not given up yet- in fact it will take 5-6 months before that decision is made. I base that on the length of subs that were likely purchased. Unfortunately- if you paid for 3-12 months- you are screwed. Your rage quit means nothing- they have your money. Until that subs disappears... AE won't know or care about the numbers. That's going to take time. No matter how frustrated you are... the game isn't even 3 months old yet.



In short- the first sign of difficulty will be the next time they come out with a special perk and substantial savings on extended subs.

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1. Faction Imbalance will never truly be fixed. There are some things they could do to offset the issue- larger WZ (AV type) that feel more like world PVP, multi-server queues, etc. Mergers won't even be on the table for 6-12 months for a plethora of reasons... or unless 90% quit...and that's not going to happen.


2. I'm not expert, but the gist that I have gotten from many sources is their game engine isn't the best to begin with. Making Imperial mirror abilities longer seems to be the easiest way, but even AE/BW know where the majority of their subs are right now- alienating Imperials isn't in the their best interests. So again, learn to deal with it or reroll.


3. AE/BW have not given up yet- in fact it will take 5-6 months before that decision is made. I base that on the length of subs that were likely purchased. Unfortunately- if you paid for 3-12 months- you are screwed. Your rage quit means nothing- they have your money. Until that subs disappears... AE won't know or care about the numbers. That's going to take time. No matter how frustrated you are... the game isn't even 3 months old yet.



In short- the first sign of difficulty will be the next time they come out with a special perk and substantial savings on extended subs.



evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.



i swear to god THAT is the reason for faction imbalance and there isn't a *********** thing that can be done about it.

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Well, not yet anyways. You should put the question to them in the next Q&A thread.


But...why should he do something constructive, when he can post is worries to the world so everyone can read about his troubles? Jerry Springer style...


Every time I read a thread that says I will resub once "X" happens, I lose a bit of respect for the poster. It's like they are coming in to a friendly debate with their fists raised up...


I play republic btw. and empire as well. Course, i don't PvP allot at all. Ironically, I have no problems with server population balance :) And Im going to continue to sub! just started a second account too, maybe that negates your cancellation...


But they did have a question about that in the Q&A session this last run, perhaps you (OP) could look at that answer for more information...


And I support your concerns btw, you just don't need to come in with that "give me what I want or I'm leaving" attitude...it does nothing for your credibility with anyone.

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But...why should he do something constructive, when he can post is worries to the world so everyone can read about his troubles? Jerry Springer style...


Every time I read a thread that says I will resub once "X" happens, I lose a bit of respect for the poster. It's like they are coming in to a friendly debate with their fists raised up...


I play republic btw. and empire as well. Course, i don't PvP allot at all. Ironically, I have no problems with server population balance :) And Im going to continue to sub! just started a second account too, maybe that negates your cancellation...


But they did have a question about that in the Q&A session this last run, perhaps you (OP) could look at that answer for more information...


And I support your concerns btw, you just don't need to come in with that "give me what I want or I'm leaving" attitude...it does nothing for your credibility with anyone.


I didn't say I was unsubbing because of the problem, I said I was unsubbing because my rig is down and I'm RMAing parts. I went on to say (if not in the same words) I may or may not resub depending on if these issues, which I consider to be some of the most important, get any acknowledgment (acknowledgment does not mean fixes, it means they admit there are problems and that yes, they can be addressed).


Don't put words in my mouth (or on my post, so to speak).

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I didn't say I was unsubbing because of the problem, I said I was unsubbing because my rig is down and I'm RMAing parts. I went on to say (if not in the same words) I may or may not resub depending on if these issues, which I consider to be some of the most important, get any acknowledgment (acknowledgment does not mean fixes, it means they admit there are problems and that yes, they can be addressed).


Don't put words in my mouth (or on my post, so to speak).


Good point. but you did say that you probably wont resub if they dont fix. which is close...well, it probably still takes the steam out of my argument :p


Still, they did comment on it. and while I admit to the fact that their answer was pretty PC (of course were looking into it, next question kinda thing), i still think that

1 - its still too early to say they're "Not" doing anything about it, and

2 - the server Imbalance is currently impacting PvP mostly. which is STILL only a part of the game.


A part they admit the added at the last minute, and frankly, I'm as suprised as they are that its so popular. But still only a part of the game.

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stop crying.




TLDR, stop being an Imperial Elitist that thinks it is, in fact, a one faction game, and that any changes made to make the Republic more balanced will ruin your Imperial owned 3:1 ratio of almost every server keeping you from doing as much content, and owning it, as often as you want.


Stop crying and go reroll Republic if you think you think you're so hot and want to take it off easymode. I guarantee you, after the first month of not being able to find groups, premades, and items to buy on the GTN (as well as buyers for your items) you'll run back to your Imperial toons sobbing with your tail between your legs.

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cry more please.


I have no reason to cry; I have nothing to cry about. I think the sides are equal. The ONLY thing I would like to see done is to give tanks KB protection and more resistant to CC. If you are looking for some utopia where everything is equal, then, my friend, you will most likely be disappointed. I would sarcastically say that I am sorry that you cannot pawn Empire toons with ease, which is what you probably want, but I won't. If and when changes are made, if MMO history repeats its self, as it normally does, then they will probably over power the Rep and then you will have more Empire players complain; and as you say there are more of them.


Oh wait... see what I did there.


IMO you as a gamer and a poster (troll) you are summed up in your original post where you basically say that if you do not agree with me, don't reply. I hope your 15.


Try to RP that the Republic is out numbered and underpowered because they refuse to give into their hate. Unleash your hate, come to the dark side, it is your destiney.



I went and played my Rep toon all night, was a blast. I do prefer the Empire because I like to play the roll of the bad guy. However, as far as planets, convos, and general feeling of actually being emersed into the story, Rep side hooks me more. I wish there could be a better mix.

True story.

Edited by Joran_Mullas
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cry more please.


I have no reason to cry; I have nothing to cry about. I think the sides are equal. The ONLY thing I would like to see done is to give tanks KB protection and more resistant to CC. If you are looking for some utopia where everything is equal, then, my friend, you will most likely be disappointed. I would sarcastically say that I am sorry that you cannot pawn Empire toons with ease, which is what you probably want, but I won't. If and when changes are made, if MMO history repeats its self, as it normally does, then they will probably over power the Rep and then you will have more Empire players complain; and as you say there are more of them.


Oh wait... see what I did there.


IMO you as a gamer and a poster (troll) you are summed up in your original post where you basically say that if you do not agree with me, don't reply. I hope your 15.


Try to RP that the Republic is out numbered and underpowered because they refuse to give into their hate. Unleash your hate, come to the dark side, it is your destiney.



I went and played my Rep toon all night, was a blast. I do prefer the Empire because I like to play the roll of the bad guy. However, as far as planets, convos, and general feeling of actually being emersed into the story, Rep side hooks me more. I wish there could be a better mix.

True story.


First, to addess this topic, I didn't say "that if you do not agree with me, don't reply."


Anyone saying this isn't an issue is obviously a Imperial player and loving the advantages they get over the Republics. If you play Imperial, save yourself time posting because all Republics that play these classes know these are real issues and you'll just be calling yourself out as an Imperial wanting to keep their advantage.


I quite clearly said to "If you play an Imperial,save yourself time because all Republics....know these are real issues..."


You make my point for me, sir. Let me enlighten you.


You play an Imperial, so of course you don't see the problem and have nothing to "cry" (play-wise) about. You "think" the sides are equal, but having never played the other faction to a higher level, you don't have any clue about the problem. Most of the game is in favor of the Empire. I can point you out 100 threads where this is being discussed or has been discussed. I started Republic and switched to Imperial, and the balance issues are glaring.


Yes, I am looking for an update to make things equal. This game is supposed to be built so that every mirrored class is exactly equal, giving no side the advantage. This is not how the game currently works. I am not asking to, as you put it, "pawn the Empire with ease," and it's not what I want. I want the factions to be equal ability wise the way they are supposed to be. Equality number-wise is a separate, though linked, issue which will begin to be solved with the LFG tool currently being discussed.


To my view, you're the one crying; crying that you don't want your precious overpopulated faction, and better working abilities changed. You have every advantage you could want over the Republic and you don't want it to end. Why do you not want balance if not for greedy, self-motivated interests?


Also, rudeness, (i.e. you calling me a troll) is against forum policy.

Edited by salvadorellama
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It's not impossible.


It can be done, it'll just take a certain set of circumstances to make it happen. Those circumstances won't take effect overnight (when/if implemented), maybe even for a month, but they could happen.


Saying it's too late on a game that hasn't charged for it's 2nd billing cycle yet is crazy talk. :)


I've given suggestions on these forums, as other people have. There are no end of ideas out there. If the proper ideas were implemented, and people offered the chance to switch faction based on those changes, as well as incentives for new players to play Republic, then yes, it could be turned around.


If we were over six months (instead of less than two)into release and it was still skewed, maybe. If they implement some changes quickly (the correct changes), the problem could be solved.

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