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Planets you liked and planets you hated


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I guess you can say why you hated them, you obviously don't have to.


Here's a list of all the planets in game. Before you list the ones you liked and hated, say which side you are on.






Ord Mantell





Dromund Kaas





Nar Shaddaa






I am on the Republic side


Planets I liked:

Tython (Calm and interesting, except the WoW chat in General chat :D )

Ord Mantell (great place to start off as a Trooper.

Coruscant (could be better, but it has a nice touch)

Alderaan (lovely sights, pretty place, except the bugs)

Tatooine (didn't disappoint me)

Hoth (love the snow, love the space)

Voss (I like the Spring atmosphere and Voss voice)

Ilum (except the daily and PVP)


Planets I hated:

Balmorra (dull as hell)

Taris (Not what I expected... Rakghouls, Rakghouls, rakghouls)

Belsavis (hard to navigate and Esh Kha storyline extremely boring, in my opinion)

Quesh (dull, thank god you get to leave it quickly)

Corellia - That's the planet I hated the most of all these. It's extremely dull, you don't feel any freedom at all, buildings, corridors and nothing more. Some buildings are even identical to each other. There's a group of enemies behind every corner so you constantly get dismounted too. Just horrible... Main reason why I don't want to re-roll, because I know I'll have to go through it again.

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I did not peticularly like any planet as the design choice and just the whole planet choices overall are bad.


I was very dissapointed with Nar Shadaa in peticular though. If I could wave a magic wand and completely scrap every planet in this game and completely redesign them from the first pixel I would.

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I did not peticularly like any planet as the design choice and just the whole planet choices overall are bad.


I was very dissapointed with Nar Shadaa in peticular though. If I could wave a magic wand and completely scrap every planet in this game and completely redesign them from the first pixel I would.


Some people enjoy Tatooine, Hoth and Alderaan at least. Those are nice and big.

Nar Shadaa? It wasn't great, but it wasn't that bad either. I'd love to delete it and replace it but there are far worse planets that this one.

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The first 2 parts of corellia are the only bad design I found throughout the game. The zone is amazing looking, but in the first 2 parts there isn't much freedom of movement. It looks good, but it's like being a rat in a crappy maze.


The later parts of corellia are more open. The rail system is really cool. Once you get past those first 2 parts it gets better. Once I got to the third part I was like man, you should of made the whole planet like this.

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My two main gals are my Jedi Sage (level 40) and Sith Sorcerer (level 45), so my opinions are based on my experiences with them...


My favorite Zone: Hoth. I always love the frozen tundra type areas in RPGs.


Most Hated Zone: Aldreraan. It's "pretty" enough. My utter disdain of it is related to the storyline. I strongly dislike ALL of the families there and would prefer not to help any of them. If I could, I'd nuke the planet from orbit and bypass it completely...



Edited by Skylarke
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Tatooine - atmosphere, general flow of questing, jawas :)

Hoth - atmosphere, exploration was fun here

Corellia - always been a sucker for warzone/blown out city zones, layout makes sense

Nar Shaddaa - good class story stuff here (bh)



Taris - leveled here during the memory leak times, difficult to navigate



Balmora - forgettable

Belsavis - spending too much time here for dailies

Korriban - good opener for Sith but nothing special

Hutta - same as above

Dromund Kaas - nice atmosphere but very linear

Quesh - small, color scheme can be grating, linear

Voss - couldn't really get into the story here

Alderaan - lots of backtracking

Illum - potential to be a love because of the graphics/environment, quest line seemed unfinished

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