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So i dont pay 8.99 to stand on the fleet all day? is there...


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i don't understand these threads...


you spend your time to do it all as fast as possible, you get it done, you complain about it?




this exact kind of thread was posted in december when others got to 50 back then too...

how could you not know what to expect?

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considering I havent seen one person on my server with a complete battlemaster set or rakata set, let alone both.... I say congrats but unfortunately now you just have to wait. Im willing to bet 98% of the population hasnt achieved that yet.


Ive yet to see an mmo that doesnt get one of these posts. Seriously, its not biowares fault they cant make enough content for people that play their game at a ridiculous pace.


there is no content? this is my point, they made a game with nothing in it? a lifeless world? basic mmo quests with "voice acting"? a story that ends at 50? and nothing to do when u get there.


An mmo IMO should consist of a basic leveling system, with some extras for fun, end game worth doing, lots of content, change of scenery, places to go, things to collect, a social atmosphere and and jsut general stuff that doesnt involve changing duke box music.

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Problem is... starting another character is running through EXACTLY THE SAME quests again (minus main storyline). Believe me, its not that fun after a few toons. Giving us a NON LINEAR leveling path would have added a lot to the game's replay value.


this is what i say, theres nothing different a crappy sotry that ends at 50 with no relevance once i hit 50...why bother.

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Be glad u didnt join wow at launch!!!!!! as there were NO raids just a few dungeons


I didn't take 10 days to level up to 60 in WoW took almost 7 months actually plus even more time to just get ready for raids even then it would take hours to clear LBRS especially with respawns.


TOR doesn't have any of this grind which while great for leveling at level 50 I find myself not having anything to do. I love crafting and I can't even craft here.

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i don't understand these threads...


you spend your time to do it all as fast as possible, you get it done, you complain about it?




this exact kind of thread was posted in december when others got to 50 back then too...

how could you not know what to expect?


the game is out for 2 months.....we didnt dso it fast atall....what we did was go in normal mode and realise we could do hard mode straight off the bat right after, try it and beat it in green and orange gear. this is the problem the content is poorly designed short and buggy. we didnt speed through anything we expected longer than 1 hour normal run for 10 bosses and more than 1 hr 45 min for all 10 on hard? maybe you need to understand the meaning of raid content?


get over the fact your a slow player who hasnt done anything yet.


theres many in the same boat as myself.

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anything else i should be doing now im full battlemaster and rakata?


my guild is pretty much geared at both sides of the coin and we have literally NOTHING to do....?


bioware do you plan to add anything to keep us playing this MMO that has such potential and is wasted on voice acting that ends at 50...?


in MMO's end game is where the game starts for a large proportion of MMO players? since i have no reason to leave the fleet or nothing atall to do? what now? theres no exotic pet mounts to collect? no misc fun stuff? no gear other than what we have?


now what is my question?


i'de also like to suggest that that the raid content you provided takes less than 2 hours to complete on hard mode for both instances and a slight bit more for nightmare could i suggest a shorter lockout?


so can you atleast give me an incentive to play this game?


anything will do?


Every game has an sort of cap on as far as you can go in endgame. I remember ppl in WoW blowing through the raid content, and then begging for more raids. It happens. They will release more. You are just going to have to wait.


Are you capped on WZ comm's, filled in all of the Codex, gotten all of the cubes, etc? If not, there ya go. Something to do.

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Problem is... starting another character is running through EXACTLY THE SAME quests again (minus main storyline). Believe me, its not that fun after a few toons. Giving us a NON LINEAR leveling path would have added a lot to the game's replay value.


There is a non linear leveling path. Sorry you just repeated the same process, but you did it by choice.

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Every game has an sort of cap on as far as you can go in endgame. I remember ppl in WoW blowing through the raid content, and then begging for more raids. It happens. They will release more. You are just going to have to wait.


Are you capped on WZ comm's, filled in all of the Codex, gotten all of the cubes, etc? If not, there ya go. Something to do.


apped wz comms, datacrons= done., codexes...waste of time + i dont read or care about em.


i payed for an MMO, The thing is, wow took a few months to get 60 , had lbrs and ubrs which u almsot HAD to complete to get some gear for raiding.


EV you can do once u hit 50 with no gear whatsoever. you can then jump in hard mode with 2 or more drops from normal...its a joke.


the leveling was a joke, the content is a joke.


im not demanding LOADS OF CONTENT WE CANT COMPLETE im just asking why 5 bosses takes less than 30 mins? and why all 10 on hard take less than 2 hours?

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no...there isnt...its exactly the same bar the starting planet....


Maybe for you.


Each of my 3 characters has taken a completely different path. First of all Light and Dark side give you 2 distinct paths. PvP and doing space missions are another path. Doing all the side quests and story content is another path.


Do I need to go on?

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Its funny... the same applies to any other MMO if we look at current content. That means levelling, get ready for raids, PvP meanwhile and clear all content (no, clearing old content from released version and previous expansions does not count - thats stuff you do if you are really really bored or never saw it and want to do it for the lolz).


A little under 2 months is not bad I reckon to keep people entertained (those that play more then probally is healthy for them :p).


There is no way any developer can satisfy every customer.

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the game is out for 2 months.....we didnt dso it fast atall....what we did was go in normal mode and realise we could do hard mode straight off the bat right after, try it and beat it in green and orange gear. this is the problem the content is poorly designed short and buggy. we didnt speed through anything we expected longer than 1 hour normal run for 10 bosses and more than 1 hr 45 min for all 10 on hard? maybe you need to understand the meaning of raid content?


get over the fact your a slow player who hasnt done anything yet.


theres many in the same boat as myself.


you're right i'm playing it slow because i saw no need to rush at all...


i just hit 50 on tuesday, yet i still have tons of content to do...


otherwise, i'd have wound up like you, bored...

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They mentioned some stuff during that fed 10th Q&A.


I suppose its alt time or cancel until 1.2.


You know they simply cannot produce content fast enough to sate the hardcore gamer right?


That is a problem all MMOs run into. And reason games have content patches ever 2 to 6 months. And no game will ever keep up with people that play very long hours.


I for one have learned to take is slow after over 15 years of MMOs. When MMOs had lots of grind you would not see as many bored people. But wow changed all that.

Edited by Romiz
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there is no content? this is my point, they made a game with nothing in it? a lifeless world? basic mmo quests with "voice acting"? a story that ends at 50? and nothing to do when u get there.


An mmo IMO should consist of a basic leveling system, with some extras for fun, end game worth doing, lots of content, change of scenery, places to go, things to collect, a social atmosphere and and jsut general stuff that doesnt involve changing duke box music.


I see the point of my post completely flew by you. congrats.


All I was saying was congrats on being part of the 2% that play the game entirely too much. Your reward is to wait for more people to catch up. This happens in every mmo.

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That is a problem all MMOs run into. And reason games have content patches ever 2 to 6 months. And no game will ever keep up with people that play very long hours.


I for one have learned to take is slow after over 15 years of MMOs. When MMOs had lots of grind you would not see as many bored people. But wow changed all that.


Darned kids got it too good, I remember just to get a level having to spend 10+ hours with a group at a single spawn spot farming the same mobs the tank pulled to us!


Ah EQ1....frenzy group list anyone?

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An mmo IMO should consist of a basic leveling system...end game worth doing
You're a WoW kid. WoW has instilled in you that the end-game is where the fun starts, and that fun is collecting purple pixels over and over and over again.


WoW has taught you that the only reason to PvP is to collect the best PvP gear, as opposed to doing it for the competition. That's why you're asking "what do I do now that I have the best PvP gear?" rather than, you know, PvPing with it.


This game isn't for you, at least not right now. Right now, this game is for people who like role playing and story, which is why you see people telling you to make an alt.

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anything else i should be doing now im full battlemaster and rakata?


my guild is pretty much geared at both sides of the coin and we have literally NOTHING to do....?


bioware do you plan to add anything to keep us playing this MMO that has such potential and is wasted on voice acting that ends at 50...?


in MMO's end game is where the game starts for a large proportion of MMO players? since i have no reason to leave the fleet or nothing atall to do? what now? theres no exotic pet mounts to collect? no misc fun stuff? no gear other than what we have?


now what is my question?


i'de also like to suggest that that the raid content you provided takes less than 2 hours to complete on hard mode for both instances and a slight bit more for nightmare could i suggest a shorter lockout?


so can you atleast give me an incentive to play this game?


anything will do?


I love this game, but the underlying problems with the raid content are.


1. 8mans drop too much loot 4 pieces per boss on an 8 man is ridiculous, no one ever complained about 2 pieces dropping per 10 man boss in wow it was reasonable, why did BW amp up the loot so much it just decreases replayability of already very easy raid content.


2. 8 and 16 mans drop the exact same loot there is no incentive to do 16 man raids, if they had their own loot table with unique gear it would be like having a completely new raid from which to farm gear from (obviously its not actually new , but you would play it like it is)


3. All the end game gear actually drops from every mode (8 man 16 man hard mode fps etc) and it draws from a very small loot table as well. Basically for end game pve gear there is exetoch , energized and xenotech and then the tier pieces, that is it and the non tier pieces are rubbish. They need to make non tier pieces that arent part of sets that are actually good so you have to make a decision like "is it worth it to drop my set bonus for this better gear" Tier pieces shouldnt be best in slot stat wise they should be close but not best in slot. If HM FP's , 8 mans and 16 mans all had their own loot table and hard modes also had their own loot table or the same gear but with increased stats it would increase the replayability of raids 10 fold.


4. Difficulty, even in a normal OP its incredibly dissapointing for an average guild to go and try out 8 man EV and on their first night only wipe 4 times and clear the whole thing. Where is the sense of progression? Yea hard mode is a bit harder but normal mode shouldnt be that easy , it never has been in any other mmo ive played. Difficulty in wow wasnt that high but at least it still took a few weeks for an average guild to clear a raid (or longer for places like ICC)


Extremely dissapointed with the end game content so far, if they make normal mode easy, whatever but at least have normal 16 man drop different loot, your completely isolating a part of the raiding experience by giving 0 incentive for ppl to run 16 mans.

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Wait....is there anything to do in any game when you've done everything there is to do?


Please tell me this mysterious game where stuff materializes out of thin air for you to do once you've done everything there is to do.


My guild raids once a week. We finished EV today, finally. During the week we don't really play that much, a few things here and there, otherwise we do other things. $15 per month for probably 60+ hours of gameplay at least in that month, and more when new content comes.


That is completely reasonable. Try doing something besides devoting all your time to a single thing.

Edited by Dillingor
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anything else i should be doing now im full battlemaster and rakata?


my guild is pretty much geared at both sides of the coin and we have literally NOTHING to do....?


bioware do you plan to add anything to keep us playing this MMO that has such potential and is wasted on voice acting that ends at 50...?


in MMO's end game is where the game starts for a large proportion of MMO players? since i have no reason to leave the fleet or nothing atall to do? what now? theres no exotic pet mounts to collect? no misc fun stuff? no gear other than what we have?


now what is my question?


i'de also like to suggest that that the raid content you provided takes less than 2 hours to complete on hard mode for both instances and a slight bit more for nightmare could i suggest a shorter lockout?


so can you atleast give me an incentive to play this game?


anything will do?



And yet people keep complaining that gearing up is to hard.... Well you guys wanted easy gear and you got it... now you ate the carrot and there is nothing to do....

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You're a WoW kid. WoW has instilled in you that the end-game is where the fun starts, and that fun is collecting purple pixels over and over and over again.


WoW has taught you that the only reason to PvP is to collect the best PvP gear, as opposed to doing it for the competition. That's why you're asking "what do I do now that I have the best PvP gear?" rather than, you know, PvPing with it.


This game isn't for you, at least not right now. Right now, this game is for people who like role playing and story, which is why you see people telling you to make an alt.


Still character progressing and incentivising content is what mmo's are about. I got full columi a few days after hitting 50 meaning 1 week into raiding i had no reason to run normal modes anymore. Progression should be alot slower then that, getting a piece of gear should feel special not free.

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You can go play GW2 in 3 weeks time.


- Real character customization

- Real personal story w/ different "endings" + writing your own background bio included

- Dynamic events/world/PvE

- Dynamic combat/PvP

- Content scaling

- RvR PvP

- PvP Ranking

- Scale and art

- Gear customisation/dye

- Simple and innovative UI

- Multiple guilds (with tons of features, as in, levels, perks, and something as simple as a guild bank, lol)

- Much better in-house engine (and did I say modern?)

- Better graphics

- Music by Jeremy Soule (KOTOR, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim etc)

- No holy trinity of Tank, Healer, DPS

- No monthly fee


There you go.

Edited by darthtoph
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Still character progressing and incentivising content is what mmo's are about. I got full columi a few days after hitting 50 meaning 1 week into raiding i had no reason to run normal modes anymore. Progression should be alot slower then that, getting a piece of gear should feel special not free.



Is there an MMO where it's not easy to gear up that fast?

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Still character progressing and incentivising content is what mmo's are about. I got full columi a few days after hitting 50 meaning 1 week into raiding i had no reason to run normal modes anymore. Progression should be alot slower then that, getting a piece of gear should feel special not free.


You got lucky or are understating the amount of time you spent. I've done a few raids. Only got a 3 piece and one is t1. I had to buy one with comms.


The game isn't just giving me full t2 and battlemaster trust me. I play a lot.

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