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So i dont pay 8.99 to stand on the fleet all day? is there...


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anything else i should be doing now im full battlemaster and rakata?


my guild is pretty much geared at both sides of the coin and we have literally NOTHING to do....?


bioware do you plan to add anything to keep us playing this MMO that has such potential and is wasted on voice acting that ends at 50...?


in MMO's end game is where the game starts for a large proportion of MMO players? since i have no reason to leave the fleet or nothing atall to do? what now? theres no exotic pet mounts to collect? no misc fun stuff? no gear other than what we have?


now what is my question?


i'de also like to suggest that that the raid content you provided takes less than 2 hours to complete on hard mode for both instances and a slight bit more for nightmare could i suggest a shorter lockout?


so can you atleast give me an incentive to play this game?




anything will do?


Your not alone bro

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wow was more accessible and had a more defining launch with misc stuff to do.


This is far from the truthe. This statement proves you never played WoW launch.


WoW Launch Summary:


Leveling: Horridly long and boring. Kill sit drink, kill, sit drink, kill, sit drink.

Quest chains were not engaging or fun. Take quest, pass all the quest dialog and then grind. It was stupid. Not to mention you had no idea where the hell you were going.


You had to read the quests sometimes that was a chore to try and figure out where the hell to go or what to do. It was awful.


PvP: PvP was horrible. Do you not remember oh broken it was at luanch. Alterac Valley was a huge joke. PvP battles would last for days on end because no one could win and the PVP battles masters and NPCs would one shot you.


PvP gear was horrid at launch and their PvP system was broke as hell.


No raiding at lunch. Some instances that weren't that spectacular. They also lacked any and all story and no way felt you part of the experience.


Molten core was fun for a while. 40 people raids were pretty epic. So were Huntards that could auto shot have the trash there.


Server Downtime: I remember there was a whole week i couldnt even play because their server was down. I had at one time over a free extra week of gametime because they couldnt keep servers up due to population and crashing.


Spawn Rates: horrid in starting areas. This was horrible.


Bugs were everywhere as well. Just like any new MMO.


Not everything about WoW was bad. I was there at beta and loved it. It was better than anythign else before it in my opinion and I was able to have a lot of fun at their lunch when server were working. People now days are spoiled at expect all new MMOs to have everything other MMO took almost a decade to build in.


In my opinion SWTOR is doing great. They just need to iron out the bugs and optimize the game. They will add new content in to make people happy.

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Those who's sole goal in an mmo is to max out as soon as possible will always have issues with running out of content to one extent or another. There really is not a realistic answer to this since people will be finishing content at different times.


It is silly to ask if Bioware will ever release more content. Of course they will unless everyone quits today(and since subs are increasing not decreasing that is unlikely).


There are lots of suggestions for you to go back and do things you clearly have no interest to do. If you are not that interested in the different storylines, or exploring planets, or finishing off questlines - then someone on the forum saying you shouldnt have rushed and SHOULd have done all that is a silly assertion - why should you do stuff you dont find fun?


What you must accept though is that Bioware's focus is going to be on the enhancement of the game where a majority of players are currently playing it - that is unfortunately for you - people who DO like the storyline, finsihing questlines, exploring planets etc.


If you like the game enough and choose to be patient as the majority of the playerbase moves towards the end-game I would expect more implementation of end-game content.


Until then you have to decide whether you want to stick around or not.


It's all a matter of opinion my friend.

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MMO forum posts in a nutshell:


"It's too hard to gear up---make it easier to gear up." or "It's too easy to gear up, make it harder to gear up," leading inevitably to, "okay, I'm geared up, now what?"


Well, isn't that the whole problem with the gear-centric perspective most MMOs since (and before?) WoW have adopted? I, personally don't find it fun to do the same thing over and over again until I'm geared up. I'd rather do something different every time I log in. I think it's time someone comes up with a decent endgame concept, that doesn't evolve around chores like daily quest grind and instance grind.

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You are the 1% my friend. The game is designed to be entertaining to the majority. They have to fix issues that the majority of people are experiencing. Slow your roll next time and mix in some other games into your daily schedule.


What you need to understand is that BW has a limited amount of resources to be put into managing new content (for both pvp and pve), balancing classes, fixing bugs, etc. etc. There is a very small fraction of people playing this game that have gotten as far as you have. If they use their resources to address the problem that you have created by playing too much since launch, the problem will only continue. If they add another dungeon, I'm sure people like you and your guild will clear it in less than a few days. If they make the dungeon so difficult that it takes people like you over a month to clear it, then MOST of the people who play this game will likely NEVER experience the content.


In business, you want to use your resources to maximize profit potential. Thus, changes that affect the majority take precedence. I'm sure lots of great new content will come in time, but since the game is new, resources will most likely be going to bug fixes and balance.


Proceeding to tell me that your "Skills" got you to where you are, and that your playtime has nothing to do with it, is useless. Mix in a bit of "Dark Souls", and I guarantee you will be busy for MONTHS! :)

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This is far from the truthe. This statement proves you never played WoW launch.


WoW Launch Summary:


Leveling: Horridly long and boring. Kill sit drink, kill, sit drink, kill, sit drink.

Quest chains were not engaging or fun. Take quest, pass all the quest dialog and then grind. It was stupid. Not to mention you had no idea where the hell you were going.


You had to read the quests sometimes that was a chore to try and figure out where the hell to go or what to do. It was awful.


PvP: PvP was horrible. Do you not remember oh broken it was at luanch. Alterac Valley was a huge joke. PvP battles would last for days on end because no one could win and the PVP battles masters and NPCs would one shot you.


PvP gear was horrid at launch and their PvP system was broke as hell.


No raiding at lunch. Some instances that weren't that spectacular. They also lacked any and all story and no way felt you part of the experience.


Molten core was fun for a while. 40 people raids were pretty epic. So were Huntards that could auto shot have the trash there.


Server Downtime: I remember there was a whole week i couldnt even play because their server was down. I had at one time over a free extra week of gametime because they couldnt keep servers up due to population and crashing.


Spawn Rates: horrid in starting areas. This was horrible.


Bugs were everywhere as well. Just like any new MMO.


Not everything about WoW was bad. I was there at beta and loved it. It was better than anythign else before it in my opinion and I was able to have a lot of fun at their lunch when server were working. People now days are spoiled at expect all new MMOs to have everything other MMO took almost a decade to build in.


In my opinion SWTOR is doing great. They just need to iron out the bugs and optimize the game. They will add new content in to make people happy.




I liked vanilla AV :) I could get in a battle and fight till lunch time and log out and eat...get back in the same battle and logout for dinner and log back in the same battle fighting on that damn bridge.


That sucks they had no raiding at LUNCH...but hey everyone has to eat. :)


and yeah SWTOR has its problems but they are pretty minor for the most part compared to other launches. The faction imbalance is my biggest complaint.

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anything else i should be doing now im full battlemaster and rakata?


my guild is pretty much geared at both sides of the coin and we have literally NOTHING to do....?


bioware do you plan to add anything to keep us playing this MMO that has such potential and is wasted on voice acting that ends at 50...?


in MMO's end game is where the game starts for a large proportion of MMO players? since i have no reason to leave the fleet or nothing atall to do? what now? theres no exotic pet mounts to collect? no misc fun stuff? no gear other than what we have?


now what is my question?


i'de also like to suggest that that the raid content you provided takes less than 2 hours to complete on hard mode for both instances and a slight bit more for nightmare could i suggest a shorter lockout?


so can you atleast give me an incentive to play this game?


anything will do?


Or you guys could go outside for a few..

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This is far from the truthe. This statement proves you never played WoW launch.


WoW Launch Summary:



PvP: PvP was horrible. Do you not remember oh broken it was at luanch. Alterac Valley was a huge joke. PvP battles would last for days on end because no one could win and the PVP battles masters and NPCs would one shot you.



Can't include AV in your launch summary. Battlegrounds weren't added until 7 months after launch.

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anything else i should be doing now im full battlemaster and rakata?


my guild is pretty much geared at both sides of the coin and we have literally NOTHING to do....?


bioware do you plan to add anything to keep us playing this MMO that has such potential and is wasted on voice acting that ends at 50...?


in MMO's end game is where the game starts for a large proportion of MMO players? since i have no reason to leave the fleet or nothing atall to do? what now? theres no exotic pet mounts to collect? no misc fun stuff? no gear other than what we have?


now what is my question?


i'de also like to suggest that that the raid content you provided takes less than 2 hours to complete on hard mode for both instances and a slight bit more for nightmare could i suggest a shorter lockout?


so can you atleast give me an incentive to play this game?


anything will do?


Track down all the orange armor schematics you can and develop distinctive guild uniforms in light, heavy and medium then take on the toughest challenges wearing them filled with the best possible mods.


It will give your guild a big group mission, raise your visibility and raise the bar of the challenges by using slightly subpar gearing(supposedly modding is being changed to bring ornage gear up to the level of purples and sets) as well as advancing your server's crafting industry.

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MMO forum posts in a nutshell:


"It's too hard to gear up---make it easier to gear up." or "It's too easy to gear up, make it harder to gear up," leading inevitably to, "okay, I'm geared up, now what?"


It wasn't that way during ULDUAR. The perfect raid.

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And thats why I don't want to join a guild, at least for now.


Group leveling and such seems like it makes the game much too easy, from the exp bonuses to better gear / rewards from all the heroics.


After I go through a more or less solo game, I'll hit up heroics the next time around and do more space battles / pvp to level.

Edited by mmosarebad
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